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  1. USA Gymnastics
  2. How Women Can Provide Value Again
  3. Former Sen. Coburn on Trump supporters: 'They voted for putting muzzles on alligators
  4. Mayors of 3 largest US cities snub WH meeting after DOJ immigration threat
  5. FedEx Delivers 3.2B of Good News to Employees, Fueled By Trump Tax Package
  6. Sarah Sanders Shuts Him The Chuck Up
  7. Kerry did it again. Without Hanoi Jane.....
  8. Dem's SOTU Rebuttal
  9. CNN has gone bananas and doesn't seem to care
  10. Hollywood tries to speak for us but really, they just don’t get it
  11. Leftists make living worse, yet remain in power
  12. Allentown PA - beautiful but lead by an asshole...allegedly.
  13. This is how you get ahead of "accusations"
  14. I am a gay conservative. So what?
  15. Democrats look to incarcerate more and more of those with dif opinions
  16. What happens when Democrats run states.
  17. How voting districts are corrupt and essentially cheating.
  18. As far as black role models go, want me kids to look up to this guy
  19. FBI Deputy Director McCabe stepping down
  20. McConnell: ‘2017 Was the Best Year for Conservatives in the 30 Years'
  21. Marine Grabs Mic Leaves Nancy Pelosi Stammering On CNN Town Hall
  22. Blue States Sue Trump Admin. Over Tax Cut Law
  23. HERE WE GO Folks... Hold On To Your Hats...
  24. CNN Gives Pelosi time to show how literally Ignorant she is.
  25. FISA abuse memo - factually accurate states FBI
  26. The word "America" used too many times
  27. Shame, Gowdy isn't running for reelection
  28. Joy Reid - another idiot heard from
  29. White House Chief Of Staff: FISA Memo Will Be Released ‘Quickly’
  30. Jennings: Trump was the grown-up in the room
  31. Disrespectful
  32. Lawmakers Looking To Stop Opioids From Entering Country Through U.S. Postal Service
  33. Congressional Black Caucus
  34. Hope Hicks vow that emails 'will never get out'
  35. The best over-view of Peterson v. Newman
  36. MEMO RELEASED: Is It What It Was All Cracked Up To Be?
  37. Michael Wolff's Book Fizzle and Fury
  38. Can you imagine though?
  39. Cuckoos on left go cuckoo about memo
  40. The Last Two Weeks of Polls Have Been Great for Republicans. Do They Signal a Shift?
  41. Ana Kasparian
  42. David Horowitz: These are not Liberals, These are Vicious People
  43. Trump Russia: Democrats say firing special counsel could cause crisis
  44. The sweet taste of vindication
  45. Why Did the Democrats Lie So Baldly about the Memo?
  46. Michelle Obama, on receiving a gift from Melania...
  47. Pelosi keeps on about "bread crumbs". So Huckabee Sanders reminds her.
  48. .....WHOA! Ben Carson Has Had Enough…Forces HUD To Admit That They Have Committed…!
  49. How Politicized The Obama Administration Had Become
  50. Carter Page Touted Kremlin Contacts in 2013 Letter
  51. Gowdy: Memo has no impact on investigation, doesn't vindicate Trump
  52. Flashback of fun!
  53. Upholding immigration laws is like ethnic cleansing?
  54. Promises Plus
  55. Lucky Us! McCain-Coons To Introduce Immigration Bill Today
  56. Nunes: Clear Evidence Of Collusion Between Russians, Clintons, And DNC
  57. DOJ Inspector General Investigating McCabe’s Role In Clinton Email Probe
  58. Feds Arrest Democrat Texas State Judge Near Border
  59. Donald Trump: DACA Deal Without Wall Funding ‘Total Waste of Time’
  60. Guess who said all of this stuff....and they blame Trump??
  61. dow crashes 1500 points at one point today
  62. Kamala Harris Deflects FISA Memo With One Word: RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA
  63. Sen. Grassley BUSTS the FBI Trying to Suppress Release of New Steele Dossier
  64. Top Democrats demand Ryan remove Nunes over ‘that memo’
  65. Trump calls 'little' Adam Schiff a 'leaker and liar'
  66. Democratic memo released by House Intelligence Committee
  67. Perhaps the FBI paid some expenses to Steele?
  68. Obama-Era FISA Judges Issued Warrants With Procedural Violations
  69. Imagine that - no evidence of collusion
  70. House Set To Vote On Short-Term Funding Bill To Avoid Gov’t Shutdown
  71. California Republicans could be in trouble
  72. This is amazing....KEEP SCORE IF YOU WANT. Promises, promises....???
  73. Hollywood and Their BS Agendas Bombarding Us
  74. Sen. Mitch McConnell Announces 2 Year Bipartisan Spending Bill
  75. New Ad Slams Democrats For Being ‘Disgraceful’ During State Of The Union Address
  76. WATCH: Refugee Resettlement Hurts U.S. Budget, Culture, Public Safety
  77. Stories the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You
  78. First time Obama implicated in the latest scandals
  79. WH: Who's Lazy? Democrats Who Don’t Show Up to Deal on DACA
  80. Budget Deal Sinks 2018 Amnesty, Splits Democrats
  81. FBI & DOJ broke law, tried to decide election
  82. TREY GOWDY: Rosenstein is Mastermind Behind Mueller Broad Jurisdiction Russia Case
  83. Comey/Fbi misled FISA court by omitting Steele LIED about contact w/ media
  84. “Largest Scandal Ever” — Former US Attorney
  85. Trump approval rating +4 at same time of Obama presidency
  86. Donald Trump backs Democrats into a corner over the Dreamers
  87. FBI Informant Tells Congress Moscow Routed Millions to Influence the Clintons
  88. Raj Shah Holds White House Briefing Focusing On Rob Porter Amid Allegations Of Abuse
  89. Snow Removal and the Parallels with Freedoms
  90. Cash from Obama’s $1.7 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran Traced to Terrorist Groups
  91. Scalise: Where Is Pelosi's New DACA Push Coming From?
  92. David Sorensen becomes second Trump aide to quit amid abuse claims
  93. Lynch and Kerry aware of crap dossier used to spy
  94. Democrats Are “Covering Up the Biggest Scandal in Modern Political History”
  95. Newt Hammers Hillary, Obama And ‘Deep State’ For Destroying The Rule Of Law
  96. Trump’s Budget: $18 Billion Over 18 Months for Wall
  97. Texts Between FBI Agents Strzok And Page Reveal The Pair ‘Truly Hate’ Pro-Lifers
  98. White House Defends Pres. Trump’s Decision To Not Release Democratic Memo
  99. 4 more years for Trump!
  100. Second Dossier Reminds Issa Of Tactics Revealed In Past Clinton Investigations
  101. 2nd Judge Issues Ruling Blocking End Of DACA Program, Immigration Debate Continues
  102. Around the world in one post!
  103. Pocahontas still lying without proof
  104. Stormy Daniels 'free to tell her story' after Trump lawyer statement
  105. Shooting Aftermath -- the Politics
  106. The Media Stopped Reporting The Russia Collusion Story Because They Helped Create It
  107. Would You Support a CONVENTION OF STATES?
  108. Senate Intelligence Committee Grills Intel Chiefs On U.S., Global Security Threats
  109. VIDEO: Antifa, students shut down College Republicans event
  110. Us speaker ryan wants to fix possible legal gaps on guns and mental health by reuters
  111. Romney announces senate run in Utah.
  112. Remember When?
  113. 18 mass shootings in the first 45 days this year
  114. SICK. DNC Fundraises Off Florida Slaughter
  115. White House: ‘Schumer Democrats’ Obstruct Vote On Immigration For Political Reasons
  116. U.S. Charges Russians With 2016 U.S. Election Tampering To Boost Trump
  117. Rosenstein: No Evidence Interference Altered Outcome Of 2016 Election
  118. U.S. Seeks To Block AT&T From Citing Trump Opposition In Merger Lawsuit
  119. Calif. ‘Real I.D.’ Stirs Privacy, States’ Rights, Illegal Arrivals Debate
  120. FBI Admits Failing To Act On Tip About South Fla. School Shooter
  121. Former FBI Agent: “FBI Needs A System Overhaul”
  122. You're Unpatriotic If You Don't Support Trump Hating Olympians
  123. President Trump is correct.
  124. Time to think about banning knives
  125. More crumbs, this time from Smuckers
  126. Symone Sanders - FBI didn't stop shooter because he was white supremacist
  127. Just Saw This on Twitter And My JAW DROPPED...
  128. John Podesta involved in pay for play too
  129. Judge Jeanine: “Mueller Is The Person Who Should Be Investigated”
  130. Dems afraid of Mueller's findings by the mid-terms
  131. What We Need is Dem/Loony Left Control
  132. CNN and MSNBC COLLUDING With Russia to Sow Discord in USA...
  133. 'There's just no reason for assault rifles to be in the hands of ordinary citizens'
  134. CNN, MSNBC using Florida teens as anti-Trump propaganda pawns
  135. ahhhh...yes...The memories. Studdering fool... who's laughing now?
  136. Several Prominent Democrats Slam Nancy Pelosi Over Tax Criticism
  137. Calif. Assemblywoman Behind “Me Too” Movement Is Accused Of Sexual Misconduct, Harass
  138. Fla. State Lawmakers Propose Bill To Reverse Gun-Free Zone Laws In Schools
  139. NOAA Caught Manipulating Temperatures - Again
  140. What happened to or where is the depression?
  141. FL Teacher Of The Year Speaks Out
  142. NRA CEO Defends Second Amendment, Blasts Left For Politicizing Shootings In Speech At
  143. Shooting Survivor Says CNN Gave Him Scripted Questions To Ask At Town Hall
  144. Bipartisanship on the Immigration Issue
  145. Shoot 'em up, Euro-style
  146. Bernie Sanders Slams Hillary Clinton For Keeping Silent On Russian Meddling
  147. Former Trump Campaign Aide Sam Nunberg To Meet With Special Counsel Robert Mueller
  148. My Confession
  149. ‘We’ve Got Seven Years to Go, Folks!’
  150. Democrat Intelligence Memo Released
  151. Here's a New Experiment For Schools In America...
  152. Crews Begin Replacing Border Wall In Southern California
  153. The Mayor of Oakland Warns Residents of ICE Activities
  154. MS-13 Expanding Due To Obama Admin. Lax Immigration Enforcement
  155. What Was That "GUN SALES ARE DOWN" Propaganda We Heard From Gabby?
  156. Definitive proof - armed teachers work in schools
  157. Nunes: Dem Memo Doesn’t Prove Anything, Counter-Memo Supports Concerns Of FISA Abuses
  158. Are We a Nation of Laws?
  159. Media and Democrats want to ban "assault rifles"
  160. Ingraham Releases Internal Email Directing Deputies to Defend FL Sheriff
  161. Trump Officially announces he's running for President in 2020 - sets campaign manager
  162. "1991: Trump Stops a Mugging in NYC....."
  163. "Clueless" Star Running for Congress in CA 44th District
  164. BREAKING: Clintons BRIBED to Buy Uranium 1 Deal
  165. Seems To Me That the DR is Going Downhill...
  166. A Reality TV show I might watch.
  167. Trump: "Take the guns first, follow due process second"
  168. After trump wins his second term and has nothing to lose..
  169. So Much For 'Free Markets' and Conservatism
  170. Texas Kicks Off Primaries On Tuesday
  171. Central Michigan University: Two shot dead in 'dispute'
  172. SCOTUS Labor Case
  173. LongTermGuy you have to have one of these.
  174. Democrat Rep. Waters Accuses Pres. Trump Of ‘Racism’ Over Gridiron Dinner Joke
  175. DACA Program Largely Intact Due To Courts As Congress Misses March 5th Deadline
  176. Wash. State Passes Bill To Ban Gay Conversion Therapy For Minors
  177. New "Old" Dimbulbcrat Over-and-Misused Word: Bipartisan
  178. When Did America LOSE IT'S BACKBONE?
  179. Here is another Pilosi
  180. Gary Cohn out
  181. About Those Trade Deficits
  182. Woodward On Roe v Wade
  183. Attorney General Sessions Slams Calif. Leaders For Protecting Criminal Illegal Aliens
  184. The Department Of Justice Files A Suit Against Calif. Over Sanctuary State Policies
  185. US Society wants people to stop being people...because Liberals are Fascists
  186. Disowned by your family for your political views?
  187. FLASHBACK: Trump On North Korea In 1999!
  188. Illegal Childhood Arrivals Turn On Democrats Over False Amnesty Promises
  189. Trump Admin Considering Capital Punishment For Drug Traffickers
  190. Elizabeth Warren rejects DNA test to settle Native American heritage claim
  191. 2 renegade nation-states — California and Taiwan
  192. Hr 5103
  193. 3 Package Bombs Left on Doorsteps in Austin, TX
  194. Trump says Rex Tillerson out as Secretary of State
  195. House Intel Committee Ending Russia Probe, Says ‘No Evidence Of Collusion’ Found
  196. With Pompeo’s Rise, Uncertainty Deepens For Iran Nuclear Deal
  197. Trump taps Kudlow to be top economic adviser
  198. House Fails To Pass ‘Right To Try’ Bill Due To Democrat Obstruction
  199. Sens. Hatch, Rubio Urge Support For Bipartisan Stop School Violence Act
  200. Sen. Rubio: U.S. Immigration Laws Must Be Enforced In Calif.
  201. Florida shooting: US high school students stage mass walkout
  202. President Trump says he made up facts in meeting with Justin Trudeau
  203. Shooting survivor meets with Trump
  204. Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America
  205. H.R. McMaster is out
  206. Fox News's abhorrent 180 turn on meeting with north korea.
  207. Trump Organization Subpoenaed Over Alleged Business In Russia, According To Reports
  208. FBI Source: Majority Of Staff On Clinton Case Wanted Her Prosecuted
  209. Retired four-star Army general: Trump, 'under the sway of Putin,' threatens national
  210. Poll: 77% Say President Trump Should Fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller
  211. Hillary Clinton blames 'pressure' from men for why white women voted for Trump
  212. Threats from the Original Gangsta's
  213. Hillary Clinton’s Recent Trip To India Cost Taxpayers Thousands Of Dollars
  214. WATCH: First Calif. City Votes To Opt Out Of Sanctuary State Law
  215. GOP Leaders Call For Second Special Counsel To Investigate Allegations Of FBI Abuse
  216. When Obama did it, it was tolerable. Now its literally Hitler.......
  217. Biden says he would have beat the hell out of Trump!
  218. 10 Common Arguments For Gun Control, Debunked
  219. And The Hits Just Keep On Coming From Obama's Weaponized FBI & CIA
  220. Ok Stormy....Make up your mind...You're disappointing the SnowFlakes''''
  221. China To Retaliate Against U.S. Farming To Damage President Trump’s Electoral Support
  222. McMaster to Resign, incoming John Bolton
  223. Trump SIGNS HORRENDOUS OMNIBUS Spending Bill...
  224. Congress Gives Itself a Bonus in Omnibus
  225. Facebook Turned Blind Eye To Data Mining Practices Of Obama Campaign
  226. Trump’s Pentagon Deep-Sixes Obama’s Transgender Ideology
  227. Caroline Glick: John Bolton’s Appointment is an ‘America First’ Move
  228. Can't believe I agree with Rand Paul again!
  229. Trump, GOP Congress Give Planned Parenthood $500 Million In Taxpayer Funds
  230. When Was The Last Time You Saw CONSERVATIVES Protest?
  231. Former Officer Speaks Out About 'brainwashing' of Kids
  232. Grand Jury summoned for Hillary Clinton (INDICTMENT!?)
  233. Coulter: Trump doesn't need congress for wall
  234. Letting Trump Be Trump
  235. Interesting isn't it?
  236. We'll Just Vote Them Out Won't Work in Congress
  237. Dumbest Law EVER
  238. Kellyanne Conway Accuses Democrats Of Political Posturing Over DACA
  239. Trump should admit that he had sex with Stormy Daniels
  240. Blacks in power don't empower Blacks.
  241. US expels 60 Russian diplomats, shutters Seattle consulate
  242. UH-OH... The New POSTER BOY For GUN CONFISCATION Has Problems...
  243. Homeless Encampment Proposal Angers Southern Calif. Residents
  244. Iraqi Parents Charged For Abusing Teen Over Arranged Marriage Denial
  245. The MARCH FOR OUR LIVES Protest DEBUNKED and Full of LIES...
  246. "Sanctuary" States/Cities vs. Federal Government
  247. Van Jones Blasts Left Over Constant Anti-Trump Hysterics
  248. Michael Moore: ‘Voting Age Should be Lowered to 16’
  249. ‘Throw All That Crap Out’: John Bolton To Declare War On White House Leakers
  250. WashPost: Trump Privately Pushing Military to Fund Wall