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  1. Risen: Journalists must fight or become irrelevant
  2. Governor Loopy is self destructing
  3. My new heroine
  4. Allen West on Bill Cosby’s pro-Muslim post: Are you crazy?
  5. Obama And Wife Michelle Can’t Stand Each Other
  6. New Polls : Democrats Are In Big Trouble
  7. The twelve worst leaders in history
  8. WH Admits Obama Delayed Executive Amnesty So GOP Couldn't Campaign On It
  9. Sheila Jackson Lee named "meanest" member of Congress
  10. Democrats deserting the sinking ship in droves
  11. Political Black Ops: ‘Gay Bikers For Ebola’?
  12. Mooch embarrasses herself repeatedly
  13. Snowden movie indicts obama
  14. Documents go backstage at the Clinton White House
  15. Obunga: The Worst President Since WWII
  16. Obama Administation is a Swamp of Ineptitude, Mismanagement and Sordid Scandals
  17. Dallas confirms second Ebola victim, so where's Obama?
  18. Ebolie
  19. "Wendy Does Dallas" Davis attacks opponent's disability
  20. Obamacare is working
  21. Dems lowest in 30 years
  22. Leaked DHS Document: 167,000 Convicted Criminal Aliens At Large In US
  23. Poll: As election nears, voters say things are 'going to hell in a handbasket'
  24. 20 Reasons You Wouldn't Want To Live In An America Controlled By Liberals Like Obama
  25. Obama, the Globalist puppet.
  26. Liberal NY Daily News To Obama “For God’s Sake, Get A Grip!”
  27. Charlie Crist's Fan: A Love Story
  28. Republican takes lead in Mass. Congressional Race
  29. It’s time to remove Obama from office — before he gets us all killed
  30. FOX News' Shep Smith Breaks Down The Media's Ebola Fear Mongering
  31. One Fed Agency's Irresponsible Fiscal Example
  32. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown shooters were really ‘killing Barack Obama’
  33. Why I Oppose Liberalism
  34. America in Crisis: Sorry, Blacks, You Can't Sit This Out
  35. Tomorrow's Europe: Order or Anarchy?
  36. How GOP control will terrorize the nation
  37. Which one of you folks lives in East Texas?
  38. Black Vote Seen as Last Hope for Democrats to Hold Senate
  39. A toxic President
  40. Obama Head Done In By Grim Reaper In Halloween Display
  41. Poll: Likely Voters Want GOP-Led Congress
  42. Eric Holder's Top Deputy Resigns Amid Revelation Fast and Furious Guns Used in Phoeni
  43. Crowd walks out on o
  44. Martin: Ebola Just Another Example Of Obama Incompetent Government
  45. Republicans accused of 'race-baiting' for running ad on black convict murderer
  46. Just Look at Obama's Destruction of Black America
  47. Wendy Davis found the bottom of the well and kept digging....
  48. Obama Administration Quietly Prepares 'Surge' Of Millions Of New Immigrant IDs
  49. Obama 'helping' embattled Democrat candidates
  50. Considering past deeds, it's only a matter of time until......
  51. Obama stiffs personal creditors in Illinois, now WH covering up HUGE
  52. IL - Verified: Voting machine switches votes for Republicans into votes for Democrats
  53. Alleged "Calibration Error" Changes GOP Votes to Democrat in IL
  54. What election? With Democrats losing huge, Network News gives up on covering midterms
  55. FBI now asking Congress to weaken iPhone and Android security
  56. DNC Chief Can't Name a Single Senate Race Obama Has Campaigned in
  57. What "if" Rush Limbaugh never existed?
  58. Ferguson Dem arrested?
  59. Top Iranian Adviser: Obama is 'Weakest of US Presidents'
  60. Michelle Obama apparently mixes up Colorado Senate candidates at campaign event
  61. Obama claims executive privilege over 15,000 Fast and Furious docs
  62. Who Creates Jobs?
  63. Radical Feminism
  64. Democrap pushes for controls on Internet political speech
  65. Chinese Nuclear Submarines, 'Boomers' Missiles Could Hit Hawaii, Alaska: Report
  66. Frank Serpico- The Police Are Still Out of Control
  67. Good Cop Vs Bad Cop... then cops
  68. "Calibration Issue" Found in Voting Machines in 3 Maryland Counties
  69. Hillary: Corporations and Businesses Don't Create Jobs
  70. I WAS worried about Scott Walker's reelection until this news
  71. Shock video: Blacks turn on dems 'they are abusing us'
  72. Life under Obama sucks. And these numbers prove it
  73. These blacks have it right
  74. Woman Tells Cops Ex Be Stealin' Her "Obama Phone"
  75. Obama Administration Most 'Dangerous' For Press
  76. It's only DEMOCRAT women who are not to be referred to as whores
  77. As in Illinois, voting machines in Maryland switching Republican votes to Dem
  78. Obama regime trying to "restrain Ebola panic"? Umm, what panic?
  79. Eric Holder To Ferguson Leakers: ‘Shut Up’
  80. Non-Citizens Are Voting
  81. How racial appeals to black voters have changed — and worsened — under Obama
  82. Should govt quarantine people who have worked on Ebola patients?
  83. Lava flow approaching residence
  84. Democrap halloween: Party losses 'could be historic'
  85. Police Hired based on "insensitivity" ?
  86. Democrats: Vote or we’ll kick your ass
  87. Base dissatisfied with Dems
  88. When Leftist Race Hatred Meets Islamism
  89. Progressives in the Dock Why America has soured on Obunga.
  90. Desperate Democrats resort to race-baiting
  91. Rapists Fret Not, 400,000+ used Rape Kits Never Tested to find Rapist
  92. Who Will Win The Senate? - Also "Election Lab"
  93. Fort Worthless Wendy's 360 degree failure
  94. Senior Lemon Picker
  95. Obama always pointing the finger of blame at someone else
  96. Get-Out-The-Vote-Handout Being Passed Out In Black Churches In NC
  97. The Democrats' Achilles' Heel
  98. Ben Stein: Obama Is The “Most Racist President Ever”
  99. Racially Incendiary Burke Flyer Seeks to Rally Black Vote
  100. Well...it's official then. That's it! Biden has spoken....
  101. Michelle Obama Goes Full-Racist: Blacks Must Blindly Vote For Democrats
  102. NC poll workers offer ballots to impostor -- TWENTY TIMES!
  103. Controversy over 40,000 ‘missing voters’ in Georgia
  104. I Voted
  105. Today: America Turns Right?
  106. Clyburn Says Dem Candidates Will Lose Because They Didn’t Race Bait Enough…
  107. Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.
  108. Kay Hagan Wears Blue Dress While Getting "Plugged" By Bill Clinton
  109. Solicitor General: Israel Has No Claim to Jerusalem
  110. Better Stock up on the Quicker Picker Upper!!!
  111. BREAKING NEWS: Fox News projects Shelley Moore Capito will win Senate seat in West Va
  112. `Nancy Pelosi: ‘It’s a difficult night’`
  113. Ohio Govornor John Kasich Wins Re-election
  114. Republicans Take Senate Control
  115. We won! Now what?
  116. Republicans given mandate to chart new course for america
  117. Democraps Sink to Pre–Great Depression Levels
  118. Good News for Keystone Pipeline
  119. Newly elected GOP majorities must realize: Americans are fundamentally conservative
  120. Reid staffer: its Obama's fault
  121. The Cherry On Top: Sandra Fluke Loses Her Race For California State Senate Seat…
  122. Another shining election moment!
  123. A complete rejection of President Obama, his agenda, and his ideology
  124. Final Senate tally: Republicans gain 9 Senate seats. 54 Republicans, 46 Dems
  125. Democrats sink to pre-Great-Depression levels in State legislatures
  126. A dissenting viewpoint on Tuesday's election
  127. I don't really care to be president without the Senate," Obama reportedly conceded in
  128. Chris Matthews actually makes sense
  129. Same lie, different day (yawn)
  130. Boehner warns Obama will ‘burn himself’ with exec action on immigration
  131. The man who discovered Political Correctness.
  132. Gays
  133. `Nominate your next President here`
  134. Sarah Palin pushing impeachment: 'Bring on the investigations'
  135. Uh-oh: Supremes to hear case re Obamacare subsidies illegal in states without exchang
  136. Political donations prove liberal bias dominates American culture
  137. Obama challenges GOP to win elections.
  138. Eric Holder Email: ‘Some People Can Kiss My Ass’
  139. Liberals declare war on white Texas women
  140. Elections have "consequences"!
  141. Incoming GOP Senators Start Laying Out Plan
  142. Obama defends plan to act on immigration: CBS interview
  143. Does our Education system need to be abolished and rebirthed?
  144. Same old, tired fib being tried yet again: "Our immigration laws need reform!"
  145. What should happen to U.S.-born kids of illegal aliens being deported?
  146. Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering in Washington to Oppose Executive Amnesty
  147. Dem: Obama doesn't have power to deploy more troops
  148. Obama Is Super Intelligent
  149. Maryland Voters Rejected False Prosperity Claim
  150. We cannot forget the IRS. Election news shoves all of the Obama lies to the back page
  151. Debbie Wasserman Schultz says her 'party has a problem.' Fortunately, she doesn't kno
  152. BAM! Sullivan wins AK Senate Race
  153. How is Jeb Bush not the next President of the United States?
  154. Try him for his damn treason.... ENOUGH OF THE PC BULLSHIT ALREADY..
  155. Bring 'em
  156. Tables get turned on RACIST hispanic reporter. LISTEN!
  157. Deception
  158. Obama disarms Border Patrol agents
  159. Impeachment
  160. Being Painted Into A Corner
  161. Is it as easy as just de-funding amnesty?
  162. My Thoughts on the 2104 Election and Obama's Reaction
  163. Liberal Anger on Display
  164. US - China Climate Change Bill
  165. Tammy Duckworth refused proxy vote in Dem caucus
  166. Federal Employees and Govt Waste
  167. Religion Taught In Public Schools?
  168. `Obama 2006 Flashback: Illegal Immigration HURTS ‘Blue-Collar Americans`
  169. Obamacare popularity in free fall
  170. Obama Admitted He Stole Gruber's Ideas
  171. Nearly Half the Public Wants Obama's Executive Amnesty Postponed
  172. The Pledge of Alleg….Wait, What?
  173. `FCC official: Obama-backed net neutrality plan='immediate' Internet Tax
  174. Gruber: Follow The $$$
  175. Wow, Whom To Blame?
  176. Stop The Hatred!
  177. Another Liberal Tax Cheat
  178. Ex-Obama Aide Destroys Media Narrative, Admits Gruber Was an 'Important Figure'
  179. Democrats Fracturing Over Obama's Executive Amnesty?
  180. Gurbergate in 2 minutes
  181. Did Dems plant rumor of Obama amnesty for 5 million, to get us to accept 750,000?
  182. `The Vanishing White Democrat`
  183. Obama and Discussing Executive Order For Immigration
  184. If Obama’s Executive Order Breaches The Constitution, Why Can’t Boehner And McConnell
  185. Cry babies and whiners after another election massacre
  186. What's the solution?
  187. Museum Will Remove World War II-Era Rifles Because Of New State Law
  188. When will Libs issue a written apology to GW Bush?
  189. Voting Rights Act in the South
  190. Obama's immigration announcement
  191. If Repub Pres tires of waiting 4 Cong to change ACA, can he issue an EO to repeal it?
  192. Obama importing "ghost army"
  193. Judicial Watch Uncovers WH and DOJ Targeting
  194. Another Reason I'm Beginning To Like USA Today
  195. Reparations
  196. WH Admits Improperly Inflating Obamacare Enrollment Figures
  197. ICE Braces for New Spring Surge of Illegal Immigrants
  198. WH advisor scolds Americans for not appreciating Obama economy enough
  199. 30,000 missing emails from IRS' Lerner recovered
  200. Obama's immigration plan to reach far fewer than 4.7 million: lawyers
  201. HRC at Gala: Immigration Order Affects the 'People Who Served Us Tonight'
  202. `Eric Holder quit because of health after hospital scare: Dr wife's orders`
  203. Of all the U.S. presidents to mythologize, why pick JFK?
  204. Which is the REAL father of the occupier of the White House?
  205. Will he wear cement shoes?
  206. Schoolhouse Rock - "I'm just an Executive Order"
  207. JFK: The Voter Fraud President
  208. SNL, Obama, School House Rocks!
  209. Obama Fires Hagel
  210. Andrew Klavan
  211. Obama insults Australia: Why did president diss close ally's prime minister?
  212. Hagel fired to hide Kerry's latest FAIL
  213. States/Marriage License
  214. Muslim Caucus in Washington Says Islam Commands All Muslims to Vote in a Bloc
  215. Giving thanks... for capitalism
  216. more riots...
  217. The Conservative Solution to... Pollution
  218. `Actually......Republicans Can Cut The Funding For Obama’s Amnesty`
  219. is there unfair sentencing for Blacks .. and others
  220. Do you know how much we pay for JUST INTEREST, every year, on the National Debt?
  221. Police Continue to Militarize Despite Low Crime
  222. IRS shared confidential taxpayer info with White House
  223. The "Majority of Republicans"
  224. Louisiana Democrat: Vote Multiple Times, You Won't Be Prosecuted
  225. Republicans Invested Heavily In Women–And It Paid Off
  226. Rich Lowry Tells Truth About Michael Brown, Makes NBC Liberals Upset
  227. Schumer on Obamacare Then and Now
  228. Farrakhan Praises Ferguson Violence and ‘Law of Retaliation’; Networks Fail to Cover
  229. Talk of Raising Federal Gas Tax to Repair Crumbling Roads and Bridges
  230. And they call it the Affordable Care Act?
  231. EPA staffers linked to 'alleged serious misconduct,' agency reveals
  232. `Dem`... representatives make 'hands up, don't shoot' motion on House floor`
  233. Sebelius: Americans don’t like Obamacare because their “financial literacy is low”
  234. Hillary Clinton: I Want $300,000 And A Bowl Of Hummus
  235. The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens
  236. A Body Camera For Obama?
  237. Oh Great. Feds Hiring Thousands To Process Amnesty Applications
  238. Liberalism in Ruins
  239. Why I vote Democrat
  240. `South High student challenges officer - video`
  241. Jobs Report: Labor Participation Rate remains at lowest level since Jimmy Carter pres
  242. 81 years ago today
  243. Fail Mary: Sen. Landrieux (D-LA) about to be trounced in weekend runoff election
  244. Hillary says America should ‘empathize’ with its enemies
  245. Audit: Taxpayer dollars paid for eco group’s $25G Christmas party
  246. Cops shot armed mentally off black teen, your OP
  247. Why did Pearl Harbor attack happen? Do the causes still exist?
  248. Landrieu: "If you don't like Obamacare, you can unelect me."
  249. Survey: Morale of the military alarmingly low
  250. `US unveils federal law enforcement profiling curbs`