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  1. Sure, no reason for ID, voter fraud barely exists
  2. Va. state senator blames racism for Romney gains
  3. For sale on the "Clearance" shelf
  4. Congrats to Ron Paul & Revelarts!
  5. Obama talks gun control
  6. Carney Refuses To Name Capital of Israel
  7. Study accuses Obama administration of 'dismantling' immigration enforcement
  8. So, is AIR next?
  9. And You Thought the Housing Crisis Was Over!
  10. GM Ramps Up Risky Subprime Auto Loans To Drive Sales
  11. White House Budget Office: $1.12T Debt and Slower Growth 2012-2013
  12. Pace of baby-making could hold clues to economy, presidential race
  13. Catholic business owners score win against ObamaCare mandate
  14. How's This Ad Grab Ya?
  15. Obama's 'Hometown' Is Global #1!
  16. Man still in Jail for Bible Study
  17. Obama signs Exec Order for new bureaucracy for race-based quotas on school discipline
  18. Does America Really Deserve To Be Free?
  19. Key role for Bill Clinton at Democratic convention
  20. In Obama era, have race relations improved?
  21. Six People Shot in Drive-By Shooting in Brooklyn
  22. Obama and his negative advertising
  23. Can Obama seduce young voters while robbing them blind... again?
  24. Nutcase murders 12 people in Colo theater, gets charged with *24* counts of murder 1?
  25. Obama Cancelled Bin Laden Raid 3 Times
  26. Hero cops rewarded for good deed...
  27. DC Judge rules Obama political appointees interfered with New Black Panthers case
  28. Obama Appointees Interfered with New Black Panther Prosecution
  29. Fast & Furious Report Coming
  30. Stumping for Romney in Ohio, Pawlenty talks beer, biz
  31. Why didn't the Founding Fathers write "reasonable restrictions" into the 2nd amendmt?
  32. A close call at the movies
  33. More racist talk coming, Obama is related to the first lifer slave!
  34. Politician talks about beer!!!!!!
  35. Obama: Then and Now
  36. Administration 'Doesn't Want All These Pink Slips Going Out 5 Days Before Election
  37. Obama administration mocks Romney in Israel
  38. Black pastors group launches anti-Obama campaign around gay marriage
  39. Tea Party fav beats GOP insider in Texas senate race
  40. Matt Damon, shoot the one- percenters on sight!!!
  41. Sickfransico libraries install porno screens , my how nice!!
  42. Regulator Says "No" To Obama Mortgage Write Down
  43. Harry Reid's Wild Speculation About Mitt Romney's Unreleased Tax Returns
  44. Just got back from Chick-Fil-A
  45. Government Motors Spends $600M on UK Soccer Promo
  46. Obama authorizes secret support for Syrian rebels
  47. Obama splurges, gives 5 grand to his own campaign!
  48. America's debt and its effect on the 2012 election.
  49. First Amendment under attack..
  50. Romney hasn't divorced or had affairs: What's an Obama campaign to do?
  51. Cybersecurity bill fails in Senate
  52. Senate faces potential influx of conservative Republicans
  53. Ethics committee finds Democrat 'violated' the law, fined for misconduct
  54. "You didn't build tha..." back to the teleprompter
  55. Went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch today (Friday), too!
  56. Clint Eastwood endorsing Romney's presidential bid
  57. Muslim refugees YES, Christain Refugees NO,
  58. Liberal Media Bias & Jenna Jameson
  59. Obama was right!
  60. Top ten Democrat party slogans
  61. 9 Year-Old's Socialist Lemonade Stand
  62. Congress makes bipartisan effort to exempt Olympians from taxes on winning medals
  63. Obama campaign sues Ohio over early voting law for military
  64. Jindal on veepstakes: 'Paul Ryan brings a lot to the table'
  65. Can't Wait For November
  66. Mass shooting at Sikh temple in Wisconsin
  67. "My neighbors can know I'm a Democrat, I'm not sure I like that"
  68. Liberals Call for Killing of 6 year old Conservative!
  69. 67 years ago yesterday
  70. Connecticut public beaches to be closed so Obama can fund-raise with Hollywood moguls
  71. Should we ban white supremacist groups?
  72. Did Maraniss Commit Fraud To Prtect Obama?
  73. Did Obama Really Attend Columbia University
  74. Harry Reid not releasing his own tax returns
  75. Romney's campaign strategy
  76. Talk of General Petraeus as VP nod
  77. Comedian Jon Lovits says Obama mockery drew death threats
  78. WTF? A quote from Obama
  79. A kind abortion doctor
  80. Federal Judge Rules That Political Appointees Interfered With Voter Intimidation Case
  81. Washington Post to Harry Reid - Yeah, You Lied About Romney's Taxes
  82. Obama SuperPAC - Mitt Romney Pretty Much Killed This Man's Wife
  83. CNN: Obama's "Romney killed my wife" ad not accurate
  84. Even the Libs are clowning on Obama
  85. Welfare system is WAY out of hand
  86. White House told authorities not to crack down on 'Occupy' protesters, documents show
  87. Obama campaign admits they lied about "Romney killed my wife" ad
  88. Obama: Let's repeat auto industry success
  89. BREAKING: "Romney Murdered JonBenet Ramsey," New Obama Campaign Ad Alleges
  90. An Obama "Golden Oldie"
  91. Obama campaign aides ban voter interviews outside rally
  92. AWOL soldier gets life sentence for plot
  93. Is Paul Ryan To Be VP?
  94. It's Official - Romney/Ryan 2012
  95. Question about Paul Ryan regarding spending "cuts"
  96. Back to the 70's. What are Democrats?
  97. Just heard a newscaster announcing what Paul Ryan normally has for LUNCH
  98. Paul Ryan: Congressman, fitness nut, catfish noodler
  99. Analysis: Obama presidency great for stocks
  100. Ryan challenges Obama and explains Medicare dangers
  101. Obama Winning Handedly In VA?
  102. What is the Ryan Plan?
  103. Evidence Obama Was Married To Pakistani Man
  104. Paul Ryan on the issues
  105. More Hopey/Changey From Auto Bailout
  106. Obama supporters struggling to defend his $700 billion cuts to Medicare
  107. CNN pins Debbie Wasserperson Shultz to the wall on her false Medicare claims
  108. Jesse Jackson Jr.
  109. Erskine Bowles and Paul Ryan
  110. Ryan could bring senior, female votes to GOP ticket despite Dem narrative
  111. GOP activists vs. veterans in Wis., Fla. primaries
  112. I'm not making this up: Michell Obama scolds OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST for eating "wrong"
  113. Washington Times: Obama the Messiah
  114. Tea Party strikes again in Florida
  115. Obama is ready to sign up immigrants
  116. Romney:"Mr. Pres, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago."
  117. Democrats desperate to avoid debate questions about Obama's Simpson-Bowles commission
  118. Poll: Youth vote turning away from Obama, Democrats
  119. Another Biden gaffe
  120. New Obama ad: Romney murdered JonBenet Ramsey
  121. Gay Marriage/Anti-gay marriage
  122. New nickname for Obama
  123. So, Did Obama Take $716B From Medicare?
  124. Shooting At Family Research Council
  125. Lie Of The Year: 2011 Republicans voted to end Medicare
  126. Biden: 'Folks, Where's it Written We Cannot Lead the World in the 20th Century?"
  127. NBC And CBS Aiding and Abetting Anti-Conservative Hatred
  128. Store owner shuts the door on Vice President Biden
  129. Food Stamp Rants
  130. Obama: I Don't Think Anyone Would Suggest I've Tried To Divide The Country
  131. Thomas Sowell- Paul Ryan "schools" Obama
  132. Preview Obamacare With Massachusetts Results
  133. Obama Created The Ryan Juggernaut
  134. Another Example of Bungled Obama Foreign Policy
  135. Crime in New York City
  136. Reuters Gets Real: Polls The 'World" For Best President
  137. Word of the Day: Antinomianism
  138. AARP bristles at new Obama ad on Medicare
  139. Amerianca In Mood To Listen
  140. Time for ‘democrats for Romney’
  141. Romney wants a "kinder, gentler" Ryan
  142. Obama admits he us unpatriotic
  143. Is the World less brutal now than it was a hundred years ago?
  144. Rare: Sometimes The Ladies Are Wrong
  145. Ryan, in Fla., says, ‘Mom, you did build that’
  146. Paul Ryan and Soylent Green
  147. Man arrested for jogging with "rifle"
  148. Occupy Admits Its Real Goal: Communism
  149. Senior Like Paul Ryan Even More Than Adults In General
  150. EPA Rules On Coal Fire Plants Struck Down
  151. Stimulus $$$ Spent On MSNBC: Yield: Nothing
  152. Could Obama's re-election cause a civil war?
  153. Data From CBO: To Romney On Silver Platter
  154. Thanks To Liberal Bloggers
  155. General Election: Romney vs. Obama
  156. Okla. Police Capt. Punished for Refusing to Participate in Islamic Worship Service
  157. Code Pink
  158. Caption Contest!
  159. Senator Famous for Joking About Rape Campaigns for Obama, Biden
  160. Good billboard in Texas
  161. Maxine Waters
  162. ICE Agents Suing Agency
  163. Analysis picks Romney as winner
  164. Has Anyone Seen 2016?
  165. Note found on another website
  166. Obama and Bin Laden Kill Bragging Rights?
  167. Did Lance Armstrong just get Herman-Cained?
  168. Bob is a racist
  169. "Cash for Clunkers": A noteworthy Obama achievement
  170. The passing of history
  171. Storm forces GOP to scrap first day of convention
  172. Obama Rejects Catholic Cardinal At DNC Convention
  173. Saw this on facebook, and it kinda made me mad.
  174. Solyndra Tab Keeps Increasing For Taxpayers
  175. Busted Dem Mom and Daughter Pose as Republican Women for Obama, Get Caught
  176. All tied in OIHO?
  177. New Romney Ad Obama Rips His Own Medicare Cuts
  178. Lance Armstrong's statement on Aug. 23, 2012
  179. Elizabeth Warren Aide Knocks Around Cameraman
  180. In case you wondered whether the Democrats had gone completely off the deep end yet
  181. Will debt hit $16 trillion as Romney delivers his acceptance speech?
  182. The Great Unwashed
  183. Will the media try to bring up Katrina during the RNC, and blame Republicans again?
  184. Romney's RNC acceptance speech hacked, and published on Internet
  185. The Romneys are Selfish for Keeping a Horse
  186. In case you thought "Zero tolerance for weapons" paranoia couldnt get any more insane
  187. Why Mitt May Win In A Reagan Style Blowout
  188. MSNBC Ignores All Minority Speakers From "Racist" RNC Convention
  189. Ron Paul delegates cause ruckus on convention floor
  190. How do Democrats say that Republicans will treat women?
  191. Chuck Norris' Top 10 reasons why he won't vote for Obama
  192. Best Convention Night I Can Remember
  193. Devastating speech by Paul Ryan and the Republican Convention, Wed Aug. 29
  194. Seniors Are Suffering Under Obama
  195. Bill Nye the LIBERAL Guy
  196. Islamists To Open DNC With Prayer For Sharia To Replace US Constitution
  197. MSNBC screams that Paul Ryan lied about Wisc. GM plant... when in fact he didn't!
  198. If Muscles were Dollars....would Occupy Wall Street become Occupy Gold's Gym?
  199. Tell me why women and Latinos should vote for Romney
  200. We own this country...
  201. So, who will the "mystery guest" at the Democrat Natl Convention be?
  202. MSNBC Producer Assaulted Chris Matthews Heckler
  203. "Occupy RNC" ends in tears, frustration
  204. Carville-Greenberg Poll Panics Dems
  205. Line-up of speakers at Democratic convention is simply terrible
  206. "Downside Would Have Been Horrible For HIM"
  207. Stimulus Funded ‘Green Jobs’ Initiative Ads on MSNBC
  208. Middle class share of America’s income shrinking
  209. Hold Down The Fort Now Offensive Phrase
  210. Mother Of Fallen SEAL Rebukes Obama, Clinton
  211. 2016 Movie
  212. Democrats Condescend To Women
  213. The myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished
  214. Romney has no plan for Afghan war
  215. I'm McDonald's on this - I'm Lovin it!
  216. Unions and University Endowments Have Invested Billions With Bain Capital
  217. White House Releases Famous Beer Recipe
  218. Iowans’ Message to Obama: ‘We Did Build This’
  219. MSNBC Host Flips Out While Defending Welfare Handouts
  220. Dems bring in crowds by the busload to fill stadium
  221. Maryland governor flip-flops on ‘better off’ question in 24 hours
  222. "We've Heard It All Before" Are You Better Off?
  223. Just Wondering, Which Candidate Does He Sound More Like Today?
  224. Leave Obama Alone! LOL!
  225. How will you react if Romney loses?
  226. Racist dog whistles and the men who hear them
  227. California Dem chair makes Nazi comparison to GOP
  228. On what day during the DNC, will the total National Debt hit $16 trillion?
  229. Depressing - Very Depressing
  230. Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required
  231. DNC Video: "Government is the only thing we all belong to"
  232. Democrats drop "God" from Party platform
  233. Pro-Israel support removed from Dem party platform
  234. Idiots who voted for Obama
  235. I watched a political speech tonight
  236. Dems screech "4.5 million jobs created!" Ummm, no. Try 300,000 jobs - in 3-1/2 YEARS!
  237. Biggest thing the Convention Dems are carefully ignoring
  238. Government is the only thing that we all belong to
  239. Good Polls For Mitt
  240. A reminder of what caused the econ crisis we've had for four years: Democrat policies
  241. Feds probe alleged hacking theft of Romney's tax returns
  242. Dems remove Jerusalem as Israel's Capital..
  243. Want To See Fact Check On Jack Markell
  244. If Bill Clinton Landed on Mars, He'd Quickly Figure Out How to 'Reproduce' with Them
  245. Jason Mattera
  246. Vote BLACK buttons at DNC
  247. Lol!
  248. Stunning: Democrats ignore their own voters, declare a failed bill "passed"
  249. Emails suggest Axelrod leaned on Gallup after unfavorable poll
  250. Why is Hillary MIA?