View Full Version : Huckabee use of religion in Michigan

01-12-2008, 11:01 PM

"I'm not going to ask you to get up in your pulpit and use your pulpit to endorse me, because I think the only person you ought to endorse from your pulpit is Jesus, and you don't need to endorse me there," Huckabee said at this morning's pastor's breakfast.

"But most of you have email lists or phone call lists or you have – as an individual, you are unrestricted in what you do as an individual, not using the facilities or the nuances of your church, but as an individual because you've got great influence.

"And I'm asking you to help get people to think about this election…in terms of direction of where this country's going to go and whether or not it's going to be led by people who share that Judeo-Christian value and ethic or whether they do not."

I am sick and tired of him trying to use the resources from various Church's to get himself elected. And I cant believe that all these pastors will give it to him no questions asked.

I have a very large problem when people invoke the name of Christ to get themselves elected. Because they aren't talking about Christ to build His Kingdom. They are talking about Him to build their own power.

I especially dont like liberalism being masked by Christianity.

01-12-2008, 11:58 PM

I am sick and tired of him trying to use the resources from various Church's to get himself elected. And I cant believe that all these pastors will give it to him no questions asked.

I have a very large problem when people invoke the name of Christ to get themselves elected. Because they aren't talking about Christ to build His Kingdom. They are talking about Him to build their own power.

I especially dont like liberalism being masked by Christianity.

Hucklebee knows he's about to stard to drown and he will do everything he can to try to keep his head above water.