View Full Version : Ron Paul, Dr. No-body, Beats Rudy and Fred -- AGAIN!

Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 06:37 PM
Ron Paul, Dr. No-body, Beats Rudy and Fred -- AGAIN!

Well, he's hanging in there. Not only that, but Rep. Ron Paul thumped two reputed Republican heavyweights in the Michigan primary -- former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Who'd have predicted that a couple of months ago?

Giuliani, you may recall if you can remember anything as distant as last summer, was the longtime GOP national front-runner in polls. He ran strongly against everybody in his party, even former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who won one last night, taking his home state from Sen. John McCain, who won there in 2000. Everybody wondered if anyone had a chance against the hero of 9/11, who defied standard Republican theocracy with his liberal social views.

But guess what? Ron Paul, the 72-year-old Texas congressman and ob-gyn who delivers babies and a strict view of the Constitution, beat Giuliani in Michigan. And beat him good. Not only that ... he doubled Giuliani's totals of 24,000 votes, or 2.8%, getting more than 52,000 votes, or 6.3%, of the total Republican ballots.

Paul even beat Thompson this time, the real consistent conservative who was supposed to be the next Ronald Reagan until he actually announced his campaign in September. Thompson got about 31,000 votes, or 3.7%, which is more than Rudy but still less than the nobody congressman with the libertarian views whom few people but his passionate partisans took seriously months ago. He's often called Dr. No for his consistent congressional votes against spending.

Paul was so written off that Fox News banned him from its recent debate in New Hampshire. Oops, now the Paulunteers are organizing a boycott of Fox sponsors in return for the snub, a move that Dennis Kucinich's fans are now calling for against MSNBC for barring him from Tuesday's Democratic debate in Las Vegas.

Read entire story here... (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/01/ronpaulscores.html)

01-16-2008, 06:52 PM
third from last.....how exciting....

Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 06:53 PM
third from last.....how exciting....

Beats fourth and fifth from last, who were so called "heavy weights."

I realize you either love or hate the guy. That's fine. I happen to like him, and maybe that makes me more of a Libertarian than I ever knew, and I'm not alone in Nevada. I think he's going to do better than people think here too. I see more Ron Paul yard signs and bumper stickers than all the rest put together around town.

01-16-2008, 06:56 PM
Beats fourth and fifth from last, who were so called "heavy weights."

true, but they werent really trying either. Not saying that is a detriment to Ron Paul who has done impressive. Just saying when they are trying, they will probably do better.

Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 08:42 PM
true, but they werent really trying either. Not saying that is a detriment to Ron Paul who has done impressive. Just saying when they are trying, they will probably do better.

I'm not saying Paul is going to win the Republican nomination because I don't believe he will. But, I do believe he's going to shake some people up good before this is all said and done.

01-16-2008, 09:14 PM
I hope the ol boy takes it all the way to the convention and there is a bloodletting. I hope that his supporters are marching on wherever the convention is. I hope he raises more money than Larry Flynt selling Hustler Magazine.

The pols are right to be scared of him and his six to ten percent. His constitutional stance alone would set back congressional powers for about a generation at least.

I don't think he'll get the nod. Even if he won every primary hands down somehow the RNC would jilt him. But, imagine an America waking up to the fact that there is a Constitution?

Hugh Lincoln
01-16-2008, 09:35 PM

Pale Rider
01-16-2008, 09:44 PM
I hope the ol boy takes it all the way to the convention and there is a bloodletting. I hope that his supporters are marching on wherever the convention is. I hope he raises more money than Larry Flynt selling Hustler Magazine.

The pols are right to be scared of him and his six to ten percent. His constitutional stance alone would set back congressional powers for about a generation at least.

I don't think he'll get the nod. Even if he won every primary hands down somehow the RNC would jilt him. But, imagine an America waking up to the fact that there is a Constitution?

That's what I like about him best. He's a constitutionalist. I think this country needs to back up and regroup, especially the Republican party. When liberals like McCain, Huck Fin and Giuliani can run on the Repub ticket, something is drastically wrong. These pin heads are liberals, and if people that call themselves conservatives finds the likes them more appealing than a constitutionalist like R.P., then they can include themselves with what's wrong with the Republican party.

01-16-2008, 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by pegwinn http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=187638#post187638)
I hope the ol boy takes it all the way to the convention and there is a bloodletting. I hope that his supporters are marching on wherever the convention is. I hope he raises more money than Larry Flynt selling Hustler Magazine.

The pols are right to be scared of him and his six to ten percent. His constitutional stance alone would set back congressional powers for about a generation at least.

I don't think he'll get the nod. Even if he won every primary hands down somehow the RNC would jilt him. But, imagine an America waking up to the fact that there is a Constitution?
That's what I like about him best. He's a constitutionalist. I think this country needs to back up regroup, especially the Republican party. When liberals like McCain, Huck Fin and Giuliani can run on the Repub ticket, something is drastically wrong. These pin heads are liberals, and if people that call themselves conservatives finds the likes them more appealing than a constitutionalist like R.P., then they can include themselves with what's wrong with the Republican party.

I don't call myself anything but a realist. While I like RP's general philosophy, a lot of it will no longer work in the real world. What pisses me off is that back when it would work, it was ignored.

01-16-2008, 10:51 PM
Ron Paul, Dr. No-body, Beats Rudy and Fred -- AGAIN!

Well, he's hanging in there. Not only that, but Rep. Ron Paul thumped two reputed Republican heavyweights in the Michigan primary -- former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Who'd have predicted that a couple of months ago?

Giuliani, you may recall if you can remember anything as distant as last summer, was the longtime GOP national front-runner in polls. He ran strongly against everybody in his party, even former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who won one last night, taking his home state from Sen. John McCain, who won there in 2000. Everybody wondered if anyone had a chance against the hero of 9/11, who defied standard Republican theocracy with his liberal social views.

But guess what? Ron Paul, the 72-year-old Texas congressman and ob-gyn who delivers babies and a strict view of the Constitution, beat Giuliani in Michigan. And beat him good. Not only that ... he doubled Giuliani's totals of 24,000 votes, or 2.8%, getting more than 52,000 votes, or 6.3%, of the total Republican ballots.

Paul even beat Thompson this time, the real consistent conservative who was supposed to be the next Ronald Reagan until he actually announced his campaign in September. Thompson got about 31,000 votes, or 3.7%, which is more than Rudy but still less than the nobody congressman with the libertarian views whom few people but his passionate partisans took seriously months ago. He's often called Dr. No for his consistent congressional votes against spending.

Paul was so written off that Fox News banned him from its recent debate in New Hampshire. Oops, now the Paulunteers are organizing a boycott of Fox sponsors in return for the snub, a move that Dennis Kucinich's fans are now calling for against MSNBC for barring him from Tuesday's Democratic debate in Las Vegas.

Read entire story here... (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/01/ronpaulscores.html) BIG DEAL the Libtards in Michigan voted for Dr Kook thats not a big surprise. in states were the Demorats can't cross over he's a no show

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 12:24 AM
BIG DEAL the Libtards in Michigan voted for Dr Kook thats not a big surprise. in states were the Demorats can't cross over he's a no show

So... tell me how you really feel RWB2... :laugh:

Hugh Lincoln
01-17-2008, 12:31 AM
BIG DEAL the Libtards in Michigan voted for Dr Kook thats not a big surprise. in states were the Demorats can't cross over he's a no show

Ron Paul is kicking Giuliani's ass all over the place. Apparently there's not a big call for a cross-dressing Zionist to head the country.

01-17-2008, 12:32 AM
I'm not saying Paul is going to win the Republican nomination because I don't believe he will. But, I do believe he's going to shake some people up good before this is all said and done.

I actually like the fact that he will shake some people up.

Pale Rider
01-17-2008, 12:37 AM
I actually like the fact that he will shake some people up.

No doubt. There is a vast group of pure right wing, constitutionalist, conservatives that feel as though their party has gotten way off track, which includes me, and is in dire need of someone to get them back on track, and Ron Paul is that man. He's tapped into that group, and that group even goes across party lines.

01-17-2008, 04:39 PM
No doubt. There is a vast group of pure right wing, constitutionalist, conservatives that feel as though their party has gotten way off track, which includes me, and is in dire need of someone to get them back on track, and Ron Paul is that man. He's tapped into that group, and that group even goes across party lines.

Exactly. He's the only candidate in the race who is close to traditional Old-Right Conservative values, ala Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater. There is a big movement in the Constitution Party to draft Ron Paul if he drops out of the GOP race.

01-17-2008, 07:13 PM
Exactly. He's the only candidate in the race who is close to traditional Old-Right Conservative values, ala Robert Taft and Barry Goldwater. There is a big movement in the Constitution Party to draft Ron Paul if he drops out of the GOP race.

And the Libertarian Party, IIRC.

01-17-2008, 11:30 PM
And the Libertarian Party, IIRC.

The LP situation is a little more tense. The LP wants him, but it's very obvious that Ron Paul wants nothing to do with the LP.

His views actually fit more in line with the Constitution Party (though not perfectly).

01-18-2008, 12:22 AM
Ron Paul, Dr. No-body, Beats Rudy and Fred -- AGAIN!

Well, he's hanging in there. Not only that, but Rep. Ron Paul thumped two reputed Republican heavyweights in the Michigan primary -- former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Who'd have predicted that a couple of months ago?

Giuliani, you may recall if you can remember anything as distant as last summer, was the longtime GOP national front-runner in polls. He ran strongly against everybody in his party, even former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who won one last night, taking his home state from Sen. John McCain, who won there in 2000. Everybody wondered if anyone had a chance against the hero of 9/11, who defied standard Republican theocracy with his liberal social views.

But guess what? Ron Paul, the 72-year-old Texas congressman and ob-gyn who delivers babies and a strict view of the Constitution, beat Giuliani in Michigan. And beat him good. Not only that ... he doubled Giuliani's totals of 24,000 votes, or 2.8%, getting more than 52,000 votes, or 6.3%, of the total Republican ballots.

Paul even beat Thompson this time, the real consistent conservative who was supposed to be the next Ronald Reagan until he actually announced his campaign in September. Thompson got about 31,000 votes, or 3.7%, which is more than Rudy but still less than the nobody congressman with the libertarian views whom few people but his passionate partisans took seriously months ago. He's often called Dr. No for his consistent congressional votes against spending.

Paul was so written off that Fox News banned him from its recent debate in New Hampshire. Oops, now the Paulunteers are organizing a boycott of Fox sponsors in return for the snub, a move that Dennis Kucinich's fans are now calling for against MSNBC for barring him from Tuesday's Democratic debate in Las Vegas.

Read entire story here... (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/01/ronpaulscores.html)

The only reason Dr. Kook err Ron Paul beat them is neither one focused on that state at all. They didn't even put any resources into that state. Rudy is not counting on any primaries other then Florida and Thompson is putting all his resources into South Carolina, besides Thompson is to lazy and not good a motivating people to get them to come out in full force for him. If either even put a little effort into that state they would have dusted him.

01-18-2008, 12:30 AM
Beats fourth and fifth from last, who were so called "heavy weights."

I realize you either love or hate the guy. That's fine. I happen to like him, and maybe that makes me more of a Libertarian than I ever knew, and I'm not alone in Nevada. I think he's going to do better than people think here too. I see more Ron Paul yard signs and bumper stickers than all the rest put together around town.

A lot of campaigns don't waste money on yard signs, they arn't as effective as TV, Radio and internet advertising. They are a waste of money as they either get damaged or stolen. Ron Paul has been wasting a buttload of money on stupid things like yard signs.

If Paul wins Nevada(which will never happen) we will be the laughing stock of the entire country. Noone will take us seriously again as we couldn't even pick a real candidate.

01-18-2008, 12:31 AM
Ron Paul is more of a responsible Republican than your christ, gwb. Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-18-2008, 03:32 AM
The only reason Dr. Kook err Ron Paul beat them is neither one focused on that state at all. They didn't even put any resources into that state. Rudy is not counting on any primaries other then Florida and Thompson is putting all his resources into South Carolina, besides Thompson is to lazy and not good a motivating people to get them to come out in full force for him. If either even put a little effort into that state they would have dusted him.

This is a completely invalid criticism, because Ron Paul also almost completely ignored the state of Michigan, which wasn't smart of him to do. With an open primary and no Democratic primary to speak of, he could have garnered a significant amount of crossover support. Unfortunately he did not take advantage of that. However, your assertion that Ron Paul campaigned much in Michigan is completely ignorant of what the candidates are doing right now.