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  1. Next up (The Swamp hopes): The really truly final end of Trump
  2. WATCH: Bolton To Jumpstart President Trump’s Arab NATO Plan
  3. American Who Escaped Al Qaeda Slams FBI For Failing To Help Him
  4. Liberty over Democacy EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
  5. Dr. Jerome Corsi: Evidence Shows An FBI, DOJ Coup Against President Trump
  6. ANALYSIS: Constitution Compels Sessions Dismiss Mueller From Non-Campaign Cases
  7. Can it just stop?!
  8. Have you taken the red pill?
  9. New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded
  10. Trump Admin on penalizing immigrants on welfare
  11. I want to use curse words when I hear about "White privilege"
  12. Another one insulting women who voted Trump
  13. U.S. Jobless Claims Decline to Lowest Level Since January 1973
  14. Trump running WH like a business
  15. Border Patrol: 'Walls Work and the Data Shows It'
  16. David Hogg Goes After John McCain
  17. FISA Probe Will Restore Confidence in FBI
  18. 13-Year-Old Vermont Gubernatorial Candidate Wants ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
  19. Trump: 'NO MORE DACA DEAL'
  20. Debunking Hillary Clinton’s 17 Intelligence Agencies Claim Once And For All
  21. Biden
  22. "Cathy Obrien: Hillary Clinton Raped Me..."
  23. Okla. And Ky. Teachers Stage Walkout To Protest Low Wages, Potential Benefit Cuts
  24. Mother proud of brain-washed 12yo 'anthem kneeler'
  25. Two women from 'The party of Peace' attack trump supporter
  26. City of Seattle proves they are buffoons - hurt their citizens again
  27. ‘Our Immigration Laws Are an Obama Joke’
  28. Trump to Mobilize National Guard to Help Secure the Border
  29. ‘Rosenstein and Mueller Colluded to Break the Law’
  30. Ethics Lecture from the Godfather of Fake News
  31. Absolutely DISGUSTING...
  32. Donald Trump Thanks Mexico for Breaking up Immigration Caravan
  33. Michelle Obama Says Hillary Clinton was ‘Way More Perfect’ For President Than Trump..
  34. Speaking Truth to Power in Greensboro
  35. Gowdy interview, says his time was a waste and trump is a loser
  36. President Trump Slams California For Sanctuary Policies, Defying Law
  37. GOP Leadership Looking To Rescind Portions Of Omnibus Spending Bill
  38. Roger Stone Advises Against Interview Between Pres. Trump, Special Counsel
  39. FBI Shuts Down Popular Website Backpage.Com
  40. Department Homeland Security Compiling Database Of Journalists And 'Media Influencers
  41. This Boys and Girls, Is The Real Swamp
  42. The Democratic case against impeaching President Trump
  43. Feds raid one of Trump's lawyers offices
  44. IRONIC>>De Blasio’s Staunch ‘Anti-Gun’ Aide Arrested on GUN CHARGES
  45. BREAKING -- CHINA BLINKS: Trump’s Hardline on Trade Forces China’s Xi to lower tariff
  46. Arizona Supreme Court Unanimously Votes To PROHIBIT In State Tuition To DACA ILLEGAl
  47. Ann Coulter Has The Best Take On Whether Trump Should Fire Mueller
  48. Cleaning up the Swamp - Ryan won't seek re-elction
  49. Calif. Representative Proposes Bill To End ‘Pink Tax’, Protect Women’s Rights
  50. Poll: Roughly Half Of American Voters Support Sending Troops To The Border
  51. Trump wants back in TPP
  53. `National Security Advisor John Bolton is wasting little time cleaning house....`
  54. HighSchool and College kids argue against laws forbidding price gouging
  55. RNC Launches New Website... "LYINCOMEY.COM"...
  56. BOMBSHELL REPORT: Mueller Shutting Down Russia Witch-Hunt Without This KEY Interview.
  57. When You Think and Acr Like the People You Hate, What are You?
  58. FBI Agents May Have Seized Tapes of Trump’s Conversations
  59. Inspector General report, Obama’s FBI and DOJ: Corrupt, Dishonest, Coordinated and
  60. Did Comey screw himself?
  61. Fight!...Gorka blasts Fox News guest for questioning Syria strikes: 'Shame on
  62. It's Not Russia
  63. ......Obama's only legacy!
  64. President Trump: Media Seizing On His Use Of ‘Mission Accomplished’
  65. PRESIDENT TRUMP Scores 51% Approval Rating
  66. Russian *Syria) missile interceptors firing blindly..totally failing to stop missiles
  67. Senators introducing new war powers resolution
  68. Trump and Bolton are assembling an Arab force to replace the US contingent in Syria..
  69. Judge in Cohen case ....she presided over Soros wedding.
  70. What the....
  71. America's economy is back and roaring and its people are winning
  72. GOP Lawmaker DESTROYS Comey, Hillary and McCabe From House Floor
  73. The McCabe Report is Just an Appetizer
  74. Grab Your Popcorn! Comey STABBED Obama in the Back With His New Book.....
  75. Eric Holder Hangs Comey Out To Dry
  76. Republicans Call For DOJ Investigation Into Comey, Clinton, Lynch, Strzok And Page
  77. Adopting Jim bob
  78. `Breaking...Rudy Giuliani Joins Trump Legal Team"
  79. read the redacted comeny memos here
  80. Unfair that ‘Shadey’ James Comey Can ‘Leak and Lie,’
  81. Democrats Announce Dream Platform Including Reparations to Blacks and Free College
  82. Rosenstein Said to Tell Trump He's Not Target in Mueller, Cohen Probes
  83. Collusion, Anyone?
  84. Confirm Pompeo
  85. Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump?
  86. Fun today
  87. Trump Is the ‘Kryptonite of Political Correctness’
  88. Comey, Brennan and Clapper Are Proven as Leakers, Liars and Trump Haters
  89. Democrats are getting desperate as Mueller stalls
  90. Ivana: He doesn't need to run again
  91. There Was no official intelligence used when DOJ Started Spying on Trump
  92. Donna Brazile on the DNC lawsuit
  93. No need for Trump to pardon personal lawyer at this point, adviser says
  94. Shania Twain apologizes after saying she would have voted for Trump
  95. Obama’s Scandal-Free Delusion
  96. Trump says may tie Mexican immigration control to NAFTA
  97. A Trump even Sweden has to appreciate
  98. The Hidden Bombshell in the McCabe Report
  99. I hope she sues and gets tens of millions of dollars
  100. CNN: Trump Increases Use of Personal Cell Phone
  101. America's problems solved
  102. Republican Debbie Lesko Wins Arizona Special Election........
  103. CNN's Acosta Pushes Conspiracy Theory. Attacks "Stupid 'Unstable' Trump Support"
  104. State Supreme Court judge flaunts bias
  105. Maxine Waters Confronted About Contradictory Comey Remarks
  106. In spite of all the blame, Hillary knows who really cost her the election
  107. Not the kind of "Hope & Change" Obama expected....
  108. On the Kanye and Owens and all that...
  109. New House Intel Report Shows No Collusion Between Russia and Trump Campaign
  110. CNN’s Chris Cuomo Thinks Trump Could Win The Nobel Peace Prize For North Korea
  111. Kim Strassel Nails It
  112. Time to admit that Trump is doing a good job
  113. Dershowitz: Time to Investigate Mueller?
  114. “I Have No Doubt” Clapper and Brennan Conspired with Comey Against Trump
  115. Last night's rally
  116. How every Republican vs Democrat debate will go next election
  117. Democrats Could Totally Self-Destruct If Trump Wins A Nobel Peace Prize
  118. Trump May Succeed Because Of Foreign Developments
  119. Islam is not a peaceful religion
  120. ....Reuters Poll: Millennial Support For Democrats Dropped Nine Percent Since 2016
  121. Trump Confounds Critics Who Vowed He’d Soon Resign
  122. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer: ‘We Believe in Truth’
  123. Judicial Watch: New Emails Show Clinton's 'Utter Contempt’ For The Law
  124. After a Year in Office Trump Out Performs Obama in EVERY ECONOMIC MEASUREMENT
  125. Firm that took credit for Trump election victory facing insolvency
  126. You need to watch this tucker episode
  127. Federal judge rightly rebukes Mueller for questionable tactics
  128. Why Hasn’t John Kerry Been Arrested? He Has Leftist Privilege
  129. Reuters Poll Shows Climbing Trump Approval Numbers
  130. Michelle Obama blames women....
  131. ‘Partisan Witch-Hunt Designed to Topple a President’
  132. Trump-Kim Summit Likely Set for Singapore in June
  133. U.S. Budget Just Made History: Best Month Ever
  134. "War" on Opioids: Unintended Consequences
  135. What Obama thinks he accomplished VS What Obama really accomplished
  136. Mueller team interviewed Putin-tied oligarch about payments to Cohen
  137. Most promising-keeping-sumbitch-of-a-president
  138. Nuclear war with North Korea
  139. President Trump Has Announced a Date For His Meeting With Kim Jong Un
  140. Pence On Mueller Investigation: ‘It’s Time To Wrap It Up’
  141. John McCain Trashes Gina Haspel for Endorsing “Torture” of Islamist Terrorists
  142. switching perspectives - Is there a RED PILL that makes conseravtives liberals?
  143. Trumpzilla stomps on Obama’s “legacy”
  144. GOP Rep. Meadows To Request Audit Of Mueller Probe
  145. It's time to impeach Maxine Waters
  146. Georgia Candidate for Guvnah
  147. I Just Don't Get It
  148. Sanders Slams Leaks, Calls Comment About Mccain ‘Unacceptable’
  149. Pres. Trump: Congress Should Pass Funding Bill Before August Break
  150. SCOTUS Rules Sports Gambling Legal
  151. 86% of Twitter users spread wrong info without questioning anything.
  152. Wonder How Many Other States?
  153. List of Trump's Lies
  154. It's Graduation Time!
  155. Full Senate Confirms Haspel As Next CIA Director
  156. Sen. Grassley Responds To Criticism Of Senate Judiciary Committee
  157. Sarah Sanders Says President’s Words On MS-13 “Not Strong Enough”
  158. Several People Killed, 12 Injured In Texas School Shooting
  159. Good News for the Country" from Joe DiGenova
  160. Report: Manafort’s Former Son-In-Law Cuts Plea Deal & Will Cooperate With Govt
  161. Moderate Republicans Looking For Bipartisan Immigration Reforms
  162. Cambridge professor outed as FBI informant inside Trump campaign
  163. Mueller probe interested in israeli with uae ties
  164. Poll: Nearly 70% Of Americans Think President Trump Is Impacting Economy
  165. Conway Goes After CNN For Continued Focus On Russia Investigation, Bias
  166. I got your collusion right here
  167. Oakland Mayor Faces Lawsuit After ICE Tip-Off
  168. President Meets With Rosenstein/Wray At White House Monday
  169. DOJ Directs Inspector General To Look Into Alleged FBI Informant
  170. President Trump Questions Why Special Counsel Never Charged Tony Podesta
  171. Leadership and/or a Lack Thereof
  172. Georgia Gubernatorial Election Commercial Goodness Continues
  173. The Swamp keeps overflowing its' banks
  174. Mueller appointment and all his work to date is unconstitutional
  175. Texans Sending Establishment Packing...
  176. This guy
  177. Patriots Arise.. Online Netflix Boycott is averaging 3,000 supporters PER hour..
  178. A Brief History of Spymaster Obama
  179. I AM the law!
  180. Controversy In Mich. Governor Race Over Creeping Islamization, Poor Economy
  181. Caputo: 2nd Deep State Informant May Have Reached Out To Trump Campaign
  182. DEM DISASTER: Democrat Turnout in Texas Lowest in 100 YEARS
  184. Mike Rowe on "What's wrong in America?"
  185. Obama - "I did not have scandals as president"
  186. It’s Time to Impeach the President
  187. Separate But Unequal
  188. Assange Reportedly Willing To Testify Before Congress On Russia Probe
  189. Pres. Trump: The Only Collusion Is Between The Dems, DOJ And Russia
  190. ROE v. WADE the Movie: the most corrupt court case in history
  191. Obama Says ‘I Didn’t Have Scandals.’ So What Are All These?
  192. A red flag?
  193. Millennials Are Sick Of Being Branded “Anti-Gun”
  194. I'm Sorry... But I've Lost ALL FAITH In Gowdy...
  195. Up-Chuck Schumer Orders The DEM PROPAGANDA WING To COVER UP "Spygate"...
  196. President Trump Wishes He Picked Someone Else As Attorney General
  197. Enrollment Plummets At Evergreen College Over Anti-White Policies
  198. First Lady Melania Trump Scolds Left-Wing Conspiracy Cranks
  199. When Pigs Fly… Publix Will Not Pay Teen Tyrant David Hogg’s Million Dollar Demand
  200. You need to watch Tucker Carlson - every day.
  201. If AAA was blamed for deaths like the NRA is blamed
  202. Liberal writer slams rosanne; after she called Ben Carson 'porch monkey'
  203. Liberals' worst nightmare: a second supreme court pick for Trump
  204. Bee needs to be swatted after comments about Ivanka
  205. The HOMO MAFIA At It Again...
  206. Six minutes of destruction for hypocrite Jim Acosta
  207. Working It
  208. OAN Exclusive: More Informants Found In SPYGATE Operation
  209. Mueller Probe Has Cost Taxpayers Nearly $17M
  210. how you can you be optimistic with sht like this going on?
  211. Calif.’S Primary Race For Governor — Candidates Battle To Secure 2 Spots On November’
  212. Soros Funded PAC Pulls Advertising For Liberal San Diego DA Candidate
  213. Pres. Trump Considering Killing NAFTA, Creating 2 Separate Deals
  214. Gas Tax Repeal Driving Calif. Voters To The Polls
  215. Roger Stone: Pardoning Of Dinesh D’Souza Is A ‘Message To Mueller’
  216. Pres. Trump Slams Obama-Era CIA Director, Mueller Probe
  217. First lady Melania Trump will not join President Trump on G7, Singapore summits
  218. WORST President in History: obama
  219. Planning Trump-Kim Meeting: Who Sits Where, What Will They Eat and Who Pays?
  220. 5 years on, US government still counting Snowden leak costs
  221. The CA EXODUS Worsens
  222. Ex-Navy sailor pardoned by Trump says he's suing Comey and Obama
  223. Well, I Never! (Or did I?)
  224. Complete List of President Trump’s Historic Accomplishments After First 500 Days
  225. Melania's folks reply to rabid liberals
  226. Why Trump is wrong about the 'greatest economy' in history
  227. Klukowski: Trump Should Cancel Senate’s August Recess
  228. Top 10 Reasons Why the Mueller Investigation is Unconstitutional
  229. Cable Fearmongering: Everything Is a 'Constitutional Crisis'
  230. Sarah Sets The Record Straight
  231. Obama Officials Made Congress This Iran Deal Promise...Then Broke it
  232. Surprise: Fired Serial Liar Andrew McCabe Wants Immunity
  233. Another Trump Economic Miracle...
  234. Trump Wants Kim to Commit to Disarmament Timetable in Singapore
  235. Kudlow: 'Trump Is Biggest Trade Reformer in Decades'
  236. Sup you`all...This is for everybody who dont like Donald Trump.....
  237. We Cannot Defy The US": European Refiners Fold To Trump, Will Stop Buying Iran Crude.
  238. Iran you know that whole death to America burning flag thingYea how's that workin??
  239. No Tongues Please
  240. False Rape Accuser Heading To Prison
  241. 'Never Trump' and the Trump Trauma
  242. Ryan, Putin: No Evidence 2016 Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia
  243. U.S. Treasury To Slap Secondary Sanctions On EU Over Iran Ties
  244. President Trump: I’m Not Above The Law, No Reason To Pardon Myself
  245. Dept. Of Justice Argues Parts Of Obamacare Are Unconstitutional After Mandate Repeal
  246. Dems Look To Flip Nevada Blue In Governor Race
  247. Restaurants Boycott New York Military Base For Calling ICE on Illegal Alien
  248. May Report: 20% of US Prison Population is Criminal Aliens
  250. TRUMP APPROVAL RATING HIGHER Than obama/Reagan At Same Point In Presidency