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  1. Ali Watkins, the Millennial "Deep Throat"
  2. Trump and the NFL kneelers
  3. Dangerous people are teaching your kids
  4. Ken Starr: Trump Has Authority to Fire Mueller
  5. Trump Tries to Destroy the West
  6. 5 Reasons Trump Will Win 40 States in 2020
  7. Stop Oregon Sanctuaries
  8. Trump and Kim
  9. Incivility As A Security Threat
  10. Kneeling for systemic oppression of Men.
  11. Putting America First Has Made U.S. No. 1
  12. Obama Would Have Been Impeached for Kim Summit
  13. Rubio points out the liberals “incredible hypocrisy”
  14. Sessions: ‘If You Cross the Southwest Border Unlawfully, Then We Will Prosecute You’
  15. Trump's unlikely allies on North Korea talks — progressive Democrats
  16. Win for Trump - China Pulls Missiles from South China Sea
  17. Kim Jong Un Accepts President Trump’s Invitation to Visit US, Says KCNA
  18. Newt Gingrich: Trump has accomplished more than Clinton, Bush, and Obama combined
  19. Nevada pimp ousts three-term Rhino lawmaker in Republican primaries............
  20. Proposal to split California into three states makes November ballot
  21. Happy Birthday, Mr. Trump - Unemployment lowest level since 1973
  22. Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong
  23. Pompeo Says North Korea Sanctions To Remain Until Complete Denuclearization
  24. Here's what happens when you live in a Democrat Controlled, and Destroyed State
  25. An "American" Explanation of today`s IG Report....
  26. Sanders destroys Acosta
  27. The GOP Wants Trump In 2020, More Popular Than obama, JFK, Reagan
  28. Not holding my breath
  29. Lindsay Graham interview on CNN
  30. Please explain this "Trump is splitting up immigrant families" story
  31. Trump: 'Sanctions will remain' in meantime as NK works to denuke
  32. Crooked Comey’s Latest Tweet Has People Saying ‘He’s Running in 2020’
  33. Three Years Ago Today – Donald Announced His Historic Run for President
  34. Report: Mueller Report Due by Summer's End
  35. Obama Was the Reason Hillary Wasn’t Prosecuted
  36. NeverTrump Mike Hayden: Trump’s Border Policy Like Nazi Slave-Labor Camp
  37. Strzok To Testify Before Congress; No Immunity, Will Not Invoke 5th Amendment
  38. Massive New Oil Field in Alaska
  39. Comey under investigation
  40. **When you speak the facts...the facts become clear! ...
  41. The IG's report, Hillary's emails, and the lack of Abedin's emails
  42. The family separation crisis could cost Republicans the House
  43. IG Horowitz Confirms He is Investigating Whether Strzok’s Anti-Trump Bias
  44. Steve King: Trump Should Veto ‘Lame-Duck’ Paul Ryan Amnesty Bill
  45. Should we annex Mexico?
  46. Rep. Meadows: Congress To Issue Subpoenas Over DOJ Handling Of Russia, Clinton Probes
  47. First Lady Melania Makes Surprise Visit To Texas Child Immigrant Detention Facility
  48. To Hell With America, This is All About Me
  49. Careful VP Pence, We Know Where That Finger Has Been
  50. Arizona has an Historic Opportunity
  51. More Obama Administration Shenanigans
  52. Democrats See Illegal Immigrants As Potential Voters, Push Open Borders
  53. Trump Greets EU Trade Reprisals With Threat Of Steep Auto Tariff
  54. Michigan senate....
  55. Not fair, Mr. Trump!
  56. Planned Parenthood Sues Trump Administration For Abstinent Approach To Sex Education
  57. This is why Liberals and Republicans are the same...more often than not.
  58. why is maxine waters even still a thing?
  59. The Lying Left - Jesse Watters
  60. GOP Congressman Warns Nation Headed to Civil War
  61. So He's Lying By Telling The Truth?
  62. Supreme Court upholds Trump's travel ban
  63. The 2018 Democrat Party: "UNHINGED"
  64. Question...
  65. Democrats Heads Are REALLY Going to EXPLODE NOW...
  66. Time magazine covers. Trump vs Obama.
  67. Just a Reminder of What's Going on in the House Today
  68. She May Be A Political Novice But She Can Bullshit With The Best Of Them
  69. IG Report Turns Up Heat On Lynch, But It's A Dry Heat
  70. Steyer and Soros Continue to Battle for Title of Most Deranged
  71. President Trump Calls Out Democrats Who Are Rallying To Abolish ICE
  72. Protest, Protest, Protest, Protest, PROTEST... PROTESTOPALOOZA...!!!
  73. Diversity Makes Us Stronger (Smelling)?
  74. This Is What Democracy Looks Like, Mob Rule
  75. Parkland Shooter Claims 18th Victim
  76. He Couldn't Be The DNC Hacker, He's Pakistani Not Russian
  77. Awan Didn't Do It, He's Pakistani
  78. Former IT Aide For Wasserman-Schultz Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud In Deal
  79. White House Press Secretary Slams Dems For Vowing To Oppose President’s SCOTUS Nomine
  80. U.S. Judge Throws Out Lawsuit Against Trump Campaign, No Proof Of Collusion
  81. Lawmakers Considering Citing DOJ Officials With Contempt Of Congress
  82. Leave It To The Canucks To Notice
  83. High Gas Prices Hurting U.S. Households
  84. The Ever INCREASINGLY VIOLENT Democrats...
  85. Trump Admin. Rescinds Obama College Diversity Policy
  86. Mueller Expanding Staff Before Possible End To Russia Investigation
  87. hopefully the next pardon goes to this guy: 18m in jail for defending against robbers
  88. Perkins Coie Plays Bag Man In Attack On Another GOP Leader
  89. How Media Uses Real News To Create Fake News
  90. Let's All Be Good Sportsmen And Practice Catch And Release
  91. Democrats, and wanting to abolish ICE
  92. And So It Begins
  93. The Only Thing We Have To Offer Is Fear Itself
  94. President To Announce Supreme Court Nominee At 9PM Tonight
  95. Today's democrats want this kind of censorship
  96. College kids react to Trump's Nominee for SCOTUS
  97. Sexist Oppressive language berating Conservative women
  98. Land of the not-so-free. Raise the drinking age, USA
  99. Teflon Trump Confounds Democrats and the Elites in General....
  100. SC nominations used to be evaluated on merit - when did it change
  101. Watters' World are the best segments
  102. Gowdy v Strzok
  103. The Nomination of [FILL IN THE BLANK] to the Supreme Court Means [REALLY BAD THINGS]
  104. Report: House Conservatives Prepare Impeachment Push For Rod Rosenstein
  105. 12 Russian Intelligence Officials Indicted On Hacking Charges
  106. Hillary Clinton Says Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Will Bring Back Slavery
  107. Sen. Manchin Tells Schumer to 'Kiss My You Know What' on SCOTUS Vote
  108. California Dems Endorse Kevin De Léon for Senate on ‘Abolish ICE’ Platform
  109. For Our Board Leftists...
  110. Nancy Pelosi: Russia has something on Trump, explains "His refusal..."
  111. It Doesn't Have To Be Blackmail-But Why The Idolizing?
  112. Federal Judge Temporarily Pauses Deportation Of Reunited Immigrants
  113. 73% of Democrats Want ‘A Fresh Face’ As 2020 Nominee
  114. Putin Summit May Prove to Be Trump's Finest Hour
  115. Obama administration WAS involved in early stages of Trump/Russia investigation
  116. Under fire, Trump says he 'misspoke' about Russian interference in U.S. election
  117. A thought on Trump
  118. Rand Paul: The only person we know colluded with the Russians is Hillary Clinton
  119. Democrat Voter Fraud? YOU BET!
  120. Democrats sickening smear of Kavanaugh
  121. Dem false narrative- up close
  122. "Putin must have something on Trump"
  123. Any Thoughts?
  124. Immigration is the top issue for voters heading into mid-term elections
  125. Jobless claims lowest since 1969
  126. Democrats Being Issued PEE-PROOF Underwear...
  127. Liberal Utopia?
  129. Gallup Shows How Much Americans Really Care About The "Situation With Russia"
  130. Brennan/Clapper were supposed to STOP hacking, not complain about it
  131. WTAS: Support for President Donald J. Trump’s EO on Workforce Development
  132. People Hate What Hitlery and obama Did With Russia... When They Think It's Trump...
  133. FBI Comes Clean on FISA Warrants, Black Magic Markers in Short Supply in DC
  134. Are the Rats Starting to Abandon the Sinking Ship?
  135. Bi-Polar Liberals: Bad Deep State, Good Deep State
  136. The FISA warrant has been posted on Google Search
  137. Paul: We Shouldn’t Reveal Secrets to People Who Call President ‘Treasonous’
  138. Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?
  139. Socialists are coming for the Democratic Party
  140. Maxine Waters Claims God Sent Her to Get Donald Trump
  141. They Need to Rename Portland to Bi-Polarland
  142. Polls: ICE Opposition Rises Amid Democrats’ Border Outrage
  143. Brennan
  144. CNN Complains about not getting answers???
  145. Anchor Baby Fight Redux
  146. First Republican Speaker of the House Since Newt Gingrich?
  147. What is socialism?
  148. Separated at Birth?
  149. I Thought the CIA Wasn't Authorized to Operate Inside the US?
  150. Six Reasons Why Barack Obama Is the Worst President in History
  151. Trump vows government shutdown to force funding for border wall
  152. regarding the 3/5th Compromise - a victory for Freedom
  153. Democrats - no longer a Political party, now it's the worlds dumbest religion
  154. Liberal Logical Fallacies. Leftists live a delusional life
  155. Hey look, Trump isn't all that bad!
  156. I didn't know the proper topic to post this. But the Political thread is most visited
  157. Pres. Trump Says Reciprocity is His New Favorite Term, Time to Show It
  158. Fact-checking the "fact checkers" - 12 truths called lies.
  159. Hmm
  160. Opposition to Kavanaugh Cracks as Liberal Feminist Democrat Endorses Him
  161. Everybody Call Maxine's office and see how she really feels about questions.
  162. This topic is both Political, and Religious...So everybody should read it..YOU DECIDE
  163. Do Liberals Want Civil War?.....
  164. Both the Budget and Economy Are Winning
  165. Liberal Racism and Sexism on display as they value appearance more than skill
  166. Watch Tucker Destroy his debate opponents - my new favourite Youtube channel
  167. Make Men Masculine Again
  168. Joe Scarborough Praises Barack Obama for the Strong Economy
  169. Trump Tweets About His Approval Being Better Than Obama
  170. Sessions stands strong in defense of terminating DACA
  171. CNN's own legal analyst dashes panel's collusion narrative
  172. FBI Withheld Exculpatory Evidence From FISA Judges
  173. NY bill mandates 3 months paid bereavement leave, even when grandparents die
  174. Nancy Pelosi: Deb Haaland Would Be ‘First Native American Woman Ever’ in Congress
  175. Trump's attacks on LeBron fit a disturbing pattern
  176. Trump is so racist.....
  177. TEXAS, #1 State in America For Doing Business
  178. The Epic Failure of Democratic Socialists on Primary Night
  179. ‘Stay Tuned’ Whether Democrats on Russia Investigation Will Be Fired
  180. Even half of democrats want Pelosi gone!
  181. Michael Avenatti in Iowa: I'm seriously considering running against Trump
  182. Kavanaugh confirmation hearings set for Sept. 4
  183. New Evidence Of Alleged Democrat-Kremlin Collusion In 2016 Ohr-Steele Emails
  184. The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump
  185. President Trump begs Dems to keep supporting Pelosi
  186. The mother of Michael Brown running for office
  187. Omarosa records her own firing
  188. Maybe He Should Have Married His Sister Instead
  189. Dossier Was Created by Russian Propaganda Arm for Democrats to Spy on Trump
  190. President Trump Highlights Lack of Reform Within DOJ and FBI…...
  191. This Woman is Ignorant
  192. Joe Rogan is nearly always right - his take on Alex Jones
  193. Top 10 reasons this is Trump's economy
  194. 14-year-old boy uses legal quirk to run for Vermont governor
  195. Somebody Stop Me!
  196. I would challenge Gunny to a debate...
  197. Teachers' Plot to HIDE Political BIAS From Parents Revealed
  198. Clinton Death Count Continues to Rise?
  199. Social Security is a scam - a pyramid scheme - can we save it?
  200. Trump pulls security clearance of ex-CIA Director John Brennan
  201. America was never that great
  202. Nancy Pelosi: Maxine Waters ‘Strikes Fear in the Heart’ of Trump
  203. Assange Granted Immunity for Testimony?
  204. Trump Admin, Senate Reshaping Federal Courts
  205. Millennial Couple Bikes Through ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ > Killed
  206. `Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would ‘Help Out the American Taxpayers......`
  207. After 19 Months, Still No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
  208. 36 weeks.
  209. 2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup
  210. White House engages with Mueller
  211. Hillary Clinton Indicted!
  212. One More EPIC Reason WHY I am NOT a Registered Republican...
  213. `Trump was right. Paris is no longer Paris.................`
  214. Rand Paul’s bid to defund Planned Parenthood
  215. Payouts for sexual harassment
  216. John McCain.....
  217. Sarah Sanders Huckabee Fantasy Press Briefing
  218. Dow jumps more than 250 points, Nasdaq hits 8,000 as US and Mexico strike trade deal
  219. Trump's support, numbers and polls
  220. Comey lied under oath to congress...
  221. People Are Beginning to Ask Questions About MUELLER...
  222. The Maverick vs MAGA: The Swamp Looks After Its' Own
  223. Meet The RADICAL Black Commie Running For FL Gov...
  224. Top 10 times the Deep State, FBI/DOJ/CIA attempted to setup Trump teams
  225. The Truth Will Set Us All Free
  226. Judge Jeanine Brings the Hammer Down on Sessions
  227. California Voters Have Another Tough Choice This November
  228. Sen. McCain's Largest Operable Tumor
  229. Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids
  230. Jeff Bezos Gives $10 Million to Super PAC
  231. Sen Cruz Explains Democrat Temper Tantrum During Kavanaugh Hearings
  232. I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
  233. Man Ranting About “High Treason” After Crashing Truck Into FOX Studios....
  234. Staring Into the Abyss of S-T-U-P-I-D
  235. Senator Spartacus Makes His Move
  236. This video is fucking hilarious
  237. And These LUNATIC DEMOCRAPS Want To Remove President Trump For Being MENTALLY ILL?
  238. There's NO Social Media BIAS Against Conservatives... HONEST...
  239. Dear Celebrities: We DON'T CARE What You THINK...
  240. Peddle Your Lame Ass Shit Somewhere Else B. Hussein
  241. Benghazi
  242. Mount Up and Ride to the Sound of the Gunfire!
  243. Trump Ends PLO Support
  244. Conway: White House Officials Who Don’t Believe in Trump ‘Should Just Resign’
  245. Republican Is the New Punk
  246. House Judiciary Chair Calls on POTUS Trump to Declassify DOJ FISA Documents
  247. Trump will undoubtedly face impeachment, says Watergate attorney
  248. U.S. job openings climb to record 6.9 million
  249. Looks Like Brennan Didn't Get a Piece of the Action on Woodward's Book
  250. Speaking Congress and the Budget