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  1. President/McConnell Start With 2nd Restrictions Bi-Partisan Try
  2. Good News In Afghanistan?
  3. The Peaceful Left
  4. President Trump To Visit El Paso and Dayton Tomorrow
  5. Will Barr Help Protect The Republic?
  6. Wow! There's One Thing I Agree With Hillary C
  7. What Do You Think Should Be Done Regarding Gun Control Issues?
  8. This Seems Germane To Democrats Being Socialists
  9. Judicial Watch Has Ohr's 302s
  10. Those Red Flag Laws
  11. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids
  12. Dayton Killer's Sister Identified As His Brother
  13. Washington Post Owner and Child Labor/Chinese Spying?
  14. This Is What
  15. Leave Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Alone
  16. Media go far beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome in attacking president
  17. New York Withdraws One Of Its Gun Laws
  18. Since The Schools Are Doing Such A Bang-Up Job. . .
  19. WAPO Laments the First Amendment?
  20. The REAL Chris Cuomo
  21. liberals are very selective when it comes to their outrage over mass shootings
  22. Latest Epstein Updates
  23. China Didn't Blink First
  24. Notice How We Haven't Heard SQUAT About AOC or Omar For Awhile?
  25. Democrat Leaders Warn SCOTUS
  26. No Doubt Which Is the Party of Violence
  27. The War On Boys/Men
  28. Will Obama React To The Obvious Lies?
  29. White Supremacists and Red Flags (Yep, who says things don't spread?)
  30. This Is Funny
  31. Who'd Have Thunk?
  32. Oh My Eyes!
  33. This Seems Possibly BIG Regarding Hillary Emails
  34. More Things Being Made Available-Judicial Watch?
  35. Democrats Defining Murder
  36. This Weekend: Portland
  37. LIVE: President Trump Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire -
  38. Where Trump will donate part of his salary
  39. Two Anti-Semites Tried To Stumble Into Israel
  40. 9th Circuit Hands Admin Another Win, For Now
  41. Parents Upset: Guess Why
  42. Tlaib Now Wants To Boycott Bill Maher
  43. Mueller team lied - Mifsud Confirms He is Western Intelligence Operative...
  44. Crenshaw on American Flag in Hong Kong, and Antifa
  45. It Is Not White People’s Place to Determine If Trump Is Racist
  46. CNN Found It Controversial that Trump Wants to Brand Antifa as Terrorists
  47. Illinois Democrat State Lawmaker Simulates Assassination Attempt of President Trump
  48. Trump Supporters Asked About Trump's Call For RED FLAG LAWS...
  49. Something To Thank Omar & Tlaib For
  50. What do you think about the KY and LA laws requiring schools to post "In God We Trust
  51. AOC mocks middle American's Re: voting
  52. An Aha! Moment: Republicans Think US Colleges Are Not Helpful
  53. Migrants Fail to Scale New Border Wall Section
  54. Kamala Harris Drops 12 Percent After Second Debates
  55. The idiotic antifa members that were arrested
  56. 1619 Project
  57. So Google Meddled With The 2016 Election...
  58. That Jill Biden Ad
  59. How To Release Trump-Russia Documents
  60. 10 Declassified Russia Collusion Revelations That Will Change Everything You Know
  61. Trump Assures Us that Universal Background Checks Are Off the Table
  62. Nothing To See Here. . .
  63. Scared to Death Activists Crash DNC Summer Meeting
  64. Ending Birthright Citizenship
  65. Israel Doing The Dirty Work In Iraq, Against Iran
  66. Crime Stats Increase Citizens v Non-Citizens
  67. Orders Businesses Deputizes Delivery Companies Just Another Day
  68. Ruth Bader Ginsberg
  69. Trying To Block On Twitter-Fight On, Again
  70. A$AP Rocky
  71. Biden is Off the Rails with This
  72. Wow! People Not Talking/Acting On Politics
  73. Pres. Trump Says Middle-Class Tax Cut Coming If Re-Elected And GOP Keeps Senate, Take
  74. Former Overstock CEO Alleges Peter Strzok Gave Orders During Russia Investigation
  75. Political Surveys
  76. NYC: Looking For. . .
  77. Joe Walsh announces Republican challenge to Trump
  78. Who/What Comes Closest To Making The Case 'For' Voting For Trump
  79. I am an extremely incendiary and hateful person
  80. 'I'm Glad He's Dead' and 'I Hope the End Was Painful'
  81. If I Could Cite One Man Responsible For The Failure Of Our Civic Education
  82. Here's Why Democrats Should Be Scared of a Supreme Court Vacancy in 2020
  83. Psychiatrist on CNN about Trump
  84. CNN Hack “Reporter” Repeatedly Owned By Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio at Portland
  85. John Brennan Caught in Another Big One – Claims Ignorance of Material Events Involvin
  86. Hitting Back At MSM Blatant Hate
  87. China's Potential Victims Help US
  88. China Signals 'Back to the Table' Markets Up
  89. Now China gives an inch?
  90. Now Joe Walsh and racism
  91. Sheldon hit with complaint for "threatening" the SC
  92. Big announcement from Democrats
  93. kudos to Bernie Sander
  94. When the US Doesn't Keep Promises
  95. Beto O’Rourke Won’t Say If Life Of Baby — Even One Day From Birth — Has Value
  96. IG Horowitz has Concluded ALL FOUR FISA Warrants to Spy on Trump Campaign and Adminis
  97. NYT writer bugs out over being called a bedbug
  98. NYC Crime Will Go Up or Down?
  99. Expect Andrew McCabe to be Indicted Any Day
  100. Draft Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Governor Begins
  101. Idaho Governor Criticizes 'Activist Court' for Ordering Gender Surgery for Convicted
  102. WOW....The quin....polls say Trump falls behind 4 Dems
  103. The Things I Come Across
  104. READ: IG report on James Comey memos
  105. Anyone heard from Adam Schiff in the last couple months?
  106. "But I Would Not Feel So All Alone, Everybody Must Get Stoned"
  107. AOC - still and idiot, and growing
  108. "I Hope Deadly Hurricane Destroys Trump’s Home"
  109. The Comey saga continues, and then some...
  110. Hilarious political story of the day
  111. This is a bullshit ruling.
  112. Next on the freebie list - past medical debt
  113. Time for Warren to hit the meat grinder
  114. Biden Hasn't Changed In 32 Years
  115. Republicans Looking to Target 'The Squad' in Campaign Ads
  116. Elizabeth Warren Demands Gun Control Vote Before Midland Facts Known
  117. Black people supporting Trump is mental illness
  118. Told you so, Comey was innocent, nothing classified leaked
  119. Truth Matters? ABC Panel Defends Joe Biden Telling False War Story
  120. Ilhan Omar: 'We Have to Bring in the UN' to Deal with Border Crisis
  121. The left still believes the Obama admin was fully scandal free
  122. Sanders: Climate Change Deniers ‘Should Not Be in Congress’
  123. Beto Admits He Will Forcefully Confiscate Firearms If He’s Elected President
  124. Joe Biden - Unfit for President
  125. Smartass Alyssa Milano - Cruz puts her in her place
  126. Things About Obama I Never Knew, and are SHOCKING...
  127. Omar's Husband Talks
  128. So Us Trump Supporters Don't Bitch About What He Does?
  129. Dem Congressman Claims It's Easier to Buy an AR-15 Than Sudafed, Hilarity Ensues
  130. Chicago Mayor Would Love It If Democrat POTUS Proposed TOTAL Gun Ban
  131. I simply can not believe what I'm reading on another board
  132. Arctic is another region of geopolitical struggle
  133. Boatlift
  134. The Man In The Red Bandana
  135. Independent Schultz will not run
  136. 9/11 Timeline
  137. More Swamp Draining?
  138. Epstein, MIT, Following the Money
  139. Antifa Calls Anti-Hate Black A White Supremacist
  140. Well this seems to prove what I was saying about Rosenstein back then and got mocked
  141. Trump's Tweets
  142. Baltimore: Van Leaking Gas, 1000lbs of Gas!
  143. Jerry Falwell Jr People Are Talking
  144. Have Kids Or Grandkids? Schools Are For Learning, But What?
  145. Musings on President Trump
  146. CNN Tries To Step Into Coup Attempt Footprints?
  147. Bolton Out
  148. Trump Paul?
  149. America Attacked 9 1 1
  150. Animal Farm
  151. “Some people did something”?
  152. "He's Fired!" "No, I Resigned!"
  153. Fannie and Freddie, Back In The News
  154. Another SCOTUS Win On Immigration
  155. Red Flag Slippery Slope
  156. A Day Late
  157. Forgot How Long 'The Onion' Has Been Around
  158. Things Are Getting Interesting With Iran
  159. US ATTY Recommends Charges Against McCabe
  160. Well That's That!
  161. Democrat debate
  162. Surprise! Teachers Are Not In Favor Of Relaxing School Discipline
  163. Yesterday McCabe Possible Indictment; Today IG Report To Barr
  164. President Trump Condemns Democrat Efforts Toward Impeachment, Mainstream Media
  165. U.S. Judge Jeanine: Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason FOX News Videos 12 hours
  166. Fake News Is Pushing Already Debunked Story by Drunk Kavanaugh Accuser ....
  167. DESPERATE 2020 Dem. Candidates BEG Media To Stop Fact Checking Them During Debates
  168. NYT Editor Has To Walk Back Non-Accusation
  169. So Beto wants to take our guns
  170. Donald Trump Rally, Albuquerque New Mexico – 8:00/9:00pm Live Stream…TONIGHT!
  171. AZ Is A Bit Different
  172. Just wow
  173. Good Steps In The Right Direction
  174. In Two Days Fed Pours Most Money Since 2009
  175. Abortions Fall To Lowest Rate Since Roe V Wade Upheld
  176. Omar, Daddy, Brother
  177. Whistleblower Complaint Involves Trump Communication With Foreign Leader
  178. War Weary
  179. Official Now: IG Referred Both Comey and McCabe For Possible Indictment
  180. De blasio...quit today.
  181. Colt Says Its Decision to Stop Making AR-15 Rifles for Civilians Is Driven by Custome
  182. ACORN - 10 years later - remembering Andrew Breitbart
  183. NY Times - Summer Bummer
  184. Ukranian foreign minister.... and former Ukranian SS official....
  185. Like I said - ignorant and uninformed
  186. US Soldier arrested
  187. For the climate change girl
  188. My my how time makes people forget their actions!
  189. A Happy Ending For A Chaotic Day
  190. Yup
  191. Bad News and Good News
  192. State Department ratchets up Clinton email probe: report
  193. Biden Campaign Asks Media to Blacklist Rudy Giuliani
  194. I hate parents
  195. "Joe Biden, what are you hiding?
  196. Trump is heading into reelection in a manufacturing recession
  197. Maxine Waters. Chairman of the 2020 Reelect Donald Trump campaign!
  198. Bernie Has Cardiac Event
  199. Should Senators Running for President Recuse Themselves from Impeachment Trial?
  200. Kevin McCarthy Signs Resolution to Censure ‘Lying’ Adam Schiff
  201. Rosie O’Donnell Deletes Her Twitter Poll
  202. Warning: grab a barf bag before opening
  203. Unemployment Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969
  204. I Fought The Swamp And The Swamp Won?
  205. Changing Things
  206. Gowdy on Schiff's interaction with the whistleblower
  207. Elizabeth Warren Caught Lying About Being Fired From Teaching Over Pregnancy
  208. If the House Won’t Vote, Impeachment Inquiry Is Just a Democratic Stunt
  209. DOJ IG Report on FISA Abuse to be Released in Two Weeks
  210. US Sells Out Kurds To Turkey
  211. Reading this thread REALLY makes me sad for this country
  212. Trump gets stay appeal in NY against tax returns
  213. Absolutely pathetic
  214. Hillary - "Don't tempt me" in response to running again
  215. Dems charged 20k for security - now 500k for Trump
  216. Trey Gowdy joins Trump legal team
  217. Trump is your socialist president
  218. Democrats' Fear of Durham About to Reach Panic Level
  219. Hillary talking about running again makes me think of this movie clip
  220. DOJ Announces Arrest of Defense Official For Leaking Information to Journalists
  221. Hillary into the conversation
  222. Joe Biden profited $$$ from Burisma. where his son worked
  223. The UN Cheats US With Fake Somalians Via Bribes
  224. Sleep Joe, to Lying Joe, to Corrupt Joe, to now Crybaby Joe
  225. Looking at Democrat side of 2020
  226. ...ahhhhhhh...Yes....TRUMP Rally from HELL Live Tonight >> Minneapolis, MN 7:00 PM
  227. As to the Fox New poll on impeachment
  228. What I Fear
  229. Whistleblower Worked With Biden?
  230. BREAKING: CIA Whistleblower ‘Worked with Joe Biden'
  231. Winding Up On The MN Rally
  232. That Whole 'Capitalize China' Thing
  233. On Impeachment
  234. Then They Came For Me
  235. Triggered by a hat
  236. As to it being a coup attempt
  237. Dems hiding whistleblower at all costs
  238. Ukraine Files: Bidens Got $17.5 Million In Racketeering
  239. Now Chelsea in congress?
  240. Entitlements
  241. Now Biden warns other candidates?
  242. Anti-Trump Thug Spits In Trump Supporter’s Face
  243. NOW there will be sanctions
  244. Shep Smith done at Fox
  245. Chinese officials happy with latest deal
  246. .....Shepard Smith Is Leaving Fox News
  247. Another PACKED house...Trump Rally LIVE in Lake Charles, LA >> NOW...
  248. Democrats Privately Urging Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote
  249. Mexico does more than Democrats
  250. O'Rourke - Churches and Tax Exempt status