View Full Version : Religious Freedom and Treason

02-17-2007, 12:23 PM
Were the writers and signers of our constitution even remotely aware that the there may be a conflict between protecting the freedom to practice religion and protecting our country from acts aimed at destroying our way of life ?

02-17-2007, 12:55 PM
Were the writers and signers of our constitution even remotely aware that the there may be a conflict between protecting the freedom to practice religion and protecting our country from acts aimed at destroying our way of life ?

The excusionary clause was intended to accomplish keeping organized religion and government separate.

One cannot legislate a "way of life" in a democracy.

You can elaborate on how you perceive the freedom to practice religion is aimed at destroying our way of life.

02-17-2007, 01:13 PM
The excusionary clause was intended to accomplish keeping organized religion and government separate.

One cannot legislate a "way of life" in a democracy.

You can elaborate on how you perceive the freedom to practice religion is aimed at destroying our way of life.

I was considering the ramifications when a religion (Islam) seeks to usurp and abuse authority not granted to them nor achieved through due process.

Mr. P
02-17-2007, 01:21 PM
Were the writers and signers of our constitution even remotely aware that the there may be a conflict between protecting the freedom to practice religion and protecting our country from acts aimed at destroying our way of life ?

I doubt it, but don't know for sure. Seems unlikely. :dunno:

02-17-2007, 01:48 PM
I was considering the ramifications when a religion (Islam) seeks to usurp and abuse authority not granted to them nor achieved through due process.

You mean kind of like they way the libs use judicial decree to enact legislation they could not otherwise get passed?

The Achille's Heel of democracy is its enemies can use its freedoms against it; especially, when liberals would rather see this Nation eventually destroyed so long as they are not inconvenienced in the slightest in the now.

02-17-2007, 04:46 PM
You mean kind of like they way the libs use judicial decree to enact legislation they could not otherwise get passed?

The Achille's Heel of democracy is its enemies can use its freedoms against it; especially, when liberals would rather see this Nation eventually destroyed so long as they are not inconvenienced in the slightest in the now.

Sort of-----Why do think Bush chose to "sell" the war in Iraq the way he did as opposed to just bluntly declaring that Saddam was our enemy in the middle of a nest of Islamic terrorists bent on destroying Israel and America ? Did he think the declaring war on the extreme wing of Islam would be a non-starter or that critics were standing there already prepared to nail him with some consdtitutional "freedom to worship" slant?

02-17-2007, 05:09 PM
Sort of-----Why do think Bush chose to "sell" the war in Iraq the way he did as opposed to just bluntly declaring that Saddam was our enemy in the middle of a nest of Islamic terrorists bent on destroying Israel and America ? Did he think the declaring war on the extreme wing of Islam would be a non-starter or that critics were standing there already prepared to nail him with some consdtitutional "freedom to worship" slant?

First of all Dilloduck, we don't agree, but as surprised as I am, I'm more surprised as to the subject we don't agree on.

Would you be so kind as to help me out here. You seem to be trying to "sell" the FACT that our President, and his staff were selling Saddam's lie's, and genocide as a way to get the American people to declare war on his sorry ass.

I appreciate that our President was fast on the draw when it came to what Saddam, and his slime ball family were doing.

I'm proud, that we killed his son's, and finally, after way too much time, killed his sorry ass.

I thought YOU were "on board" with this course of action?

Funny how things change huh?

Kinda like the liberal left changed THEIR mind about voting for war against the Muslims, and the radical preachings of the Islamic religion.

02-17-2007, 05:34 PM
First of all Dilloduck, we don't agree, but as surprised as I am, I'm more surprised as to the subject we don't agree on.

Would you be so kind as to help me out here. You seem to be trying to "sell" the FACT that our President, and his staff were selling Saddam's lie's, and genocide as a way to get the American people to declare war on his sorry ass.

I appreciate that our President was fast on the draw when it came to what Saddam, and his slime ball family were doing.

I'm proud, that we killed his son's, and finally, after way too much time, killed his sorry ass.

I thought YOU were "on board" with this course of action?

Funny how things change huh?

Kinda like the liberal left changed THEIR mind about voting for war against the Muslims, and the radical preachings of the Islamic religion.

The president and his staff attempted to get Saddam to abdicate or face invasion. They used a number of reasons (tactics) to convince America and the world to support this course of action. Why didn't he just explain that this was part of the larger war on Islamo-facism ? Not enough support ?

02-17-2007, 05:39 PM
The president and his staff attempted to get Saddam to abdicate or face invasion. They used a number of reasons (tactics) to convince America and the world to support this course of action. Why didn't he just explain that this was part of the larger war on Islamo-facism ? Not enough support ?

Seemed like support enough at the time.

Wish I could "revisit" decisions that I've made, and possibly re-due them.

We live in a world of "the moment", as much fun as it is to push "replay", it ain't possible in real life.

All things considered, He did the right thing.

02-17-2007, 07:10 PM
Seemed like support enough at the time.

Wish I could "revisit" decisions that I've made, and possibly re-due them.

We live in a world of "the moment", as much fun as it is to push "replay", it ain't possible in real life.

All things considered, He did the right thing.

Spilled milk but is there still time to communicate what this fight is all about or are the taking points all layed out in stone? I always assumed that "stay the course" meant that we continued to confront Islamo-terrorism on a daily basis.

02-17-2007, 08:45 PM
Spilled milk but is there still time to communicate what this fight is all about or are the taking points all layed out in stone? I always assumed that "stay the course" meant that we continued to confront Islamo-terrorism on a daily basis.

No, its not "laid out in stone", can't be, the climate changes, the battlefield changes, shit happens.

As to "stay the course" that is practical, and in today's climate needs to happen.

I'm comfortable with a policy that harasses, and pursues our enemies wherever they might hide.

02-17-2007, 09:06 PM
No, its not "laid out in stone", can't be, the climate changes, the battlefield changes, shit happens.

As to "stay the course" that is practical, and in today's climate needs to happen.

I'm comfortable with a policy that harasses, and pursues our enemies wherever they might hide.

Me too but liberals thinks it's a bit too mean.