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  1. THIS Is T-Rump being classy
  2. Why Hillary Will Lose
  3. Gay Marco?
  4. Q: How badly is govt-sponsored education failing? A: Many are voting for a socialist!
  5. Trump and Sanders Take NH
  6. Presidential Persona
  7. Geragrty Gives Good Analysis of NH Results
  8. New Hampshire's results were a total disaster for the Republican establishment
  9. On to South Carolina
  10. Hillary's Campaign and Press Coverage-"Muscular"
  11. Rubio: If You're Down, This Is The Only Way To Possible Turnaround
  12. Trump's Victory Allows Him to Storm Into SC
  13. Judge irked by State Dept.'s delay in Clinton's emails
  14. The Lesson Of NH?
  15. GOP shatters its turnout record
  16. The Road To SC Is Heating Up
  17. Imagine if...
  18. As I Said, Christie Is Pragmatic
  19. Bush?
  20. Trump Returning Money
  21. Carly out
  22. Jim Webb Again?
  23. Hillary Emails State Department
  24. Republican Elites Land in South Carolina With No Plan to Stop Trump
  25. Trump's Bravado Helped Him
  26. Can Disagree With The Conclusion, But The Warnings Are In The History
  27. Trump seems to hit every group
  28. If we lose on immigration, we lose everything..
  29. Honesty: "Conservatives and GOP Betrayed..."
  30. Wash Post: The Democrats’ dilemma: Clinton may not be salvageable
  31. Ask And You Shall Recieve
  32. "Most interesting statement of Major General Igor Konashenkov (MUST SEE!)"
  33. Christie's Hit and Run
  34. Trump doubles others in national poll
  35. Sanders-Young People May Like The Rebel More Than His Ideas
  36. Democrats Low Turnout
  37. What Would Madison Think?
  38. Emails and Does Anyone Remember Plamegate?
  39. Limbaugh: Cruz 'Has Got to Be Your Guy' – 'Closest to Reagan'
  40. Another one of Trump's victims - see video
  41. Bloomberg run
  42. After 10+ years
  43. BREAKING: Jim Gilmore Suspends Campaign
  44. Change the Primary system!
  45. The Obama Threats against FREE SPEECH are alive in this TEXAS video
  46. W. Bush vs D. Trump
  47. A new debate topic, that has barely been touched until now
  48. GOP / CBS Debate
  49. Scalia: A Tribute
  50. Crazy Drudge poll
  51. 5 million illegals in trouble
  52. Bernie's free stuff
  53. Kentucky lawmaker’s bill - need wifes permission?
  54. Rubio On Scalia
  55. CBS Poll: Rubio Won Debate
  56. For It Before Against It
  57. Scalia: A Tribute As A Person and Jurist
  58. Just watched GWB on the trail
  59. Yuppers
  60. Trump Versus Cruz
  61. Scalia quote
  62. Seems as thought Trump lost no ground
  63. The best defense of Trump I've heard so far
  64. Is Trump a democrat or a Republican?
  65. Political solicitation
  66. Dammit! Are we AMERICANS, or are we Haters?
  67. Bernie Sanders says he wants to "redistribute wealth". What is that, really?
  68. For It Before Being Against It.
  69. Ted Cruz for America
  70. Quote from a guy we won't elect
  71. Trump vs Sanders: who would win?
  72. A Good Argument For 'No Vote' On Obama SCOTUS Nominee
  73. Classless President
  74. Hope it makes a big difference
  75. Stopping the Campaign
  76. Political Correctness, Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, and the Offended..BOO HOO!
  77. Bernie Sanders weird porn past
  78. Beyonce Tampa Concert: Off Duty Work Goes Unfilled
  79. Trump Said Sleeping Around Was My ‘Personal Vietnam’
  80. Bush Going Out?
  81. Love Dennis Miller's wit
  82. Pope says Trump "is not a Christian"
  83. While we agonize over who will be President
  84. A vote for Trump is a vote for Democrats
  85. DNC Helps Clinton Buy Off Superdelegates
  86. A 'special place in hell' for Susan Sarandon
  87. For it before being against it - part 2
  88. Bernie Sanders and free college
  89. Flip Flops
  90. Rubio Told Spanish TV He Backed Amnesty
  91. Trump Refuses to Say Whether George W. Bush Lied About Iraq War
  92. Trump talk, Anti-China manufacturing except for his products
  93. I Hope This Is Wrong
  94. Juvenile teenage shenanigans
  95. Rubio Steps in Poopio
  96. Do you support Japanese-style interment camps for Muslim citizens?
  97. Today's the big day.
  98. Hookers 4 Hillary
  99. Trump wins South Carolina.
  100. Political Correctness described perfectly. Liberal Intolerance at it's worst.
  101. Bush gone
  102. At least 6 dead in random shootings in Kalamazoo County, Mich. Suspect arrested.
  103. A Democrat's View of Trump
  104. Don't worry Hillary
  105. New Candidates
  106. Hey Bernie
  107. Why Immigration Is The Most Important Issue
  108. How did Hillary win all those coin tosses?
  109. Trump Leaves the Republican Party
  110. Robert Reich endorses Ted Cruz
  111. Bill Clinton, Obama, and Hillary IGNORED this.....
  112. NC 12th district- again!
  113. Trump — Caucus
  114. Holy crap I may have changed his politics
  115. Trump: As president, I would prosecute Clinton
  116. Liberal makes good case that Trump will be GOP nominee
  117. Trump wins Nevada.
  118. No Vote on Obama Court Nominee
  119. Reuters rolling poll
  120. Will stubbornness win out?
  121. KKK & Trump
  122. "Mrs. Clinton, if I sue your husb for sexual harassmt, will you help me as you said?"
  123. Dopey whiners of the world take note
  124. Rangel Retiring
  125. Donald Trump Nabs First Congressional Endorsements
  126. Remorseless Delegate Math
  127. White House Vetting GOP Gov. Sandoval for Possible SCOTUS Pick
  128. Trump's Assassination
  129. Former Mexican president We're Not Paying "For That F***ing Wall"
  130. Victims of pedophile priests and imams help create more victims with silence.
  131. GOP / CNN Debate
  132. Broken Washington
  133. Mitt Romney should change his name to Irony.
  134. Con Man Trump: I Love The Poorly Educated
  135. Look at the numbers: The Trump Train's Destination is Hillaryland
  136. Christie endorses Trump.
  137. change the voting age NOW !!!
  138. Massachusetts
  139. Do you suppose Trump hires Muslims?
  140. The Messenger
  141. If THIS Happens and Works
  142. 12th Amendment election scenarios if Bloomberg runs and no one get a majority
  143. Up to date endorsements
  144. What's With The Military and Red Flags?
  145. THIS endorsement ends the GOP primary
  146. Marine Vet Escorted from Clinton Event After Asking About Benghazi
  147. Dear GOP, No MORE Candidates! Please!
  148. Trump correct about tax returns
  149. Trump campaign promises
  150. Super Tuesday
  151. Romney in if Rubio fails?
  152. Latest Poll-Trump Up/Rubio Down
  153. The Elephant In The General Election
  154. Hanson: The Lamest Lame Duck
  155. Rubio/Cruz or Cruz/Rubio.
  156. Scarborough Going After Trump On Supremacists?
  157. For Anyone Hoping That Super Tuesday Isn't The 'End'
  158. Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
  159. CNN polls internals
  160. Brian France endorses
  161. What Could Have Been?
  162. March 1 Republican Primaries and Caucuses
  163. How will Rubio fare today
  164. Split, Schism, Realignment Call It What You Will
  165. Who's behind Romney?
  166. I Don't Trust Hillary Clinton
  167. Some liberals STILL think govt should have some say in who can own a gun
  168. Same Anger During Reagan
  169. Superdelegates
  170. GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump
  171. Super Tuesday
  172. 10 reasons why REAL Christians won't support Trump
  173. George Lopez Gets Owned
  174. On the Issues - lesser of evils
  175. Trump Was THE Plan All Along
  176. Trump is now unstoppable. It's game over for Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Carson
  177. Open/Closed Primaries
  178. 6 New Jersey newspapers call for Chris Christie to resign
  179. Ryan Funds Visas for 300,000 Muslim Migrants,Republicans Give Him Standing Ovation
  180. Rubio: Cruz Had ‘Bad Night,’
  181. Voter turnout
  182. Carson out?
  183. Mitt Romney to address the 2016 presidential campaign Thursday
  184. What happens to Rubios delegates if he drops out?
  185. Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations
  186. No Matter Who Wins, the New Boss Same as the Old Boss
  187. New GOP Strategy?
  188. Trump Veep
  189. Crystal Pepsi
  190. If rubio and cruz had double teamed trump in debates from the beginning
  191. Another goodie
  192. What if Trump gets 49% of the delegates, but is denied the nomination?
  193. DOJ Grants Immunity To Clinton Staffer
  194. Knock knock, Marco. It’s a wolf named Trump
  195. More Democracy Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be
  196. Loser Romney 'Begged' for My Endorsement 4 Years ago
  197. Donald Trump Reacts to Mitt Romney's Upcoming Speech.....
  198. Fox News no longer 'pushing' little Marco?
  199. Here ya go rev: Gary Johnson running for president
  200. Under no circumstance will Mexico pay for the wall
  201. Trump dominates with huge turnouts, wide base of support
  202. Mitt Romney is doing Donald Trump a BIG favor
  203. Trump - no teleprompter
  204. Tonight's debate
  205. Trump releases healthcare plan
  206. How Criticizing Is Not 'Establishment'
  207. Just When I Think The Election Can't Get Worse
  208. GOP / FOX Debate
  209. So If Trump Hits Traditional Financing In General
  210. Sold! Eight of Jeb's Finance Committee Members Join Cruz Finance Committee
  211. Romney's Speech and Trumps reply
  212. Trump Cancels At CPAC
  213. Out of my system... Trump vs Paul
  214. Trump: IEDs = "a little ride"
  215. Trump Phenomenon Is the Cork Popping After Years of Political Correctness....
  216. Seems the campaigning needs to start
  217. Gingrich: Trump right to skip CPAC
  218. Cruz Resume
  219. If You Give Someone Your Money...
  220. 3/5 Primaries
  221. John Oliver: Donald Trump
  222. Could Trump Melt Down?
  223. Bernie Sanders anti-war?
  224. Bernie Sanders on Guns
  225. Ted Cruz: A Brokered Convention Would Lead To ‘A Revolt’
  226. Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites...
  227. Will State Department Be Investigated Over Emails?
  228. Buchanan - Trump is right on trade
  229. interesting Trump endorsements and supporters
  230. Hillary : "LOL, just a security review!"
  231. Trump getting his butt handed to him in Kansas
  232. In the states Trump is winning LA&KY, his lead is less than 5 percentage points!
  233. Trump's Delegate Lead Will Shrink Tonight
  234. Polling Shenanigans
  235. Only Trump "win" in KY yielded him a delegate advantage
  236. Interesting juxtaposition
  237. Voting Blocs
  238. Here's the Hillary, and Bernie answer to the ECONOMY....Just print more of nothing...
  239. Great point for Trump haters or ANY democrat supporter
  240. Been Thinking
  241. About The Minimum Wage
  242. Going To Be A Long Summer?
  243. Unsettling
  244. Analyzing Trump's answers to simple questions
  245. Cruz: Media is sitting on bombshells about Donald Trump
  246. Has Trump Insulted Our Military?
  247. If delegate allocation continues at its current pace
  248. A Limbaugh Caller Suggested The Media Would Have Already Buried Cruz If Not For Trump
  249. Poll: Muslim Voters Prefer Trump Among Republicans
  250. Jeanine Pirro on Romney