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  1. Neither Trump nor Sanders will remedy USA’s global trade deficits.
  2. EXCLUSIVE: Colorado County GOP Chair: Errors with Ted Cruz’s Delegate Win, Might Need
  3. Rasmussen: 24% Would Opt Out of Trump v Hillary
  4. Dialing For Dollars
  5. Liberal "protesters" pepper-spray Trump supporters, hitting 8-year-old girl
  6. Civil War is coming
  7. Did you know that Hillary was a woman?
  8. Mexicans protesting Trump *NSFW*
  9. Five ways Trump will attack Clinton
  10. Indiana
  11. Is this lengthy investigation good for Hillary?
  12. IF Hillary wins
  13. Liberals would rather be "cool" than 'Correct"
  14. Of All People: Andrew Sullivan
  15. `Carly Fiorina Falls Like a Stone at Ted Cruz Rally in Indiana`
  16. How Trump's candidacy mirrors Hitler
  17. Think Cruz Will Drop If Loses IN?
  18. National Enquirer Has The Story, Trump Wonders Where IS The Media
  19. Trump wins Indiana by huge margin
  20. Clinton and Sanders nearly tied in Indiana
  21. Cruz Drops Out, Calls For Unity
  22. Now we can see who's "behind" (Trump or Hillary) after Trump starts attacking her
  23. How many are happy?
  24. Trump Rules....
  25. It's Looking Like Kasich Will Clear The Deck?
  26. Gary Johnson On The Issues
  27. So who do you get to run as VP?
  28. The waaay too early polls
  29. Is Cleveland ready for the GOP convention?
  30. John McCain 2008.
  31. Bearing Arms
  32. For those who refuse to support Trump
  33. FBI interviews Clinton aides including Huma Abedin
  34. Pew: 57 percent say 'America First'
  35. Carson: Americans 'Disgusted with Being Manipulated and Controlled'
  36. A Donald Trump Employee, FED UP with the Lies
  37. Church/State
  38. Excellent news
  39. The State Of Our Union
  40. Kinda Cool
  41. Seriously Wondering
  42. Does Trump really have a chance?
  43. Not Running To Make Things 'Unstable'?
  44. Donald Trump and Paul Ryan to meet amid escalating tensions
  45. Trump calls for nationwide concealed carry
  46. Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill
  47. Flip-Flopping..?
  48. Ryan at it again...
  49. Hillary Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, all LIES with no ETHICS?
  50. Paul Ryan Challenger Paul Nehlen: ‘He Has Betrayed Us All’
  51. Trump Slams Hillary Clinton as 'Nasty, Mean Enabler' of Husband's Affairs
  52. The Pledge
  53. Just one reason I'd never live in Virginia - Oppressive speeding penalties
  54. 2nd Amendment - a Liberal's dream
  55. I’m Voting Trump, Warts and All
  56. NY GOP Official: Trump Will Get Many Democratic Votes
  57. Speaker Paul Ryan said on Monday he would step down as chairman of the Republican Par
  58. `Illegal Immigrants Get More Welfare Than American Families...`
  59. Meet the Democratic Liars Club
  60. The ‘Never Trump’ Pouters
  61. Democrats, don’t celebrate Trump’s nomination. Fear it.
  62. Clinton’s IT Director - emails missing
  63. If you Chicago politics is rough...
  64. Scott Brown: Clinton presidency unacceptable
  65. Polls: Trump Running Even With Hillary In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania
  66. Dems: Sanctuary City: Criminals Welcome
  67. Cruz May Restart Campaign If He Wins Nebraska Primary
  68. Clinton aide Cheryl Mills leaves FBI interview
  69. This Will Make It Into Ads
  70. The Republican aristocracy is already bending its knee to King Trump
  71. Hillary Clinton is unraveling quickly
  72. Relaying message from Jeff
  73. West Virginia: Hillary loses 2/3 of support from 2008
  74. The VP selection for the 2016 election may be of unique importance
  75. Ex-DoJ Official: Missing Clinton Aide Emails 'Stinks to High Heavens'Image:
  76. Salaries true? If so, cut them!
  77. Big Loss For Obamacare
  78. Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls
  79. Trumps butler describes obama with true words and great judgment!
  80. 'We’re running a f—ing casino’: Politician tells all in manifesto
  81. President Obama says Election Day should be a holiday in the US
  82. Obama administration tells schools to give transgender students bathroom rights
  83. God Bless Texas
  84. Nigga please!
  85. Priebus: "America doesn't care about Trump scandals"
  86. "John Miller" exalts the brillance of Donald Trump
  87. U.S. judge strikes down D.C. concealed-carry gun law as likely unconstitutional
  88. Latinos offer Trump a 2016 theme song
  89. Voting
  90. Trump's SCOTUS picks
  91. DOJ, Meet Judge's Hammer
  92. Makeover coming for food nutrition labels - by order of the Fed govt
  93. #NeverTrump Circles the Drain
  94. Now here's a yard sign
  95. If you need proof when talking about Hitlery's lies....watch this...
  96. Clinton rape accuser blasts NBC anchor who announced her story had been "discredited"
  97. A Comparative List
  98. Barbara Satin
  99. Trump to hillary: Disarm your bodyguards!
  100. Too many whites
  101. “When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line?"
  102. McAuliffe takes Wang money..feds investigating
  103. Trump Starts Doing the Job the Media Won't Do on the Clintons' Tawdry Past
  104. lAlbuquerque
  105. Fauxcahontus Speaks
  106. Building robot McDonald's staff 'cheaper' than hiring workers on minimum wage
  107. State Dept.: Hillary violated department policies, broke laws
  108. I could walk to today's Trump rally in Anaheim
  109. Trump clinch's nomination
  110. Hillary Clinton - serial liar
  111. No one panders like Trump
  112. Clinton email headache is about to get worse
  113. ‘F**k The Police’: Anti-Trump Protesters in San Diego
  114. Libertarian Ticket Could Be in Jeopardy
  115. Trump acknowledges effects of Global Warming
  116. First time border control ever endorses anyone
  117. Obama's Reckless Overseas Attack on Trump
  118. How Hillary Loses
  119. North Korea government endorses Trump
  120. Foreign media reacts to (another) Trump tirade
  121. An intriguing look into how Trump made his fortune
  122. A very simple question for Republican
  123. Crime stopper bill
  124. Living in the Age of Outrage!!
  125. The violence continues
  126. San Jose's Democrat mayor justifies mob violence against Trump supporters
  127. Carson: Trump Is Called 'Unpresidential' for Doing Same Thing Obama Does
  128. Katie Couric’s Anti-Gun Producers Repeatedly Violated Federal Gun Laws
  129. Fox News gets blamed for increased gun sales
  130. Secret Service Agent book rocks Clinton campaign
  131. Why Hillary Clinton is on the ropes
  132. Clinton Vows Amnesty For Illegals In First 100 days
  133. Most recently from Trump
  134. Just want to make a few Trump Points clear...
  135. State Department Blocks Release Of Clinton-Era TPP Emails Until After The Election
  136. Does this stupid female even know
  137. 72 years ago today
  138. Trump has narcissistic personality disorder
  139. Are Drumpf's statements racist?
  140. Sanders Supporters Seethe
  141. Judge, court, La Raza, Trump
  142. Are Hillary's statements racist?
  143. Things Could Get Grim for Hillary Over Email
  144. Jake Tapper Slams Reporters' 'Ridiculously Sycophantic' Questions to Hillary
  145. Is This Where Libertarians Say Goodbye to Conservatives?
  146. Students claim 'Clinton U' is a scam
  147. Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Honored’ to Lead GOP
  148. "Cannot win"
  149. Would a Presdent Hillary act on her suggestion for Australia-style gun confiscation?
  150. Haha Dennis
  151. Clinton health issues
  152. We can't have all white male juries
  153. Trump's For The 'Little Guy'?
  154. More on Clinton E-Mails
  155. Hilary: Follow The $$$
  156. Is This Genius
  157. Trump: "Hillary would make a great president"
  158. Why The Ninth Circus Court's Concealed-Carry Gun Ruling Is Nonsense
  159. Extreme views on Trump
  160. Trump VP best options.
  161. Modern WHAT??? Political Correctness Training???
  162. Gigantic sissy shoots an AR rifle
  163. Love Trump's response
  164. 16 year old kid schools BLM fool
  165. Progressives/Liberals Kill businesses
  166. Domestic AR15s
  167. Donald Trump's poll numbers have fallen off a cliff — and even he knows it
  168. America Isn't Going To Be Great 'Again' Like This
  169. Time To Pony Up
  170. Gary Johnson on guns
  171. State of the Election
  172. Racism from the Clinton's
  173. TV News Feasts on Trump Controversies While Ignoring Hillary’s Scandals
  174. Lewandowski Fired
  175. Trump "spectacularly" falls into ties in Ohi/Pennsylvania
  176. Trump's Speech
  177. Obama Contradicted His Own Advisers on ISIS
  178. Trump is a pervert!
  179. Obama starts press conference with the usual lie: "Our immigration system is broken"
  180. Trump statement on EU - Makes me think...
  181. Rick Tyler for Congress! (Tennessee)
  182. US Media Ignores Obama's Role in Brexit Disaster
  183. Dump Trump lacks the votes
  184. Britain just gave the GOP a tremendous gift
  185. Clinton omitting meeting with political donors?
  186. Sustenance For The Sit-In
  187. Could a Brexit sentiment sweep Trump into office?
  188. Darrell Issa: There Is Enough Evidence to Indict Hillary Clinton
  189. George Will quits GOP
  190. Is Trump backing off Muslim ban?
  191. When did things change? About rights and stuff
  192. How would Biden be worse than Hillary?
  193. Panicked Democrats screeching in damage-control mode,without even reading Beng report
  194. Constitution Party Candidates
  195. American Citizen Party
  196. Since a member uses DP to report from the AP....bet we won't see this!
  197. BREAKING! Criminals in Chicago do NOT BUY THEIR GUNS LEGALLY!
  198. Seattle-area gun store; Boycott Selling to City of Seattle!
  199. Ex-Secret Service Agent: 'We Worried About Bill's Safety' Around Hillary
  200. Kid uses word 'brownies' to talk treats; School calls POLICE over "Racist" words
  201. Rasmussen : Trump +4 over Hildebeast
  202. Weapon In Paris Terrorist Attack Came From Phoenix, AZ
  203. Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama
  204. Someone tell me how Christie as VP would help Trump's chances
  205. Lynch Will Not Impede the FBI
  206. Hillary Clinton Scheduled To Meet With FBI On Saturday
  207. Trump is doing something no candidate has done in almost 30 years
  208. Obama’s lies kill public’s trust
  209. The Lynch/Clinton tarmac tête-à-tête sends the message
  210. Illegal alien who murdered three at Oregon farm, had been deported 6 times
  211. Investigators:US lab worker in CO faked test results on mining, toxic waste for years
  212. Lynch may be forced to charge Hillary after Bill’s shady powwow
  213. What happened to those pledges?
  214. Johnson says Trump is racist
  215. Thought for Independence Day
  216. Generic presidential campaign message
  217. Waiting for Comey statement
  218. James Comey just had his "Bill Buckner Moment"
  219. Trump praises Saddam, criticizes Bush
  220. AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe
  221. Comey To Voluntarily Appear Before Congressional Oversight?
  222. Obama Statement On Afghanistan With DOD 10:25 EST
  223. I’m Shocked, Shocked To Find Liberal Bias At This Major Journalism Conference -
  224. Are liberals as fragile as Robins' eggs?
  225. Newt speaks in Ohio
  226. Trump beats expectations, raises $51 million
  227. SEVEN months since Hillary addressed the media
  228. More issues I have with Johnson
  229. Pedophile helps start Clinton foundation
  230. Trump ad - first since email announcement
  231. Paul Ryan: Hillary Should Be Blocked From Seeing Classified Info
  232. Trump-Gingrich Ticket Would Be Unstoppable
  233. Latest photos of our leader
  234. Thoughts on Pence?
  235. Christie is Trump's best choice for veep
  236. 200 House Republicans show up to meet Trump
  237. Comey live with congress
  238. Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
  239. The real Hillary.... Her actual words
  240. Hillary Still Possibly Under FBI Investigation into Clinton Foundation
  241. State Dept Reopens Hillary Investigation
  242. And This Guy Supports Trump
  243. Trump finally made a smart move
  244. MN Governor: Man wouldn't have been shot and killed if he were white
  245. Obama’s permanent protest
  246. Thousands of calls for more cop-killing
  247. Obama Speaking in Poland
  248. New Black Panthers target "pigs" in New Orleans
  249. Obama's race war has real consequences
  250. Potential Trump VP slams Clinton