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  1. For sale, replacement needed
  2. Libs so proud of getting 8M to sign up for Obamacare! Here's how they did it
  3. ANOTHER university stops students from handing out Constitution
  4. Dems introduce bill for govt to scour internet for "crimes of hate"
  5. Fred Thompson on Twitter
  6. China moves from socialism to freedom, US goes other way, now China econ surpasses US
  7. White House denies memo was about Benghazi attack
  8. Are some Constitutional rights more equal than others?
  9. Hillary flip/flops on gay marriage
  10. Media "reporting" on Benghazi: like Woodward,Bernstein helping Nixon cover up Waterga
  11. EPA caught working behind the scenes to kill huge mining project in Alaska
  12. Why was Benghazi security progressively reduced as attacks worsened before election?
  13. EU hijacks the "Robin Hood" name, applies it to a tax
  14. Monster traffic jams expected in southern Calif during Obama visit May 7-9
  15. A or B: What's Killing Us In Poltiics
  16. Poll: Which Republican would you vote for right now?
  17. Trey Gowdy has questions for the press on Benghazi
  18. Q: How do we pay off the Natl Debt? A: We inflate it away!
  19. Obama's two-term report card
  20. A reflection from illegal immigration discussion back in 2006..
  21. Obamacare or Coffee?
  22. Wreck of Christopher Columbus' flagship Santa Maria found off Haiti?
  23. Supreme Court allows cities to forbid renting homes to illegal aliens
  24. Federal agents fence off water for cattle - to protect a jumping mouse
  25. Obama releases murderers....just another day
  26. Poll: 62% of Americans want Select Committee to investigate Benghazi more thoroughly
  27. 66 years ago today
  28. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional Amendment to restrict Koch brothers
  29. the voting age
  30. Obama's big "Climate Change" crackdown on the coal industry ready for launch
  31. Christie calls for more aggressive foreign policy
  32. Liberalism-Socialism
  33. Priebus: I Doubt Whether Hillary Clinton Will Run In 2016
  34. Yep, you guessed it: Obama learned of VA death scandals thru newspaper reports
  35. CNN to White House: "How many dead veterans do you need?"
  36. Politicians say SS will keep paying out for 15, 20, 30 etc. years. But will it?
  37. Common Core textbooks teaching lies about the 2nd amendment???
  38. Unpatriotic Racists,’ Says Wheel Of Fortune’s Pat Sajak
  39. But... Obama "demanded action" on VA back in 2013. And in 2012. And in 2007.
  40. Tea Party suffers huge losses in May primaries
  41. Woman sues hospital for "forcing" her to have a C-section?
  42. Fiat Chrysler CEO to public: Please don't buy my Fiat 500e electric car
  43. More damn , bait and switch from this traitor and crew!!
  44. Jimnyc. How would you feel if???
  45. Al Sharpton Versus The Teleprompter
  46. Snoden was not a traitor to the American people........
  47. Cynicism Wins The Day?
  48. Ammo Shortage Explained : Operation Choke Point
  49. WTF? Nancy Pelosi confronted by 16 year old
  50. Candidate Legally Changes Name To 'Cesar Chavez'
  51. 25 years ago today
  52. Mad Magazine Presents Obama's Next Horror Movie: Trading Private Bergdahl
  53. My favorite president
  54. CBO quietly drops forecast that Obamacare will cut the deficit
  55. Liberals - The Intellectual Elite
  56. 70 years ago today
  57. Next Month is JULY. Our next Federal Holiday is...
  58. Will Child Services Misconduct Be The Sleeper Issue of The Next Two Elections?
  59. Ted Cruz Wins Big in Texas GOP Straw Poll
  60. Is Hillary in touch with everday folks?
  61. Teacher tenure law found unconstitutional (California)
  62. The Tea Party is alive and well in VA.
  63. CBO: Obamacare penalty to hit one million low-income Americans
  64. Will wonders never cease?
  65. 27 years ago today
  66. Pew: Republicans are where they were 20 yrs ago, while Dems have slid FAR left
  67. Handing Iraq back to Al Qaeda: How do our Iraq war vets feel about that?
  68. Obama decides to send air support to Iraq
  69. IRS: Oops, our computer crashed and wiped out all of Lois Lerner's emails. Honest!
  70. What does this"A computer crash erased emails"story say about the IRS scandal,really?
  71. Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Illegal Immigrant Facility
  72. Border Patrol Agents Threatened with Criminal Charges for Speaking to Reporters
  73. Did Jay Carney quit to avoid having to explain Lerner's suddenly missing emails?
  74. Predictions on our government's illegal actions?
  75. IRS Commissioner, in March: Lois Lerner's Emails Are 'Stored in Servers'
  76. Are Dems tryingto overwhelm the country with scandals, to get away with a select few?
  77. Old Drugs in New America (Opium Wars 2.0)
  78. If excuse works once, keep using it! IRS has now "lost" MORE emails
  79. Las Vegas cop killers were left-wingnut "Occupy" protesters
  80. IRS email snafu "mind-boggling", says IT expert
  81. Lerner's hard drive was recycled: That's their story and they're sticking to it
  82. Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention"
  83. Colo Dem governor blames other people for his signing gun-control bills
  84. Sums it up nicely, I think
  85. Epidemic: Deadly diseases crossing border with illegal aliens
  86. Why the gov't is broke
  87. Not a good time to lose a bet
  88. Paul Ryan spanks the IRS Commissioner
  89. Astounding bias: Media ignores two court rulings rejecting "new" Walker "scandal"
  90. Then-12-yr-old rape victim furious: "Hillary Clinton took me through Hell."
  91. GOP Congressman introduces "The Dog Ate My Taxes" bill legalizing dumb excuses to IRS
  92. To restrict guns, Hillary calls for government "viewpoint control" on her opponents
  93. What could the long-term results of unchecked Obama-admin violations of our rights?
  94. Is Rick Perry Presidential?
  95. Poll: 76% believe the missing emails were deliberately destroyed (incl. 63% of Dems)
  96. IRS Chief: When Lerner's disk crashed,no one tried to recover emails from backup tape
  97. Meet Trey Gowdy
  98. IRS Commisioner Loves His Democrats, and They Love him Right Back
  99. Important Bills: H.R.1699 vs H.R.4432
  100. New House bill offers $1M cash for Lois Lerner's "missing" emails
  101. New York Times: IRS refuses to play along with corrupt President's requests
  102. Doctors: Diseases brought by flood of illegal aliens not being taken seriously
  103. Border Patrol officers testing positive for TB, swine flu, scabies etc.
  104. Border resident: Nancy Pelosi should visit my ranch
  105. Capured illegal immigrants heard saying, "That's okay, Obama's going to let me go"
  106. One hundred years ago today
  107. Will USSC rule next that private indivs also can't be forced to pay for Obamacare?
  108. 306 Articles of Impeachment against Obama
  109. VA finally offers appt to veteran... 2 years after he dies from his brain tumor
  110. Illegal immigrants already being released into a neighborhood near you
  111. Fed agents threaten to arrest doctors,nurses if they talk about detention camp condit
  112. Very Good idea - solves the VA waiting-list problem
  113. ICE: They have caught and then released 506,232 illegal aliens in one year
  114. Americans protest, block Fed attempt to bring illegal aliens to Murrieta, Calif
  115. Obama says illegal alien children "Can't stay"... but that's not what he's doing
  116. NJ Gov. Christie vetos "gun control" bill
  117. Interactive map showing where in USA the Fed govt is shipping illegal aliens
  118. June jobs report: 523K full-time jobs LOST, 799K part-time (no benefits) gained
  119. Feds to ship more illegal aliens to Murrieta, CA on July 7,this time with riot squads
  120. 4th of July Tribute to Obama, and his Library
  121. Leftist fanatics, LaRaza etc. attack anti-illegal-immigration protestors in Murrieta
  122. Cool browser app!
  123. Fed govt releasing illegal aliens deported 10-15 times, into Arizona
  124. Virginia county finds hundreds of illegals turned over to ICE, being arrested again
  125. Border Patrol commands officer to "cease and desist" from talking to media
  126. RealClearPolitics.com Senate poll: 51 Republican seats, 49 Democrat
  127. Desperate DHS bans media, Congress from seeing illegal-alien detention facilities
  128. EPA claims it has the power to garnish wages without court approval
  129. flying illegals home is cheaper than Obama's plan
  130. Obama's popularity reaches 72 percent...With Muslims (Brotherhood?)
  131. Even if you ignore what I say here...I hope you consider this.
  132. National Police Force?
  133. Anyone feel a need to disagree? Listen to this.
  134. "Nearly two dozen US citizens lost...but hey - let's party!"
  135. Oh no! Another Obama scandal?
  136. Hanson: 2014 Obama's Summer
  137. Sadly...
  138. Another conquered from within story
  139. What do you think of the new Press Secretary
  140. IRS backup tapes "found"
  141. Only minutes away when seconds count...
  142. The Best 7 minutes of gun control speech
  143. Arizona's McCain: Execution Was Torture
  144. Fed judge rules DC's ban on carrying gun outside home, is unconstitutional
  145. Hillary: George Bush Made Me Proud To Be An American
  146. Ventura awarded $1.8 million...Way to go you puke!!!
  147. Sheila Jackson Lee - idiot
  148. FireReid starts trending on Capitol Hill
  149. You can't blame me, even if I refuse to answer the question?
  150. Open Title / discuss anything even remotely interesting....
  151. For our weekend viewing DISpleasure. You should see this. Really.
  152. Dr. James D. Manning on Obama
  153. Reading History
  154. Conduct a public inquiry into the deaths of 100,000 civilians in Iraq
  155. 69 years ago today
  156. Border Patrol Agent’s Stunning Response When a Trucker Asks If Citizenship Matters Re
  157. Issa: More Than 20 Obama Officials ‘Lost or Destroyed’ E-mails
  158. Is It Time To Consider The Obama Administration As A Criminal Institution?
  159. Obama "it's Bushes fault"
  160. AK Senate Race Heats Up
  161. Is it true? Could it be?!!! ISIS finds WMD in Iraq
  162. Democratic Hypocrisy?
  163. Study: You Have 'Near-Zero' Impact on U.S. Policy
  164. L.A. considering "Lottery" to increase voter turnout
  165. Rick Perry indicted by Grand Jury
  166. Love this one
  167. One Thing
  168. Sample of Liberal Hypocrisy
  169. Feds: Obama Broke Law with Bergdahl Swap
  170. What happens if Obama is impeached or resigns?
  171. And the Democrats COMPLAIN about Repubican PAC'S?
  172. I want one!!
  173. Why Government Is Often Not The Answer To The Problems
  174. Ok, I REALLY love this one!!
  175. Biden's bad habits
  176. BuyPartisan App
  177. CNN Should Be Declared A Terrorist Orgainzation
  178. Are We About to See What Obama Can Do When He Doesn't Give a Damn?
  179. 'We Don't Have A Strategy Yet' On Islamic State, Obama Says
  180. The Minimum Wage Smokescreen
  181. Your political views
  182. Greenpeace embarrassed by leaders’ jet-setting carbon footprint
  183. Another brutal act of unjustified police action
  184. The Great Pretender
  185. French mayor bars dogs called 'Itler' and 'Iva'
  186. U.S. Airman Denied Reenlistment For Omitting 'So Help Me God,' Humanist Group Claims
  187. 6.1%
  188. Hillary Clinton to decide on 2016 presidential run around end of year
  189. Farm owners fined for declining to host same-sex wedding
  190. GWB's Prophetic Warning In 2007
  191. ‘ISIS Jihadi’ Carries Severed Head Across U.S. Border: Stunt Shows How Easy It Is To
  192. Question
  193. Amending the First Amendment?
  194. POLL: Has Barack Obama Committed Treason?
  195. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush yuk it up
  196. Dem congressman skipped VA hearing, attended fundraiser on same day
  197. Missouri Fights Lethal Injection Suit on Eve of Earl Ringo Execution
  198. Obama Hits a New Low for Leadership, With Criticism on ISIS and Immigration
  199. Nancy Pelosi proposes heavy regulation of broadband services
  200. Michael Moore slams Obama
  201. Supporting Ukraine
  202. Democrats are not fear mongers
  203. Freedom of speech no longer exists...
  204. Clinton State Department Official Reveals Details of Alleged Document Review
  205. College Students Sign Petition To Support ISIS … On 9/11
  206. What would happen?
  207. Obama's War on the Constitution
  208. wonderful debate
  209. Stop complaining and enjoy the win
  210. Oh swell. Obama pledges fight against sex assault....
  211. Dems block Cruz bill to strip U.S. citizenship from Islamic State defectors
  212. Coulter: 'Idiots' Who Vote Libertarian Will Cost GOP The Senate
  213. Retired Head Of Marine Corps: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Doesn’t Have ‘A Snowball’s Chance
  214. Yesterday. Obama bombed Syria...how bout that Joe?
  215. "F*** it, I quit." AK newscaster quits on live TV
  216. Ezekiel Emanuel: You’re 75? Drop Dead
  217. Fox News contributor informed he has been put on terrorist watch list
  218. White House intruder
  219. Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace
  220. Republicans See Money Drying Up in Final Weeks
  221. Criminalizing & Intimidating The Opposition: Obama’s Bold Plan
  222. 'Must Have Been Embarrassing': Megyn Challenges State Dept Spox on Obama's Mention of
  223. Something is very wrong
  224. Even MA, RI and CT could reject Dems
  225. While we're on the subject of disrespetful salutes...
  226. Is Gina Raimondo really the Wicked Witch of Oz Without Makeup?
  227. GOP Should Think Big On The Senate
  228. People flee high-tax states
  229. Incompetence of current Elected Officials and their appointees put in context
  230. GAI: Obama Skipped Over Half His Daily Intel Briefs
  231. You Have To See a Threat Before You Can Have a Strategy
  232. Obamacare ads we all wish were on all networks
  233. `Brendan tevlin, american martyr, murdered on u.s. Soil by jihadist killer`
  234. RFK Jr. wants law to ‘punish global warming skeptics’
  235. One notable success of the Obama regime
  236. Academy Street "on the hill"
  237. Obama Pushing for One-Party Rule
  238. Ted Nugent
  239. Megyn Kelly confronts inappropriate, smug, childish, grinning Jan Psaki
  240. Obama 'watermelon toothpaste' cartoon in Boston tabloid called racist
  241. Why Obama Refuses to support anti-Islamist, Secular Moslems
  242. Infamous Obama Cultist song ‘Sing for Change,’ six years later.
  243. Mooch Won’t Campaign For Democrats Because She’s Mad Over Letter About Potatoes
  244. Obama…Twenty Years Into The Future…
  245. Poll: Americans worry, can government protect us?
  246. Lawmakers’ lawyers suggest fines, jail time for Eric Holder for contempt
  247. This $1,200 machine lets you make untraceable semi-automatic rifles at home
  248. Boehner rakes in cash for openly gay Republican candidate
  249. 'Obama's disease' has infested all of government including CDC
  250. Governments govern God. Should God govern governments?