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  1. Gonna Be Sorry
  2. BOB WOODWARD: White House warned me I'd regret what I'm doing
  3. Indiana Senate calls for U.S. constitutional convention
  4. media Matters whining to me
  5. Korea and other matters
  6. Self-defense is NOT an option...says Atlanta woman
  7. Country less safe?
  8. Hey, amateurs: THIS is a Rant!
  9. Are You Feeling The Recovery Yet? Yeah, You're Not Alone
  10. Rewrite of old proverb
  11. Obama promises he will make sure "The pain, though, will be real."
  12. 1973 versus 2013
  13. One way to avoid sequestration in the future
  14. The last word on politics
  15. GOP -- Our plans cut government waste
  16. Gangnam Gaza style
  17. Texas knows how to git er dun
  18. Mate This With Obamacare And Project
  19. Your money, Feds however decide if you get it and how much
  20. Eighty years ago today
  21. Airports contradict Janet Napolitano's sequester claim
  22. Will Jeb Run?
  23. Great speech by Mayor Mia Love, Utah
  24. Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli
  25. TSA sealed 50 million dollar uniform deal with Mexico on eve of sequester
  26. Visual Reality of the catastrophe
  27. Obama has right to kill Americans, on American soil, without due process
  28. Stand with Rand
  29. Too good to pass up --- quotes from Barack H Obama
  30. Don't jump to conclusions quickly
  31. Libera Logic - To Prevent Rape, Teach Men Not To Rape
  32. Dems Haven’t Passed a Budget in Four Years Because of Filibustering R's
  33. Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised‏
  34. NBC Touts Death Panels as Way to Keep Medical Costs Down
  35. Great short video- Reagan v. Pelosi, Frank, Biden, Obama
  36. Holder Responds To Rand Paul, Again
  37. So, did ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN publicize Rand Paul's filibuster?
  38. Excellent Police Work
  39. Obama's posse
  40. Obama's Chicago Tactics
  41. Georgia town mandates gun ownership
  42. 15 mil per day for recrostruction in Iraq...
  43. Idiots still giving public money away to help an ideology
  44. To big to Fail, to big to Jail- tarp did work, banks with the leverage
  45. Awesome gun control debate - Piers Morgan gets destroyed.
  46. Obama's Latest Tax Screw Up Grounds For Impeachment
  47. Charm Offensive Turning Offensive
  48. Vital for you to watch this presentation on debt
  49. What a Country !
  50. Best 7 Minutes On gun control In the United States
  51. Agents raid home and take guns after mental health visit..
  52. What if we made a voluntary agreement not to possess firearms part of qualifying ....
  53. President Obama: I'm no Dick Cheney on drones
  54. Federal Budget bamboozing
  55. Chavez: Dead, Tactics: Alive and Well
  56. Ryan: 'Vatican not only place blowing smoke this week'...
  57. Another Obamacare provision ruled unconstitutional: Forced contraception insurance
  58. 'I'm Not a 6th Grader': Sens. Feinstein & Cruz Throw Down During Gun Debate
  59. Greg Gutfeld On Race and Politics
  60. Senate Democrats would let rivers of red ink flow on forever
  61. Hillary-Michelle in 2016?
  62. Dr. Ben Carson
  63. Bill Maher on California Income Taxes: 'Liberals - You Could Actually Lose Me' Read
  64. Benghazi Survivors ‘Told to Be Quiet’ by Obama Administration
  65. You Owe Taxes? So Do IRS Employees
  66. Palin Electrifies CPAC Crowd
  67. An Entire Town Is Dependent On Federal Handouts
  68. Senate Democrats block effort to end USDA/Mexico food stamp promotion
  69. Ultimate goal of socialist leftists reached:Cyprus govt confiscates 10% of bank depos
  70. "Hacker Begins Distributing Confidential Memos Sent To Hillary On Libya, Benghazi"
  71. Elizabeth Warren: Hey, why isn’t the minimum wage $22/hour?
  72. Senate Dems' budget accused of double-counting spending cuts
  73. Democratic Party Loyalists ..Obama Is As Bad As Bush … Or Worse
  74. Assault weapons ban won't be in Dems' gun bill
  75. Harry Reid Uses Dead Marines to Fearmonger on Sequester
  76. Libs Feeling Effects Of Obamacare
  77. Will Obama Cut Back on Lavish Vacations, Golf Trips?
  78. Phoney Rand Paul Party Predictably Ends
  79. A Real Term Limit
  80. Brown: Is This The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down?
  81. Just a point of inquiry...
  82. The Obama Deception
  83. House Budget Spurs Growth, Senate Version Spikes Debt
  84. Big Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases
  85. Obamacare Meets CVS
  86. See How Easy Cutting Spending Is?
  87. Spend More, Obama
  88. Let Obama debate Obama
  89. What A Shocker Health Care Premiums To Soar for 2014
  90. We need to make sure budget cuts won’t lower the “quality of life” on Capitol Hill
  91. What Sequester? One Night of Biden in Paris $585,000
  92. Best explanation for financial crash
  93. Media Reports on ObamaCare Problems… Three Years Late
  94. What we need in this country to deter crime.
  95. Another Example of a Liberals Intellectual Superiority
  96. Unqualified medical providers cropping up under Obamacare
  97. Separate but equal argument discussed
  98. NRA President Asks Question That Went Unanswered on MTP
  99. Dems Made Us Wait 4 Years For This?
  100. 2014: Who Will the Clueless Blame When Obamacare Kicks In?
  101. Open letter to the American people from Harry Reid
  102. "Pro Choice"
  103. Bachmann under investigation by Ethics Committee
  104. Administration moves $500M in Palestinian aid, agencies scramble to delay furloughs
  105. Liberal Media and NYC Mayor's Race
  106. Democrats won't bring this shooting up in DC
  107. How Obama put the country at the Brink -- video of John Lott link
  108. Health care application prompts voter registration
  109. Great news: ObamaCare will provide a boost for … temps
  110. Illegal Immigrants Make Commercial Demanding Free Healthcare
  111. Turley: Obama Accomplishes Nixonian Goals
  112. Obama: Feds will take over INS from States 4 obamacare
  113. ObamaCare backlash
  114. DOE mismanaged $1.5 billion in stimulus-backed “investments,”
  115. A new system of Gov't
  116. Does Obama ever do anything?
  117. Question for homosexuals
  118. Another black politician
  119. If DOMA gets struck down because DOJ refuses to defend it in court, then what if.....
  120. Let's talk equality
  121. 96 seconds to understand our economy
  123. How can people be this stupid to attack history?
  124. Obamacare is Obama's Iraq War
  125. Obama calls on Congress to approve $21 billion infastructure
  126. Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive
  127. Obama's New National Monuments
  128. Leave the man alone. He does not have time to do this president stuff
  129. New Yorkers enjoy less freedom than residents in any other U.S. state
  130. And You Thought Gas Prices Were High Now
  131. What is the purpose of marriage?
  132. There is no such thing as a free lunch
  133. New $25 gun tax begins today in Cook County, Illinois
  134. GREAT April Fool's joke
  135. Good cop does what's right cop, pays the price...
  136. If you headed a major bank that could lend Obama one trillion dollars
  137. Do you FEAR inflation?
  138. “Value Added Tax”, (i.e. VAT) a superior method of sales tax.
  139. The Unaffordable Care Act
  140. My, the administration is looking pretty incompentent in Obamacare implementation
  141. Colorado Democrat on gun magazines
  142. Obamacare means hiring boom for 'navigators'
  143. Gang of 8 Plan to Cost Taxpayers Trillions of Dollars for Welfare
  144. Poverty, food stamp explosions, and the notion of “recovery”
  145. Beretta Leaves Maryland Because of Stricter Gun Laws
  146. Despite DHS buying up billions of rounds, Border Patrol now experiencing Ammo shortag
  147. Justice Dept. memo: Gun laws don't work unless mandatory govt confiscation is imposed
  148. Paltry 88K jobs added while 663K give up looking for work - Result: Unempl rate 7.6%!
  149. Another Obama Backed Company Goes Belly Up.
  150. MSNBC Now Uses 4-Year-Old Daughter of Anchor To Push For Gay Marriage
  151. Newly-passed Senate budget increases Fed spending by 4.6%... AFTER sequestration cuts
  152. Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more
  153. Great news! White House finds new ways to soak the wealthy
  154. 7 Ridiculously Overpaid Government Workers
  155. The Obama Recovery Continues as 15% of Americans Now Receive Food Stamps
  156. Brain Mapping
  157. TSA Useless - Off-duty Cop to the Rescue!
  158. As important as money is ....
  159. Should children be having sex?
  160. NY State revoking gun permits of people with prescriptions for anti-anxiety meds
  161. Don't Want To Take Away From Thatcher
  162. Feds identify over 300,000 terrorists.
  163. Bizarre ideas of Obama
  164. Obama's Entitlement Reform Plan
  165. Small businesses increasingly looking to avoid the employer mandate
  166. Your Kids Belong to the Collective
  167. False Flag Attacks in Syria Pin Atrocities on Assad and Justify "Red Line" Engagement
  168. ABC, CBS and NBC Turn a Blind Eye to ObamaCare Setbacks Read more: http://newsbuster
  169. Chris Matthews: 'I Don’t Think There’s Any Problem With Taking Sides
  170. About time for the Obama administration to be forced to tell the truth !
  171. This might solve the gun problem
  172. ATF Preparing for National Gun Registry? Agency Seeks Bid for “Massive Automated Data
  173. How Dare That Kids Help Stop Flooding in Fargo, Ed Schultz Fumes
  174. NYC Housing Authority residents outraged over parking hikes
  175. Candidate Heckled Over KGB Past
  176. Obama sends Congress $3.8 trillion spending plan
  177. You have the right to health care, education, housing, and food at all times
  178. Several states classifying smoking as pre-existing medical condition under Obamacare
  179. Wisconsin union membership plunging as workers exercise new rights
  180. Redundant Government Programs Contribute to Wasteful Spending
  181. ObamaCare Bites Unionized Educators
  182. Gun Control Senator to CNN: "We appreciate your support"
  183. Looks Like Democrat PAC Behind McConnell Recording
  184. Surreptitiously taping campaign meetings: That was then, this is now
  185. Costs of Obamacare Exchanges Double
  186. Debunking the Gun-Show Loophole Myth
  187. Dems Push Rain Tax in MD
  188. To please women, the GOP needs to unite with President Obama on gun control
  189. Obama Has A Tax Rate of 18.4%
  190. OMB Director Stumped On Question Regarding Deficits
  191. Single payer: Vermonters get a 91 page book report for $300K two years later
  192. This guy does blame Obama
  193. How To Win The Marriage Debate
  194. The Cost is Criminal
  195. NYC Councilman a Flogged Pagan....lol
  196. Missouri Democrats introduce legislation to confiscate firearms
  197. CNN Paid by foreign gov'ts to run propaganda and more...
  198. US Govt admits years of negotiations with N. Korea a complete failure
  199. Who Will the Muslim Brotherhood Heed: Allah or Tom Friedman (and such people)? No Con
  200. Tax Day Is Here
  201. Bill Maher's Dumbest Comment Ever
  202. 5 Most Interesting Things in Obama’s & Biden’s Tax Returns
  203. As Bad/Worse Than NYC Soda Ban?
  204. A modest proposal this April 15
  205. View of the economy
  206. Final Cut
  207. Obama’s Labor nominee cut a “quid pro quo” deal that cost taxpayers $200 million
  208. Found this
  209. Congress quietly repeals law that banned them from insider trading
  210. Republicans caving again: Pretending illegal aliens want "citizenship"
  211. WHY were our security forces 100% surprised by the Boston Marathon bombs?
  212. Can anybody guess which groups are NOT being examined in the Boston Marathon bombing?
  213. Letter sent to sen. Wicker tests positive for ricin
  214. Seemed Too Smart: Cell Phone Service NOT Shut Down
  215. California Schools: Voters Are Finding Kids More Important Than "Message"
  216. Boston Bombings: ‘More Evidence’ That Sequester Is ‘Stupid’
  217. Obamacare is giving small companies a headache
  218. Source: Suspect arrested in Boston Marathon bombing
  219. 2nd Amendment Wins In the Senate
  220. Is Benghazi Getting Hot Again?
  221. Thomas Sowell making sense about immigration
  222. Top Dem sees 'train wreck' for health law rollout
  223. The USPS is currently losing $25 million, every day
  224. First union officially calls for the repeal of ObamaCare
  225. Biden: After Gun Control defeat in Senate, Obama preparing more Exec Actions
  226. Price vs cost or what your democrats don't want you to understand
  227. Can liberals answer these 7 observations/ questions about guns and their use/history?
  228. 238 years ago today
  229. 8th grader arrested over T-shirt with picture of gun on it
  230. And the "wrong place at the wrong time" award goes to.......
  231. BTW, Massachusetts does NOT have a Death Penalty
  232. Where does the Constitution say the cops must READ YOU your "Miranda" rights?
  233. Lefties Plot Strategy To Neutralize Muslim Terrorism Bad News
  234. List of the 46 traitors that wanted to give our rights away .
  235. Blue states to sue EPA for not crushing coal industry fast enough
  236. Kerry - We Have "More Important Things" to Worry About Than Benghazi
  237. No Gun Licenses for Marathon Bombers
  238. Shocking Footage: Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWAT teams
  239. How does the ACLU know who to sue?
  240. Poll: During Boston-type manhunt, 69% of voters want to own a gun
  241. Every cloud has a silver lining: 89,000 IRS employees to be furloughed by sequester
  242. Pressure cookers being pulled off the shelves in MA. Yes, really.
  243. MA Terrorists Were On Welfare
  244. 'What Difference Does It Make Why They Did It If They Did It?
  245. Feds spend at least $890,000 on NOTHING!
  246. Where's the Public Outrage Over Those Failed Gun Votes?
  247. Obama Budget Hikes Taxes on "Earners at Nearly Every Income Level"
  248. Should we let illegal aliens who broke our laws stay,while keep out legal applicants?
  249. Bush gets emotional at Library opening
  250. 'Five Jihadists Have Reached Their Targets in the United States Under Barack Obama'