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  1. Boom times for Democrat rent-a-mobs
  2. At last, the website is fixed!
  3. Nelson Mandela facts you won't hear from the Mainstream Press
  4. Turley: Obama's "Become The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid"
  5. Amazing, obama had no meetings with his obamacare czar for three years!
  6. Joe Biden - Will Go Down In History As One Of The Best Vice Presidents Ever
  7. The ObamaCare Buck Finally Stops
  8. Presidential Overreach.
  9. What Really Makes a President Great?
  10. Huffington Post: 'Strong Jobs Report Could Doom Unemployment Benefits'
  11. Covered California Invades Californians' Privacy
  12. 7 in 10 Doctors Boycotting California's Obamacare Exchange
  13. Hill staffers hit errors galore as they try to sign up for ObamaCare
  14. How many people have paid their first month of Obamacare premium?
  15. In Government We Trust: The Progressive Religion
  16. MSNBC obamacare is now a racial slur
  17. TSA Seizes Sock Monkey’s Toy Gun
  18. Highest number of homeless CHILDREN since the great depression...
  19. Name That Party
  20. If You Like Your Doctor You Can Keep Your Doctor If You Want To Pay More
  21. What Are We Doing’ to Get ObamaCare Talking Points Out There
  22. Dan Rather on Memogate: ‘No Question The Story Was True’
  23. Treasury sells off the last of its GM stock at a $10 billion taxpayer loss
  24. I'm Not Here to Talk About Benghazi
  25. You Can't Keep Your Drugs Either Under Obamacare
  26. ObamaCare created a Medicaid time bomb
  27. TIME mag's list of candiates for MOTY is missing the two most obvious candidates
  28. Obama Takes A Selfie at Mandela Memorial
  29. South Carolina voting on bill to end Obamacare in state
  30. Greenpeace tells kids: Santa says Xmas to be cancelled due to Global Warming
  31. Obama’s approval hits new low, congressional Dems in trouble in new Quinnipiac poll
  32. Doctor Posts Newspaper Notice: Closing Due to Obamacare
  33. Bill O'Reilly Catches Sharpton In Another Deceptive Video Edit
  34. WashPost 'Electricity Grinch' to Readers: Toss Out Old-Fashioned Xmas Lights for LEDs
  35. Can obama legally do this??
  36. Is American society still able to handle freedom?
  37. I have an idea on how to better the voting system
  38. More Insurance Cancellations Hit Mailboxes
  39. Landrieu Completely Throws Obama Under the Bus in First TV Ad
  40. John Boehner Fed Up With 'Ridiculous' Tea Party Intransigence on Budget
  41. 5-15% of enrollees have paid their first month of premiums in some ObamaCare plans
  42. Capitol Hill Staffers Told Not to Rely on Info from Exchange Website
  43. IWF Presents: The Real Life of Julia
  44. 75 Percent Say Celebrate Christmas in Public Schools
  45. Dad Gives Up Trying to Obtain Health Insurance For His Ailing Son
  46. Flirty Obama owes us an apology
  47. Oh Come All Ye Uninsured
  48. The rich do not pay the most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes
  49. Govt redistribution of wealth is no more than theft and distribution of stolen goods
  50. WA Obamacare exchange mistakenly takes money from people's bank accounts
  51. Obama's "selfie" at Mandela's funeral
  52. Federal Judge: NSA phone data collection program unconstitutional
  53. Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional
  54. Fed Govt spends $400K on study of TEA party intelligence - and finds they are smarter
  55. Surprise! If you're forced into Medicaid by Ocare,your assets canbe confiscated later
  56. At least one group is still happy to sign up for Obamacare
  57. Gallup: 72% say Big Government a greater threat to the US than Big Business,Big Labor
  58. Could Obama confer citizenhip by Executive Order?
  59. American Cancer Inst: 2nd hand smoke does NOT give you lung cancer
  60. More cops behaving illegally?
  61. Can We Talk About Impeachment?
  62. Fifteen years ago today
  63. Judge smacks Obama secrecy in unique FOIA case
  64. This black man has obama's number..
  65. Collapse of American Influence Recalls Disintegration of Soviet Union, Fall of France
  66. This on illegal aliens. The costs are astronomical. Click the link.
  67. Obama's DHS ignoring the law and helping criminals...
  68. If Obama Had A Sister ......
  69. Illegal Imigration Results.
  70. He didn't know
  71. What's the difference between Jonathan Pollard and Barack Obama?
  72. What if all lefties "protested" in this manner?
  73. Obama admin changes Obamacare *again*, secretly extending another deadline
  74. Four years ago today
  75. Starbucks implements gun-free zones in stores... and gets robbed at gunpoint
  76. Obama can violate Acts of Congress, but don't YOU dare try it
  77. US population...
  78. Miss school, lose your drivers license…
  79. Finally, this scum speaks out about gays.
  80. The Amazing Feats of Borrack Insane Obammmma.. So many firsts.
  81. Bill Clinton to Swear in Bill de Blasio at Mayoral Inauguration
  82. This deserves its own thread.
  83. Gun Ban At Country Star Toby Keith's Newest Restaurant Causes Outcry
  84. Why Gun Control Isn't The Problem
  85. Conn. gun owners rush to register weapons, ammo!!!! baa,baa sheep..
  86. Fools that never learn.
  87. Wow. Sotomayor Gives Gov't To Friday To Respond On Forced Contraceptives
  88. DHS ‘Constitution Free’ Zones Inside US Ignored By Media
  89. 98% of stories ignore that ice-bound ship was on Global Warming mission
  90. At least somebody has some guts
  91. Did you get married? Have a baby? No place in Obamacare to make those changes, sorry
  92. When Seconds Count, Police Are Over An Hour Away
  93. Here comes the Agenda spin folks.
  94. US Senator files lawsuit against Fed govt paying for Congress's Obamacare plans
  95. Obamacare flacks now blame "talk radio" for people's "bad impressions" of Obamacare
  96. Federal judge rules that Chicago gun sale ban is unconstitutional
  97. "It's so cold today, the Democrats have their hands in their OWN pockets!"
  98. Obama calls on Joe the Plumber to fix a leak in his kitchen sink
  99. Press that never investigated Benghazi deaths, now outraged over Christie traffic jam
  100. Shall not be infringed !
  101. Some who enrolled in Obamacare, find that insurers have no record of them
  102. Chris Christie and trafficgate
  103. An interesting law - will it be enforced?
  104. Liberals: The era of Reaganomics is finally over
  105. House Democrats: Climate Change Turns Women Into Prostitutes
  106. Who did I miss!??
  107. Truly trying to help or setting up a brainwashing /detention program?
  108. More special status being given out and gues who gets it?
  109. Ads reminding voters of Democrats' support for Obamacare, are taking a toll
  110. Obama Bans Spying on Allies, Scales Back NSA Program
  111. GOP candidate Allan Fung is a Democrat donor
  112. Democrats WIN the WAR ON POVERTY
  113. What protection service regularly deflects bullets for Presidential CANDIDATES?
  114. Obama-nation
  115. If anyone deserves an Oscar, they do!
  116. Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life people not welcome in New York
  117. Rise of the Warrior Cop
  118. Obamacare falling apart at the seams: Indiana moves to nullify healthcare law
  119. Favorite past Super Bowl commercials?
  120. CONFIRMED: Man Interrogated By FBI For Wearing Prescription Google Glass At The Movie
  121. Only the police can be trusted to safely handle firearms
  122. Assad will not join Syria's transitional leaders: Kerry
  123. The VERY High Cost of Maintaining Michelle Obama
  124. Look for more of this race division stuff to be put out by the dem party and its ally
  125. Is this the actions of aman or a child?
  126. The STFU SOTU
  127. Dick Morris: State Of The Union Preparation H
  128. Welcome to the "Stoner Bowl"
  129. Liberal icon urges Obama impeachment
  130. Trying to get a debate going No 1
  131. Tying to get a debate started No2
  132. Marriage and Children are "stupid things"
  133. Feds to relax hemp laws after decades long prohibition.
  134. The Arab Spring Killed the Left’s Foreign Policy
  135. Fact check: Less than meets eye in Obama speech
  136. Obamacare's unpopularity rises among uninsured
  137. Another Lil girls Biz shut down by the city...
  138. When will the amnesty-pushing GOP realize that......
  139. Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy
  140. Advantages and Disadvantages of Totalitarianism
  141. The effects of Liberalism on Education in Detroi after 60 Years...
  142. Minister: French teens go to Syria for Jihad
  143. Obama Lie Interview
  144. Amnesty, but not for D'Souza
  145. The Obama interview in a nutshell
  146. Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor's offices
  147. Drugs with fewer side effects than this have been banned by the Fed govt as "unfit"
  148. Hyperbole that DOESN'T help our side
  149. Obama grants amnesty for 1/2 Mil. illegal aliens, crowding out 1/2 M legal applicants
  150. At last. Obama revelas the truth about Benghazi attacks in an interview
  151. NAACP: bring photo ID to PROTEST photo ID laws
  152. Kind of sums up our country today
  153. STUNNING: Obama decrees that employers may not fire workers under Obamacare
  154. Shirley Temple passes away at age 85
  155. San Diego replaces slimeball Democrat mayor with Republican
  156. Rand Paul sues Obama over NSA surveillance
  157. The Dictator Has Spoken.
  158. 9th Circus Court strikes down PRCalif restrictive gun law
  159. Why doesn't he take a "big hug" photo with Castro and get it over with?
  160. Communist Party Helping Obama and Democrats in 2014 Elections
  161. What is the **legitimate** use for Executive Orders?
  162. As Syria threat expands, Obama mulls options
  163. Plan to cut PRCalifornia into six states
  164. More clear cut cop illegal and nazi like actions.
  165. Rand Paul Blasts Ted Nugent, And Says He Should Apologize For Calling Obama A 'Subhum
  166. Man wearing 2nd amendment T-shirt thrown out of polling place
  167. "Smart" pistol hits shelves in PRCalifornia
  168. Laugh of the day. Her brain on Drugs???
  169. House GOP Leadership Targets Obama on Unconstitutional Use of Executive Power
  170. Chris Christie approval tanks in NJ
  171. Vice President Biden decries 'hatred' behind state voter ID laws
  172. Islamists demand levy from Christians in Syrian city
  173. Humor: Govt agents joining internet forums to influence discussions?
  174. Hillary Clinton
  175. Why I Say Obama's Foreign Policies Are The Worst Since Wilson
  176. "12 Years a Slave"? Try 100 years, times 200,000,000 slaves
  177. Emails show Lois Lerner will testify before Congress... even as her lawyer denies it
  178. The Oscar for "best acting job" that they missed last night
  179. Could this have something to do with Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
  180. Obama charged with blocking IRS probe, breaking promises to help
  181. DNC Attendees Can't Name a Single Hillary Accomplishment
  182. Big Brother's Arm just keep geting longer and longer.
  183. Run Bernie Run!
  184. Obamaholics Anonymous: The Twelve Steps
  185. The Charge of the Lightweight Brigade
  186. IRS to turn over Lerner emails in conservative-targeting probe
  187. Russia missed a few in the 1930s, so Putin is going back for them now?
  188. Boy king vacations while Russia conquers!
  189. Rand Paul urges conservatives to fight with him for liberty
  190. A friend sent me this link.
  191. Obama's New Asylum Decree Favors Muslims Over Christians
  192. A modest proposal: A new law that requires all laws to have an expiration date
  193. Anyone have a clear idea what happened in Ukraine these last several months?
  194. Rand Paul wins 2014 CPAC straw poll, Ted Cruz finishes a distant second
  195. Republican defeats Pro-Obamacare Dem in FL special election for House of Representati
  196. Time to impeach Obama!!
  197. Finally, a big increase in new jobs! And what caused it?Govt REDUCED its restrictions
  198. Just a reminder...
  199. Idaho governor signs campus gun bill into law
  200. Russia annexing Crimea a "mistake"? Or just a sign of things to come?
  201. Arm muslims while disarming Americans.
  202. Rand Paul looks to be a prime contender.
  203. Big Biz and Big Gov't working together for big money...
  204. Hillary Attempts to Distance Herself from Obama...AGAIN!
  205. This is from NASA!!????
  206. Obama's Final Four: Florida, Arizona, MSU, Louisville, with Sparty winning
  207. Progressivism: What it is and Why it's Bad
  208. What he really meant was......
  209. The Second Amendment: A Symbol of Freedom or an Invitation to Violence?
  210. Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Democrats
  211. Obama visits Great Wall
  212. Still love and miss this guy
  213. Jimmy Carter..Maybe not so stupid after all?
  214. Republicans were SO wrong
  215. Conn. govt orders gun owners to turn in or destroy unregistered "assault weapons"
  216. 78% Favor Proof of Citizenship Before Being Allowed to Vote
  217. Harry Reid is a thief
  218. IRS stonewalls Congressional probe of IRS targeting conservative groups
  219. Harry Reid: You stink, now you're uneducated
  220. Bush - Obama - comparisons
  221. Poll: Obama’s disapproval rating hits a new high
  222. Joe Wilson was right: Obamacare Navigators helping people enroll at Mexican Consulate
  223. New poll shows Obamacare support at 26%
  224. Liberalism: What it is and Why it's Bad
  225. 2yr-old girl, mother mauled by pit bull as she fought it with bare hands
  226. Conservatism: What it is and Why it's Bad
  227. Forget millions: Maybe Obamacare has ‘billions’ of new enrollees!!
  228. It's time for the it can't happen here crowd to chime in
  229. Supreme Court strikes down overall limits on political contributions
  230. Why was Tom DeLay acquittal not widely reported?
  231. Schumer (D-NY) upset: SC ruling makes IRS less intimidating to TEA Party donors
  232. Question of the week #1
  233. Bobby Jindal’s Blueprint for Health Care Reform
  234. Global Cooling - The REAL Inconvenient Truth: Part 1
  235. Political backfire: Obamacare is killing unionism.
  236. Has anyone else here been involved with the John Birch Society?
  237. Amazing word.
  238. Lerner in contempt of Congress
  239. BREAKING: Sibelius resigns
  240. Doctors "illegally" charging Obamacare patients extra fees to cover costs
  241. If a nuclear bomb exploded in downtown Washington, what should you do?
  242. SocSec admin seizing people's tax refunds to pay PARENTS' debts from decades ago
  243. Obamacare forces Northwestern U to buy maternity coverage for its football players
  244. A cartoon I once saw, wish I could find it again
  245. Holder about to lose his paycheck!
  246. Upset over mentally ill people getting guns? Guess who you can thank for it.
  247. After Dems lose Senate in Nov, will they hastily repeal "Nuc Option" before leaving?
  248. CBO: Democrats' proposed Min-wage hike would cost busineses $15 billion
  249. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls people who suppor C. Bundy's family, "domestic terrorists"
  250. 7th Circuit Ct upholds Gov. Scott Walker's (R-WI) restrictions on public unions