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  1. IRS Agent: Targeting Continues
  2. Obama, family going on eight-day Martha's Vineyard vacation
  3. Jay Carney on CNN’s big CIA/Benghazi scoop: I don’t know nothing ’bout nothing
  5. Judge dismisses lawsuit against online gun marketplace
  6. Woman sees man with gun, so runs over him with her car. Police will not charge her
  7. Controversial IRS Employee Gets a Promotion!
  8. Obamacare Implementation a "Joke"
  9. Are Police in America Now a Military, Occupying Force?
  10. IRS & NSA Justified
  11. US Immigration Policy Enables Racism
  12. Bombshell, Obama’s lose there Law License
  13. Americans Giving Up Passports Jump Sixfold as Tougher Rules Loom
  14. Sarah Palin Slams Chris Christie: "I’m On Team Rand"
  15. A Prayer for Bam-Bam
  16. I sure hope Republicans are opposed to Obama because of his policies and not his race
  17. Reid: ObamaCare is only the first step toward killing the health-insurance industry
  18. Poetry for Children and Adults
  19. Rodeo clown draws criticism for Obama mask
  20. Two major scandals coming out of Benghazi, and counting
  21. What if they gave a rally for climate change, and nobody came? Now we know!
  22. Thankfully, Quinn loses her lead!
  23. Obama Illegally Reveals "Sealed Indictment" in Press Conference Over Benghazi Suspect
  24. I Don’t Classify Illegal Immigrants as Criminals
  25. Guess Who Obama Put in Charge of Investigating the NSA?
  26. MSNBC now using R-word in place of Redskins
  27. ZERO attendance for climate change rally
  28. Extreme CA state gun-ban bills advance in Sacramento
  29. Negative Obamacare Effects 'From Maine to California'
  30. More Fast & Furious guns surface at crime scenes in Mexico
  31. Obama to Greece: You know, you guys should really try growing your economy
  32. Planned Parenthood gets $375,000 from DC ObamaCare exchange
  33. Is he GOP FINALLY waking up??
  34. Latin America Policy Debate
  35. Latest Obamacare Push: $67 Million for 'Messengers'
  36. 92% of Federal Workers Don't Want Obamacare
  37. Major political party refuses to debate on network that airs the other side's views
  38. High ranking Dems critical of administration on NSA revelations
  39. Egypt considers outlawing Muslim Brotherhood
  40. No need for State Ratification when you have “Executive Order”
  41. Almost Everything I have comes from non-Americans!
  42. 252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, e
  43. Cronyism, corruption, cover-ups cited as 'Impeachable Offenses'
  44. The 25 Stupidest Liberal Quotes Of The Last Decade
  45. $8.7 billion program to study repairing the sound barrier
  46. What should happen to U.S.-born children of illegal aliens getting deported?
  47. Judge: Calif high-speed rail violates initiative
  48. 'Same-Day Voters’ Fraud Act' signed into law in Colorado
  49. Socialism Explained...
  50. “Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment”
  51. Movement to impeach Obama snowballing
  52. Obama's brother linked to Muslim Brotherhood
  53. Christie Shows Why It's Not Too Early to Talk 2016
  54. Never Mind the Germans, Is Merkel Right?
  55. Hundreds selling Obama speech tickets - how dare they?
  56. Judge to Obama on 'worthless' race complaints
  57. Benghazi Mom: Hillary Only Cares About Herself
  58. Federal Judge Calls Obama Admin’s Claim Background Checks By Employers Are Racist “La
  59. Hasan guilty on all counts
  60. This guy puts so many things talked about here in perspective.
  61. Iraq changes its mind, seeks help from U.S. again
  62. 'Gay' lawmaker to Christians: 'We'll take your children'
  63. Evidence U.S. bribed Muslim Brotherhood officials
  64. Who knew?
  65. Democrats propose huge tax increases on guns, ammo
  66. Business as usual on the National Debt front
  67. Bashar Assad flies to Tehran for surprise "visit" (unconfirmed)
  68. Impeachment book coming to Hill
  69. 50th anniv of "I have a dream",Now Democrats have only condescension and race-baiting
  70. Misquote of King's speech removed from his memorial in time for 50th anniversary
  71. 15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected
  72. analysis finds premiums higher under Obamacare as employers weigh dropping coverage
  73. Want to vote in a fun poll?
  74. What will Democrats do if Obama attacks Syria?
  75. Children removed from family for home schooling...
  76. Coming Around...
  77. Teen Employment is Appallingly Low, a “Great Depression”
  78. Executive Order Will Kill 110 Year-Old Civilian Marksmanship Program
  79. Top Republicans warn Syria no vote would be 'catastrophic'
  80. Use of 'N' word among blacks put on trial...
  81. How does he get by with it? CK nails him on it..
  82. There are dozens of countries who’ll help us in Syria but I’m not allowed to tell you
  83. The Obamacare Jobs Graveyard
  84. Obama draws "Red Line" for Syria: That was then, this is now
  85. Obama: Hey, I didn’t set the red line!
  86. MoveOn.org's Obamacare honesty
  87. Join MARCH on Washington against SYRIAN Invasion...
  88. 1 year in jail, $1,000 fine for possessing an EMPTY cartridge casing in Washington DC
  89. SecState Kerry announces that bombing Syria is not "going to war"
  90. Suppose we start bombing Syria, and AlQaeda responds by........................
  91. The great depression myth...
  92. NSA cracked most online encryption
  93. You know your foreign policy is on the wrong track when.....
  94. Florida County Bans Smokers from New Jobs
  95. Retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor laments 'alarming degree of public ignorance'
  96. Obana scolds Congress for "skipping town."
  97. IBM to remove 110,000 retirees off health plan...
  98. McCarthy: Al Queda Worse Than Chemical Weapons
  99. Flashbacks from 2007
  100. Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of Franc
  101. US plans for '3 days of attack' on Syria
  102. Trust Obama tohelp Syrians whenhe wouldn't send troops to help Americans in Benghazi?
  103. The Nobel Peace Prize President Dithered So...
  104. Predatory scum?
  105. RFK Jr's diary
  106. Why Obama is floundering.
  107. NY Sheriffs refuse to enforce draconian NY State gun law
  108. Iran Warned US More Than A Year Ago That 'Rebels' Had Chemical Weapons
  109. CBO: Delaying Individual Mandate Will Save $35B
  110. Obama Admits Syria Isn't A Threat To US
  111. Kickstarting world war iii: “not like those other republican wars”
  112. Weiner is not the winner
  113. Obama’s Misguided War Against School Choice
  114. Colorado citizens boot out 2 state gun-control Senators, Democrats livid
  115. Missouri gun bill would repeal Fed machine gun restrictions for residents
  116. Colo gun-control recall efforts outspent 7 to 1 - and won anyway
  117. The score so far on recall elections: Interesting pattern developing
  118. Results of 9/11 Million Muslim March and 2 Million Biker in Wash DC
  119. Low Information voters, then and now....
  120. Chicago abolishes gun registry that's been in place since 1968
  121. White house: Putin 'owns' world's syria strategy
  122. Obamas Base (Liberal Media) Already Showing Support For Debt Ceiling Increase
  123. A Puzzled Ed Schultz Marvels: 'It Amazes Me That People Don't Love Obama'
  124. Social Security Overpays $1.3 Billion in Benefits
  125. Newly Released IRS Emails Reveal Depths of Lerner's Duplicity
  126. Why 2014 Shapes Up to be Another Tea Party Year
  127. Benghazi One Year Later
  128. California city OKs plan to seize underwater mortgages
  129. Wisconsin teachers union decertified
  130. Minnesota ObamaCare 'exchange' releases private info
  131. Why Does Obama Hate Poor People?
  132. Here comes the EPA’s de facto ban on new coal plants
  133. De Blasio is NYC’s Obama
  134. Possible one on one topic... poverty
  135. Federal workers want everyone on Obamacare except… federal workers
  136. California to Legalize Non-Physician Abortions
  137. McCain hinting at retirement in 2016?
  138. Putin Exposes the Secrets of American Liberalism
  139. Chris Christie, America's most overrated governor
  140. Look in the dictionary under "Really bad timing" and you'll find...........
  141. Feinstein (D-CA) calls for new gun-control laws after DC Navy Yard shooting
  142. Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition
  143. DC Navy Yard's Marine Barracks soldiers had guns... but no ammo???
  144. At least Obama's foreign policy and Domestic policy are consistent
  145. WH complains GOP has "moved away from compromise", then vows not to compromise
  146. WH spokesman admits Democrat planning to shut down government
  147. Walgreens shifts workers to private health exchanges
  148. Students Attempt to Explain Why Obama Deserves Nobel Peace Prize
  149. Glenn Beck: Impeach Obama and GOP stars
  150. More Obama doublespeak: "Raising debt ceiling does not increase our debt"
  151. Gun store business soaring around DC after Navy Yard shootings
  152. Spitting on Their Graves
  153. Raising the debt ceiling doesn't increase debt
  154. 4 Pinocchios for Obama claim on debt-ceiling negotiations
  155. Harry Reid Blames Global Warming for the Colorado Floods
  156. More Obama Excuses From Mr Tingles
  157. IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party 'propaganda'
  158. Why the Media and Most Liberals, Hates the South
  159. House votes to defund obamacare
  160. Question: internet Child P*** & gov't tracking
  161. House passes compromise funding res giving Dems everything they wanted, ex. Obamacare
  162. If Democrats shut down the government, what changes will we see? Not much, actually
  163. Cleveland Clinic announces job cuts to prepare for Obamacare
  164. $1 trillion in new taxes to take effect on Jan. 1, 2014
  165. Dems go on record against ObamaCare
  166. What's the difference between government background checks and private background ...
  167. Nevada Democrat Fights Voter Fraud
  168. Tale of Two Obamacares
  169. I think she is channeling me.
  170. Obama is ready to Drill
  171. Feds praise 'Islam's work for women's rightsT
  172. Recalled State Senator claims she "beat the gun lobby"
  173. "The Flag Of Islam Will One Day Fly Over The White House!"
  174. Sounds reasonable to me
  175. Conclusive experiment on whether guns kill people
  176. Political vandals commit 'monumental' crimes
  177. Undocumented LA County Parents On Pace To Receive $650M In Welfare Benefits
  178. What the hell’s the matter with Maryland?
  179. Like Ted Cruz? These people don't!
  180. IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from Obamacare Slush Fund
  181. This Is What Dems Call Affordable?
  182. Obamas Military
  183. Obamacare is as ready as the liberal fanatics can make it, for launch!
  184. Republicans pass bill to fund govt, Dems refuse to even vote on it, and blame Republ
  185. Another Obama ‘red line’ warning draws laughter in Congress
  186. NSA & the gov't the Founders and Orwell warned us about
  187. BREAKING: Dems screaming about House bill "defunding Obamacare" haven't even read it!
  188. DNC Nearly broke
  189. House offers amendment to fund govt and delay ACA one year: Senate Dems reject it
  190. Washington Would Feel Shutdown More than America
  191. Republicans offer to fund govt AND Obamacare, but delay mandate. Dems:We will reject
  192. NBC Poll: Obamacare remains highly unpopular as implementation looms
  193. Senate Dems continue to reject any possible compromise: "My way or the highway"
  194. Dems refuse compromises, refuse to even talk to Republicans, shut down govt instead
  195. Here's why so much confusion exists.
  196. Nothing to Apologize For: GOP Comes Out Fighting
  197. ALL members of congress should be FORCED to do this
  198. Can a Continuing Resolution fund a program that wasn't funded last year?
  199. Obama admin puts more guards at DC WWII Memorial, than at Benghazi compound
  200. Great news! They got a 30-year-old dude to sign up!
  201. High drama on Capitol Hill
  202. Anti-Boehner protestors paid to show up at WWII Memorial?
  203. Something I'm just not getting
  204. Its crazy Gop talking with there Wallet??
  205. 143-year-old law stirs fears during shutdown
  206. Is Obamacare an insurance program, or just a wealth-redistribution program?
  207. Obama tweets
  208. "Hollywood" Their not all Liberals?
  209. Scam artists hard at work pretending to be Obamacare agents, websites
  210. Fri morn, 3 days after WWII vets banned from Memorial...now barricades are WIRED SHUT
  211. The media manages to find the real culprit
  212. Govt keeps Obama's DC govt golf courses open; cuts NFL, baseball coverage to troops
  213. Happy 100th birthday.......
  214. Bammaboy flubs up as usual on Syria.
  215. Obama's media lapdogs ban 'dirty' word
  216. Why Democrats should not own guns
  217. Congressman Slam Obama For Signing UN Arms Trade Treaty
  218. Afer 3 Years and Billions Spent...
  219. Senate NOT needed for Spending...
  220. Who's right, Democrats or Republicans?
  221. Democratic complainers about the budget crisis
  222. Administrative Conference of the United States
  223. FedCo wants to shut down the ocean
  224. Obama admin blocks off roadside turn-out areas to prevent people viewing Mt. Rushmore
  225. The Mall is Closed... Unless...
  226. Obama admin tries to block whistleblowing agent's Fast and Furious book
  227. Want to Evade NSA Spying? Don’t Connect to the Internet...
  228. Debt Ceiling: And the Doublethink-of-the-Year award goes to..........
  229. What the hell has happened to this nation!!??
  230. This what billins of dollars and giving up rights/freeedoms bought us.
  231. Government Shutdown vs. Benghazi
  232. Watch how quickly obama jumps all over this.
  233. All the trust funds the govt's been draining to stay afloat, are just about gone now
  234. Worksheet asks 6th graders to remove parts of the Bill of Rights...
  235. Obama's insulting 'Deadbeat' jibe ..
  236. Continue the leftward slide, or compromise? Whose fault is the present impasse?
  237. Desperate Dems throwing every tactics they can at Republicans, hoping they will cave
  238. Debt Limit - A guide to the American Federal Debt made easy...
  239. Too true for the Humor thread
  240. Black American citizens file “Articles of Impeachment”
  241. Super-rally against president in works
  242. Salute to the Truckers
  243. Inarticulate Republicans by Thomas Sowell
  244. Democrats to america: We own the government!
  245. University of Colorado students Blame Obama.
  246. Patriot Act author creates bill to put NSA bulk collection 'out of business'
  247. Just 51,000 Americans have enrolled in Federal Obamacare exchanges???
  248. Tragic: Young mother forced to choose between Obamacare premiums and feeding family
  249. Hey Jim you might want to reconsider your sports allegiance
  250. Term Limits