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  1. Congratulations
  2. My friends on the right
  3. Here's hoping a 21st Century Nixon Hasn't Been Elected
  4. Msm
  5. ‘Move to Canada’ Google searches surge; Canadian immigration website goes down
  6. "Upset!" "Stunning!" - TRANSLATION: The media got their predictions completely wrong
  7. Can't wait for gabby
  8. The Sour Grapes and Cry-babies Start:
  9. Donald Trump vs Joe Namath
  10. Can We Get a List?
  11. To all of the Whiners on the left who promised to LEAVE.
  12. The Election Is Over-Time To Just Do Politics!
  13. Investment idea
  14. We're not going anywhere
  15. What Hillary did behind the scenes
  16. If You Voted For Donald Trump - Why?
  17. What should Trump do first after being sworn in?
  18. They Just Don't Get It
  19. Hillary Won!
  20. For jim
  21. Justice Ginsburg Wears 'Dissent' Collar Following Contentious Election 6 / 56
  22. Awwww, don't cry!! Perez Hilton
  23. Preliminary list shows potential Trump Cabinet picks
  24. I promise to give Trump a chance
  25. November 10, 2016
  26. Donny Could Be Impeached Right Off The Bat
  27. A Lesson To Be Learned?
  28. When they go low, we go high
  29. Best video in history of the world
  30. Understanding the Left
  31. Obama's main legacy: The collapse of the Democrat party
  32. The MSM Never Fails To Amuse Me
  33. Electoral College and why it is important
  34. Kellyanne Conway for chief of staff
  35. Hillary’s ground game might have ended up turning out … Trump voters
  36. Changing On Obamacare 'Repeal and Replace'?
  37. Trump IS my President and party leader - plus an article that makes me fighting mad
  38. Other Consequences of Elections
  39. Swings
  40. MSM/Crazy Protesters
  41. Deplorable's Creed
  42. 1.4 Obama amnesty applicants on deportation hit list
  43. Dont know the author, but
  44. Hillary To Work In Trump Administration
  45. Revenge of the Deplorables
  46. De Blasio: NYC Will Resist Any Deportation Plans
  47. Millions Of Obama Supporters Flipped For Trump
  48. 1.4 million Obama amnesty applicants on deportation hit list?
  49. Emperor Orange Already Backpedaling His Huffy
  50. CNN Commentator Slimes Sheriff David Clarke as ‘Like a Terrorist’
  51. Tears, Roses, and Hugs: Hillary Clinton in Mourning
  52. Quit Whining, Liberals. You Brought Trump on Yourselves
  53. Trump to Support Nationwide Concealed Carry
  54. Experiencing Emotional Distress
  55. Will Obama Pardon Clinton? Will Trump Object?
  56. The Electoral College
  57. Spurs coach rails against Trump
  58. Will the GOP establishment conspire against Trump?
  59. Simple Question
  60. Will Trump speak out about attacks by his followers?
  61. O.K. This is funny.
  62. Just Thinking
  63. Checks and Balances
  64. Melania Trump - first immigrant to become first lady?
  65. No Words
  66. The Trump offspring that you may not know
  67. Ryan Has ‘No Concerns’ with Bannon as Trump Chief of Staff
  68. Safety pins
  69. Sources: Priebus and Bannon
  70. Pete311
  71. Podesta's 'Buddy' At DOJ Also Tied To IRS Targeting Cover-Up
  72. Trump supports same sex marriage
  73. Jim, You'll Enjoy This
  74. Chinese Flag-Maker Flooded With Orders in Wake of Trump Win
  75. Crying Hillary Voters Compilation
  76. Three words you will never have to hear.
  77. SCOTUS Appointments
  78. How Complete Was The Fall Of Obama?
  79. Alt-Left: Where Are The Headlines?
  80. Unintended Consequences
  81. Democrat Vote Fraud in Vermont
  82. Question: Trump Presidency human relations
  83. Fund: Sidney Blumenthal, Birtherism, and the Law of Unintended Consequences Read mor
  84. Sowell: Dodged A Bullet
  85. So How Do We Roll Now?
  86. Sarah Palin: ‘Steve Bannon - Defender of Freedom’
  87. Anti-Trumpers didn't even vote
  88. FBI: Legit Hate Crimes More Prevalent in Blue States
  89. Internalized misogyny
  90. Illegals demand last minute pardons
  91. Time to pause, reflect — and stop predicting
  92. Seriously, Take Away His Twitter Ability
  93. Revoke Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize - Petition
  94. A Parody? Nope.
  95. Speculation On Appointments: Cruz?
  96. Indiana Voter Fraud
  97. Seems true
  98. While A Whine, At Least She Gets Realistic Politically
  99. Law school ain't what it used to be
  100. Jim Is Going To Wish He Wrote This
  101. 169 House Dems Send Letter to Trump Asking Him to Replace Bannon
  102. For those who believe our nation is done because of Trump.
  103. Hatch: "Protect The Filibuster"
  104. Jesse Jackson: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton
  105. This forum for the election only - 2016 Presidential Election - thoughts?
  106. Some changes on potential cabinet picks?
  107. UK: our crying liberals may soon be your new neighbors!! LOL
  108. Should Trump Continue to deport Vets?
  109. The Challenge Facing Donald Trump and Republicans: Hold That Majority!
  110. NightTrain, Grab Something To Calm Down
  111. 58 Percent of Hispanic Voters Back Donald Trump’s Immigration Policies
  112. Krauthammer: Trump Can, Should Stop Funds to Sanctuary Cities
  113. Sen. Lindsey Graham: Cruz Would 'Fill the Bill' in Replacing Scalia
  114. Trump backtracks on Muslim registry
  115. Suspended for Telling Protesters Trump Will Deport Them
  116. Donald Trump Selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney General
  117. Republicans Endorse Pelosi for House Minority Leader
  118. How will Trump enforce his new immigration policies?
  119. Pence Posse On Broadway Not Welcome
  120. The open source community is the new H1B and offshoring
  121. Listen and learn...
  122. Faithless electors...?
  123. "Mad Dog" Mattis
  124. Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes
  125. What's with Trump's bromance with Sen. Chucky-Schmucky Schumer?
  126. Disgraceful
  127. Trump to visit Queen Elizabeth
  128. Predictions for Trump's presidency
  129. Not Going Quietly
  130. Harrassment!
  131. More Electoral-College electors get death threats from Hillary voters
  132. 'I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,
  133. Conway: No Pursuit of Charges Against Clinton
  134. Trump On 100 Days
  135. Make America Great...Again?
  136. Squeezing Sanctuary Cities
  137. Busy Morning For Trump and NYT
  138. And you thought Hillary was crooked...
  139. Trump, nepotism and conflicts of interest
  140. I AM Waiting
  141. Trump is guilty
  142. Gabby - see this
  143. More about Bannon
  144. Eight years ago, Jim was extremely gracious in defeat
  145. WHite voters in economically depressed regions are in for a big surprise.
  146. Alt-right dismayed by Trump rejection
  147. Remember 2012?
  148. Just Wishing
  149. Drain The Swamp: A Place To Start?
  150. Speaking the Truth about What, and Who We are as Real Americans. One Nation Under God
  151. Abolishing the EPA
  152. Jill Stein Demands Recount in Wisconsin
  153. Liberals without power
  154. Trump's NEW view on torture?
  155. Ronnie Raygun Was A Lib
  156. Will Trump make it to Inauguration Day?
  157. Donnie's reaction to recount efforts...
  158. Cause and Effect?
  159. What will we conclude from the Ohio State attacks?
  160. Well, this is interesting
  161. MILO: Hollywood Leftists, Stop Being Racist and Move to Cuba
  162. Trump Victory Provides NRA Historic ‘Moment to Go on Offense’
  163. "Butt-Hurt"...? Not even close you great, bloody trogs.
  164. AP Unintentionally Applauds The Electoral College and Decentralized Voting
  165. Trump picks new HHS Secretary: Vocal Obamacare critic Tom Price
  166. Leftists use OSU knife attack to demand gun cntrl laws - are these people even sane??
  167. Obama admin ships 6,051 illegal-alien kids to American communities in October alone
  168. White House Aide Ben Rhodes Will Attend Fidel Castro’s Memorial
  169. What Is Pelosi’s Argument for Being Leader?
  170. Dem Sen Coons: Regrets 'no filibuster' speed bump
  171. Donald Trump Vows to Step Down from His Company to Focus on Presidency
  172. Obama to Send More Senior Reps to Castro Funeral than to Thatcher’s
  173. Pelosi continues as leader
  174. ‘Sarah Palin under Consideration for Secretary of Veterans Affairs’
  175. Jewish #NeverTrump Site Defends Bannon
  176. If only Hillary had won...
  177. The Common Core Catastrophe, and Trump’s Duty to Roll It Back
  178. Real Election Fraud
  179. Donald Trump understands about the politics of jobs
  180. Tired Dem donors feel like their money got burned
  181. The Art of the Carrier Deal
  182. Secretary of Defense : General Mad Dog Mattis
  183. All trump supporters are bigots.
  184. Recount
  185. A Video
  186. Love me some Betty Bowers. But the humor will be lost on Trump Troglodytes.
  187. Trump's Rally...
  188. CNN Apologizes to Trump
  189. Draining the swmp?
  190. Palin, Coulter lash out at Trump "sell out"
  191. Activist gives Trump a Twitter beatdown
  192. Carrier - a tale of 2 stories
  193. Mark Levin TORCHES Trump for his ‘economic authoritarianism’
  194. Carson for HUD Secretary
  195. Gingrich - successful President-elect before he is even sworn in
  196. Pelosi Clings to Power - Says Everything Is Just Fine
  197. Nancy Pelosi Calls Ben Carson ‘Disturbingly Unqualified’
  198. Someone's Time in the NFL is coming to a halt!
  199. Obama family travel, vacations, cross $85 million mark
  200. Merkel to ban the burqa?
  201. Trump: Japanese mogul pledges $50 billion US investment
  202. Disgruntled Democrats Want A Constitutional Convention To Leave The Union
  203. Ivanka Trump is VERY COMMITTED to a sensible climate policy, says AL GORE
  204. Marine Gen. John Kelly - Homeland Security
  205. Global Warming Decimates Glaciers - In 1910
  206. Perhaps Trump is smarter than we think
  207. Breitbart reporter planted hecklers at Clinton rallies
  208. Federal Judge Ends Michigan Recount
  209. CIA concluded Russia worked to elect Trump
  210. The Apprentice
  211. New Bi-Partisan Bill For 'Dreamers'
  212. And the Secretary of State is....
  213. Donald Trump Should ‘Kill Himself Immediately’
  214. Trump's Kleptocracy
  215. Election Therapy From My Basket of Deplorables
  216. Trump-Putin administration or Putin-Trump administration
  217. Five Actions President Trump Can Take to Save 2nd Amendment
  218. Fearing Trump crackdown, "dreamers" advised to end travel
  219. Trump's Generals
  220. Bad for Democrats Now? Wait 'Til You See 2018
  221. Obama Clemency -More Than Last 3 Presidents Combined
  222. Green Party's Pennsylvania recount case - rejected
  223. CIA’s ‘Russian Hacking’ Story is Left-Wing ‘Fake News’
  224. Meet Gen. John Kelly
  225. Trump victory tour is "menacing"
  226. Trolling level: grand master
  227. Dreamers just like Jesus?
  228. Pelosi's daughter
  229. Russian hacks ‘prioritized’ Democrats
  230. 897 hours
  231. Looking Into Those Michigan Votes...
  232. Tillerson Pick: ‘Massive Improvement’ from Mitt Romney
  233. Judge says electors must vote for statewide winner
  234. White males dominate Trump cabinet
  235. alt-right defined
  236. Top 10 MSM #FakeNews Stories
  237. Angry White Trump Voters love Putin
  238. IBM CEO : Invest $1 Billion & Hire 25,000 Americans
  239. Navy Seal vet for Dept. of Interior
  240. Gay Milo beats up on a leftist
  241. Old Time When Administrations Were All White
  242. Planned Parenthood - possible prosecution?
  243. Trump and tech industry leaders
  244. Listening to People Who Did Not Vote for Him
  245. Whitewashing the Black President's Legacy
  246. Why did Hillary Clinton lose?
  247. 10 Childish Behaviors from the Left
  248. Press Secretary
  249. Ann Coulter: Throwing the Baby out with the Bongwater
  250. Oops! Recount Bid Backfires!