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  1. Democrat Women Get Naked to Protest GOP With ‘Grab Them by the Ballot’ Campaign
  2. Former Fox News Host Reportedly Offered Job of UN Ambassador
  3. CNN really went out on a limb here
  4. Beto Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies For Caravan Aliens
  5. Trump "tries" to pay his respects for Synagogue victims
  6. Facebook Eliminates Top Conservative Accts but Antifa Terrorists Still have Free Rein
  7. You Are NOT Going To Believe THIS One...
  8. So I'm Watching The WEATHER CHANNEL And...
  9. Unemployment Rate Falls to Lowest Since 1969...
  10. Remember The "KILL ALL JEWS" That Was Written On The Synagogue?
  11. Vote! ads and signs
  12. Veritas - O'Rourke helping illegals
  13. .....Why are Democrats so angry?
  14. Why does Heitkamp continue to lie about hunting licenses?
  15. Complete List of President Trump’s Accomplishments Two Years
  16. "Political racist connections"
  17. Republicans have delivered as Democrats went off the deep end
  18. Full Brett Kavanaugh Report: ‘No Evidence’ of Sexual Misconduct
  19. Caravan File Class Action Lawsuit Against the U.S. For Violating Their COTUS rights
  20. A Nation in Turmoil Prepares to Deliver a Verdict on Trump
  21. Trump and his non-PC comments
  22. Elections Expert: Early Voting Shows Republicans Exceeding Their 2016 Numbers
  23. If Blue Wave Fails, Liberal Rage Will Be Out of Control
  24. What Kind of Democrat Can Beat Trump in 2020?
  25. Hey Rick
  26. What’s your theory?
  27. I haven't seen Trump commit anything 'close' to an impeachable offense
  28. Gillum intern arrested for tossing chocolate milk
  29. Armed Black Panthers Lobby for Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams
  30. CNN Refuses to Air Trump Campaign’s “Racist” Caravan Ad
  31. “There’s Never Been Crowds Like This in History of Politics!”
  32. Hannity and Limbaugh join president Trump as special guests at final campaign rally
  33. Closing Argument: Three Reasons to Vote Republican Tomorrow
  34. Reporter gets shredded for saying something nice about former Navy Seal
  35. "Death to America... Death to Israel"
  36. A Prayer for This Nation in its Hour of Need
  37. Did Anyone Else Watch The Final Trump Rally in Cape Girardeau Tonight?
  38. We Lost Our Republican Governor, Scott Walker, Yesterday...
  39. I Think States Need a New Plan
  40. **Exchange between President Trump and Radical leftist CNN's Jim Acosta ....
  41. Sessions Canned Today
  42. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Retire from the US Supreme Court in January, 2019...
  43. Chelsea Handler blames white women for O'Rourke loss
  44. I Think it Amazingly Funny
  45. Ocasio-Cortez For House Speaker?
  46. A mob showed up outside Tucker Carlson's home and ordered him to 'leave town'
  47. How the left starts fake news
  48. Vote: freedom of the press
  49. WSJ: Trump to Sign EO This Week to Revamp Asylum Process
  50. Once again
  51. Men and the recent shooting
  52. Trump signs order limiting immigrants
  53. What should happen to Brazilian Communists when they seek asylum in the USA?
  54. Senator Coburn Tells Congress What We're All Thinking...
  55. CNN and Jim Acosta file lawsuit against Trump administration
  56. Democrats and voter fraud -2018 version
  57. This is lunacy: Florida election controversy proves the left has brainwashed society
  58. Woke Lindsey Graham: There’s Nothing Democrats Won’t Do to Win
  59. A Knock at the door.........
  60. This is what happens when you anger papa Trump.....
  61. Dem Sen Brown: ‘If Stacey Abrams Doesn’t Win in Georgia, They Stole It’
  62. Woodward Rips CNN Lawsuit: Media ‘Emotionally Unhinged’ over Trump
  63. DOJ Office of Legal Counsel: Matt Whitaker Can Serve as Acting Attorney General
  64. The Same Liberal Media Defending Jim Acosta BLOCKED Breitbart and Gateway Pundit...
  65. Beyond Words
  66. Yet more election fraud - Florida in this one
  67. Sore loser Stacey Abrams
  68. Dems will count votes until they get result they want
  69. Trump: ‘We’re Writing Up Rules and Regulations’ for Reporter Decorum
  70. Is Bill and Hillary's tour a sideshow the Democrats don't need?
  71. While Everyone Was Fixated on FL, the Dem Trash Were Busy STEALING Other Elections...
  72. Washington State Police Chief Vows Zero Enforcement of Newly Passed Gun Controls
  73. Legally Own a Gun, Mongrel Dem Wants to Nuke You
  74. Trump Endorses Pelosi
  75. Democrat Gillum Concedes Florida
  76. Oy Criminoly, Brenda Snipes - and now comes the race card
  77. Unemployment Rate at Record Low in 10 States: California, New York, Texas, Missouri..
  78. I know who I’m supporting
  79. Trump Says It's a 'Good Time' for a Government Shutdown Over Wall Funding
  80. CNN Legend Larry King: CNN 'Is Not a News Network'
  81. CNN’s Kirsten Powers: White Women Who Support Trump Are All ‘Racist’
  82. At Least He Didn't Call Him "Little Piece Of Schitt"
  83. White House Tells Acosta He Will Be Banned Again in Two Weeks
  84. *Described as a cross between "rotting flesh, unwashed socks and a sewer......"
  85. Scarborough: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Going to Win Re-Election’
  86. Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Resigns
  87. If the Radical Left Takes Over, You Can Kiss Your Freedoms Goodbye
  88. Sixteen House Dems Vow to Stop Pelosi for Speaker
  89. Gallup Poll: Illegal Immigration ‘Top Problem’ Facing U.S.
  90. I’m thankful for Trump … and I’m not alone
  91. ‘Justice Democrat’ Ilhan Omar Argued Against Bill on Female Genital Mutilation
  92. I'm actually rooting for Pelosi
  93. Mueller Needs "Special" Protection?
  94. Mueller Did Not Ask Trump Any Questions About Obstruction of Justice
  95. Florida Officials Are Investigating Democrat Party for Fraud
  96. Mattis Says He Has Extra Authority to Use Military on Border
  97. "No Trump lawyer or Obama lawyer"
  98. Obama: American too 'confused, blind, and shrouded with hate'
  99. Here are Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s most spectacular FAILS so far
  100. Obama ‘Very Confident’ He Would’ve Won 3rd Term
  101. Deal reached Mexico - asylum seekers will wait
  102. *Dan Bongino - Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History.......
  103. Trump is right about biased judges
  104. Barbara Streisand: Women are too stupid to vote on their own
  105. Michelle Obama-Oprah 2020 Ticket Can't Win Because Racism
  106. Ocasio-Cortez compares migrant caravan to the Jews fleeing the holocaust
  107. Talk about over-reaction to border issue
  108. Border Incident Exact Replay of When Obama Used Tear Gas at Border
  109. New Muslim From Minnesota Demanding America Bend to Islam...
  110. Unhinged Democrats Hang Nooses at MS State Capitol Day Before Election
  111. The Top 10 Crimes by the Corrupt and Conflicted Mueller Investigative team
  112. The Senate Expands It's Majority With Win In Mississippi...
  113. VDH : How Did Shane End Up?
  114. Yet another promise kept!
  115. Why don't the caravan asylum seekers just go live in Monterrey ?
  116. The First Gulf War
  117. Sheriff Ozzie Has a Message About Guns...
  118. Video Series:How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World
  119. Mueller claims Manafort "Breached his Plea Deal"
  120. Who Wants to Abolish the White Race?
  121. Why so quiet on the NC voter fraud?
  122. Winning economy down 1500pts in 2 days
  123. Hahaha
  124. Rex Tillerson quote
  125. Remembering 41: George H.W. Bush
  126. State of Mankind - How much do you know?
  127. When are you planning to leave Manbij ?
  128. Goodyear ends operations in Venezuela.........
  129. Is He Donald Trump's **BUTT BOY?**
  130. U.S. Budget Deficit Hits Widest on Record for Month of November
  131. Obamacare, RIP - declared unconstitutional
  132. We need a ton of these
  133. An easy request: A compilation of uncivilized anti-American protesters in the US
  134. Not Even Gone To Work Yet, And ex BARTENDER Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs TIME OFF..
  135. Build The Wall GoFundMe
  136. both mattis and kelly leaving, good news
  137. TRIGGERED MONGREL DEMOCRAP Loses It On National TV, Uses Vulgar Language...
  138. White House: Catch and Release has ended
  139. The real value of the Wall Go Fund Me campaign
  140. Trump and ignored success
  141. Trump has needlessly pissed off Latinos
  142. Warmongering Democrats
  143. Never Saw a Tweet With This Many *LIKES*, Not Even Close, Not Even a Little Close...
  144. University Sued For Being 'Assembly Line For 1 Type of Thought'
  145. Credit given, then taken away
  146. HISTORIC DAY: Stocks Jump 1,084+ POINTS in Biggest ‘Single-Day Gain’ in US History
  147. Had A Feeling This Shit Was Going On
  148. The Original Clinton Goldmine Just Keeps Producing
  149. Leftists Recoil in Horror After Trump Signs Military MAGA Hats
  150. Robert Mueller Should Be Investigated for Destruction of Evidence
  151. 2006 and a border wall
  152. Left Uses Banks, Credit Cards To Enforce It's Unconstitutional Agenda
  153. Must WATCH...Vape shop employee has a fit over Trump T-shirt!
  154. A few people sounding like Trump
  155. President Trump Signs ‘Big Freeze’ Executive Order, Sends Strong Message To Dems
  156. Classic Trump
  157. Democrats Will Seek 10 Years of Presidential Tax Returns in New Bill
  158. House Republicans close their investigation into 2016 candidates' probes
  159. jobs, unemployment, employment, manufacturing - and the Dow
  160. New muslim in congress goes on vulgar tirade about Trump on 1st day
  161. Democrat Rep. Jennifer Wexton Hangs Transgender Flag on First Day in Congress
  162. Ocasio-Cortez - Hypocrite already. According to her, she now has no integrity
  163. Bill Burr Rant on MeToo Movement
  164. House Takes Steps To Open Govt, Democrats To Introduce Series Of Bills To Fund Activi
  165. Pres Trump, lawmakers respond to Rep Rashida Tlaib's impeachment rant
  166. Pres. Trump On Shutdown: I’m In The WH Ready To Go, Where Are The Dems?
  167. Kellyanne Conway Stomps Jim Acosta.............
  168. The Third Option
  169. Directly from acting border chief for Rio Grande Valley
  170. As to the wall, and Trump's campaign promise
  171. Liberal Priorities ....................
  172. Tucker Carlson on Warren's '03 Book
  173. Sen. Cruz: Democrats Forcing Partial Government Shutdown To Appease Their Base
  174. Ocasio-Cortez Energy Plan Would Add Trillions To National Debt
  175. What the Media was Afraid to Tell You This Week
  176. A candid interview with Chuck Schumer...
  177. The Fourth Option
  178. SPOT ON Tweet From James Woods...
  179. USA Terror Organization
  180. Bruce Ohr: FBI, DOJ Knew Dossier was Dirty from the Beginning
  181. BuzzFeed: Trump Ordered Michael Cohen to Lie to Congress
  182. Pelosi busted lying again
  183. Stop paying congress members
  184. Levin: Pelosi's Finances
  185. Here's Another OMFG Moment Concerning Illegal Aliens & The COST to Americans...
  186. Trump offers immigration compromise to end partial shutdown
  187. The Senate plans to put forth a bill with Trump’s latest border security proposal
  188. White Privilege from an Asian Perspective
  189. The cast of “My Cousin Vinny” responds to Chuck Schumer’s Speech
  190. WoW! ...This Kid Eats Liberals for Breakfast ....
  191. Buzzfeed - We Can't Get Into, Like, the Details Here
  192. Cut Off Congress’ Pay and You Could Have a Budget Deal Within 45 Minutes
  193. Ginsburg is dead - only she's not!
  194. Freshmen Democrats balk at impeaching Trump
  195. IN 2020 EVERYBODY WILL HAVE "PERFECT" VISION of Frustrated Democrats
  196. Dems are Screwed now. Listen to this.
  197. Joe Rogan is nearly always correct. His take on maga hat kids
  198. Ocasio Cortez - the world ends in 12 years
  199. Trump's Immigration Offer Solidifies GOP Behind Him
  200. Senate Republicans Introduce Bill To Reopen Government As Shutdown Hits 32nd Day
  201. Barrelling Past Pelosi: Trump Plans to Give State of the Union Next Week
  202. New Democrat Front Runner For President?
  203. Hooters waitress demands black man remove maga hat, gets schooled....
  204. While Democrats pander to their base, Trump shows leadership
  205. Although debunked - Rep. Ilhan Omar continues with Covington attacks
  206. Trump associate Stone arrested, faces obstruction charge
  207. US to Begin Returning Asylum Seekers to Mexico on Friday
  208. Larry Kudlow: We're Hottest Economy in World
  209. Democrats either compromise - or get nothing
  210. Sen. Ted Cruz Exposes Dem Hypocrisy On Border Wall Funding
  211. Dresses like a stripper on the House floor
  212. Dems won't fund "immoral" wall - unless it's in another country - then it's OK
  213. 3 weeks or executive authority
  214. Hillary won't rule out 2020
  215. Ex-Starbucks CEO and Trump-Bashing Liberal Howard Schultz to Run for President
  216. If the Left was Right About the Right
  217. Majority of Americans Believe Mueller’s Coup d’Etat Probe Is Complete Bullsh*t
  218. Pelosi invites Trump to give State of the Union on February 5
  219. Trump Supporter Booted Off Frontier Airlines Flight.......
  220. Kamala Harris
  221. Democrat Sweetheart Kamala Harris Wants To BAN AR-15's
  222. Trump blasts Intel chiefs
  223. The President Has the Power, and Constitutional right to BUILD A WALL, FENCE, screeen
  224. Exposing Grievance Studies
  225. Virgina Governor - Killing babies and Blackface
  226. The 35 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump's Super Bowl interview
  227. New Democrat Abortion Bills Reveal the Truth
  228. Yay, let's invite an ILLEGAL immigrant to SOTU address
  229. Ralph Northam - Racist?
  230. Outrage over blackface, silence over killing babies
  231. Hey PETE... is THIS Who You Want To Represent America?
  232. MUSLIM PATROL CARS in Brooklyn... WTF?
  233. If true... Mueller report
  234. Green New Deal
  235. President Trump Approval Rating Jumps to 49% Following Brilliant SOTU
  236. AOC nails sad state of campaign fiance laws
  237. Silly but fun
  238. Chelsea Clinton Rebukes Ilhan Omar Over 'Anti-Semitic Tropes'
  239. Democrats Demand: Freeze ICE, Shrink Deportations of Economic Migrants
  240. 'Illegals over Americans': Border wall talks crumble as Trump eyes emergency
  241. Federal Judge Declines to Block Citizenship Question from US 2020 Census
  242. College Students Love Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal… Until They Find Out...
  243. Trump Approval Hits 52% — 9 Point Jump in 10 Days and One SOTU Address!
  244. The Democratic Party Has Become The Party Of Anti-Semitism. Here's Why.
  245. Never Trumper Erick Erickson Announces He Will Support Trump in 2020
  246. Sure, there are no problems at the border
  247. Ocasio-Cortez Disavows the Green New Deal’s FAQ After It Becomes a Mockery
  248. Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Backs Democrat Ilhan Omar
  249. Lemmings
  250. Democrat Party Welcomes Blackface, KKK Bigots, Alleged Rapist and Open Anti-Semite...