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  1. Romney +4% vs Obama. Rassmussen Poll
  2. President Obama Has Outspent Last Five Presidents
  3. Gov't want to legalalize Proaganda
  4. Rick Perry
  5. 70 years ago today
  6. WI poll taken Sun. June 3, 1570 likely voters: Walker ahead by 12%
  7. FYI I really wish more were interested in WI
  8. Walker?
  9. Walker Wins!
  10. So, how long will it take WI Democrats to set up a recall of the recall election?
  11. Why did the Democrats recall Walker anyway?
  12. New York to ban smoking in Central Park
  13. FYI Net worth of Congress members 2010
  14. BTW, Walker won the recall by greater margin than the original 2010 election
  15. BREAKING: Democrats planning recall of President Mitt Romney
  16. Bill Press Hates Our National Anthem
  17. This is The End of Democracy
  18. Police to investigate Walker death threats
  19. Pretty much everything counts as a “green job” now
  20. What "Bush Tax Cuts"?
  21. The GOP Needs More Obamas!
  22. Real significance and effect of the June 5 recall election
  23. Poll: Most Americans want full or partial overturn of Obamacare
  24. If Obamacare mandate unconst, how do Supremes decide whether to strike the rest?
  25. Something is very wrong with Obama's re-election campaign.
  26. Soros vs Koch
  27. The US Voter Is More Rational Than Many Believe
  28. Social Security etc. will remain solvent through 2040... or will it?
  29. Romney's stand on the issues
  30. What Needs to Go?
  31. My Gripes: BUSH - OBAMA - ROMNEY
  32. Regarding That 'Public Sector" Gaffe
  33. Rahm Emanuel vs. Teachers Union
  34. Jeb Bush Says His Father and Reagan Would Lose Out in Today’s GOP
  35. The Most Racist Article I've Seen
  36. Bad News Monday for Obama?
  37. Obama boy replaces Obama girl for crush on Obama
  38. Hey Tyr
  39. Obama giving up More US soveriegnty in Trade deal?
  40. Doing Fine?
  41. Obama Skips Out on Lunch Bill
  42. Is It true
  43. Shocker
  44. Democrats Fear Obama May Lose
  45. Historic Presidential Quotes
  46. Youare the Ultimate Arbiter of Which Direction This Country Goes
  47. Copy The Note and Hand Out
  48. Joe Biden - Great Cities Are In China Not The US
  49. Salute to the father in chief
  50. What Obozo Inherited
  51. Obama Seeks to Use UN Treaty to Go Around Congress Yet Again!
  52. 52% of Indies Say Obama Hasn’t Helped Create Jobs
  53. Logroller challenges RsR
  54. Good grief another trillion dollar give away!
  55. Paul Ryan As VP?
  56. This scum is treated to damn good!
  57. voter exam
  58. This incident: newsworthy or not?
  59. I challenge Jim and ConHog
  60. Obama has his work cut out for him on the political map
  61. Alabama Adopts 1st State Ban on UN Agenda 21
  62. Is it a fee, or a tax, or is the fee a tax?
  63. Official discussion thread : Logroller vs RSR
  64. Churchill and Thatcher A Friendly Comparison of Two Great British Leaders
  65. Obama Suffers Amnesia About His First Year As President
  66. Scott Brown demands No MSNBC for debate
  67. It's official. Marco Rubio being vetted for VP
  68. Who Controls the Suez Canal?
  69. Goose and Gander
  70. Attorney General Holder in Contempt of Congress?
  71. DOJ Targeting Mormans
  72. Challenging Dodd-Frank
  73. Stolen Valor! Dastardly Lies from despicable people..
  74. Gay activists: How NOT to win friends and influence people
  75. For you anti-Zimmermans who feel "Stand Your Ground" laws are un-American
  76. Will Supreme Court release Obamacare decision on Monday, June 25?
  77. Healthcare: Democracy, Republican , or Sociaslism?
  78. Look mom no forks!
  79. Someone's getting desperate
  80. Arts & Politics
  81. High court deals another blow to public-sector unions
  82. New Hampshire town asks Obama campaign to pay for costs of upcoming visit
  83. China: aircraft carrier
  84. Latin America: Socialism and dictators.
  85. Supreme Court upholds AZ immigration law status checks, strikes down other parts
  86. Thursday Is Looking To Be Interesting
  87. Obama admin cuts off Arizona from all immg-law enforcement, leaving state vulnerable
  88. The Contents of Obama’s Character
  89. Chris Matthews Obama Rant
  90. Chris Matthews Obama Rant
  91. The sky is blue.
  92. List of Democrats Skipping the Party’s National Convention Continues to Grow
  93. Anti-Karl Rove Protesters Don't Know Who He Is
  94. Yet more bad news for Obama
  95. New Romney vs. Obama poll
  96. Obama Aide Tom Donilon Receives Taxpayer Salary Plus
  97. Spinning A Loss For Health Care Reform
  98. DCCC Chair Tells House Dems to Avoid DNC
  99. Is the uncertainty gone now?
  100. For a housewife trying to work out her family budget, the course is now clear
  101. At least one question remains unanswered
  102. Obama Wins the Battle, Roberts Wins the War
  103. Astonishing display of Orwellian "doublethink" by five liberal Supreme Court justices
  104. House votes to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress
  105. Your opinion of Chief Justice John Roberts
  106. Can you imagine...
  107. 'It's Constitutional. Bitches'
  108. Many Seem To Be Turning To Tea Party With Health Care Decision
  109. Dinner With Barack
  110. the Reins Act: congress taking power back from agencies?
  111. Did Chief Justice Roberts switch sides only at the very last minute?
  112. Obamacare's Impact on Businesses & the Economy
  113. Decade of Obamacare Will Cost $1,160 billion
  114. Court case is over, so now White House is telling us it's a penalty again, not a tax
  115. Holder? Off To DisneyWorld
  116. Randy Barnett On Robert's Opinion
  117. Congress sends student loan and transportation package to Obama
  118. Roberts plays a dangerous game.
  119. 5 painful health-care lessons from Massachusetts
  120. The most important difference between the mandate being a "tax" insead of a "penalty"
  121. Do as I say, not as I do
  122. Military officer killed.
  123. HHS tells Border Patrol agents to "run away and hide" if someone starts shooting
  124. Barack, Where Will You Be and Doing On 7/4?
  125. Middle Class Screwed Under Obamacare
  126. Read what "bandits " did.
  127. Strassel: Axelrod's ObamaCare Dollars
  128. The Massachusetts health-care Train Wreck: Coming soon to a national system near you!
  129. Roberts switched views to uphold health care law
  130. Obama Was Against Healthcare Mandate Before He Was For It
  131. Lavish Pay Raises for Obama Staffers
  132. Think you're really good? Try this
  133. 4th of July, but could americains do the boston tea party today?
  134. Independance Day, a Celebration in 2012?
  135. Is This Really Such A Bad 4th?
  136. Really?
  137. More On The Most Transparent Administration Evah
  138. Unpatriotic Debt
  139. Another Dem refuses to endorse Obama...
  140. Poll: Romney Claims Slight Edge in 15 'Battleground' States
  141. Media vs. America: Scorning on the Fourth of July
  142. List of things that are now considered taxes
  143. July 4, 1776
  144. Audit the Federal Reserve
  145. More Private Profits, Public Risks
  146. Unintended Consequences For Obama & Co
  147. Team Obama: "Kill Romney"
  148. Media Spin Western Fires On Guns, But It's The Environmentalists
  149. TIDES Video Being Used In Schools
  150. Walker Attending The Education Bubble
  151. We're Still Getting Screwed, Anyone Surprised?
  152. Obama predicts 5.6% unemployment - FAIL
  153. Michigan vs. Public Unions
  154. Treason or not???
  155. Romney and the Bain Capital Problem
  156. Pro-Life? Obama Administration Considers You a Terror Suspect
  157. Got Health Insurance? Pay The Tax/Penalty Anyway!
  158. Wanna Bet There Will Be Calls
  159. Obama attacks Romney on abortion stance, campaign calls new ad false
  160. McConnell gives Republicans '50-50' chance of winning Senate majority
  161. Vegas Oddsmaker: Why Obama Will Lose in a Landslide
  162. Another executive order - Control of communications in a crisis
  163. Unemployment Rate Dropped In Every State That Elected A Republican Gov. In 2010
  164. Obamacare adds 3.8% tax on home sales?!?
  165. Obama to seek extension for some Bush tax cuts
  166. Is obama a socialist or a fascist?
  167. Where are you on the political left-to-right scale?
  168. Why we are broke, borrowing trillions instead of billions!
  169. GOPs Caucuses making up rules to force Delegates to vote 1 way
  170. Why Obama's 'job creation' is the exact opposite
  171. Stupidcide bomber kills 7 of his own family in Iraq
  172. HanoiBITCH Jane Fonda pleads stupidity for picture!
  173. Karl Rove : Don't be fooled by 'good news' for Obama
  174. Holder compares Texas voter ID law to post slavery poll taxes
  175. DWS Nailed On Tax Transparency Hypocrisy
  176. Video - BHO Has Got To Go
  177. NAACP Requires Photo I.D. to See Holder Speak in State Being Sued Over Voter ID
  178. Romney Gets Standing Ovation From NAACP
  179. Dems block Obama's tax-cut bill
  180. Osama's driver released by obama! Deal was made in 2010 on obama's watch!
  181. Six London Olympic missile sites set up!
  182. New NSA Spy Center...
  183. Estimated Cost of ‘Obamacare’ Is Now $2.6 Trillion
  184. Soros now targeting Allen West
  185. Rev - this one goes out to you
  186. Romney boos from the NAACP
  187. D.C officer reprimanded for a joke!
  188. Obama: You know what my problem is? Poor messaging
  189. People Who Want Rich to Pay More Have No Clue How Much Rich Actually Pay
  190. Well, she has nicer legs than Joe Biden
  191. This is what Dems give us! Guam could tip over!
  192. Obama Guts Welfare Reform
  193. Presidential Candidates: Survey
  194. WaPo: Three Pinocchios for Romney-is-a-felon attack
  195. Just over half a year as a government slave! To pay the taxes on average.
  196. China - Philippines dispute.
  197. Mass. Doctor Awaits Green Party's Presidential Nod
  198. Obama spending on attack ads soars
  199. OMG! Obama and Reid Finding Few Playmates In Senate For Taxes
  200. State of Alaska proposes new regulations to pay for abortions
  201. Missouri; Muslim Dem Sec of State candidates says,
  202. Obama is a fool says billionaire.
  203. For Rev
  204. Obama's Failures
  205. Will Ron Paul get shut out of the convention?
  206. July panic for Obama — for good reason
  207. Rahm Emanuel to Mitt Romney: ‘Stop Whining’
  208. Where flag burning is profitable
  209. Maybe I Should Be A Political Consultant?
  210. Obama Is Screw Business
  211. Democrats: We'll Push America Over Fiscal Cliff
  212. A Contest For Those With Tech Skilz
  213. "Unsustainable" Cannot Be Sustained
  214. 330 obama youths flashmob rob Walmart!
  215. White House blasts study critical of Obama’s tax-plan
  216. Star of an Pro-Obama Ad Isn't a Big Obama Fan
  217. Best campaign advertising still to come
  218. 43 years ago today
  219. Latest Limbaugh Laugh: Batman campaigning for Obama
  220. What Is The Middle Class?
  221. Fracking Is Leading Towards More Independence; Green?
  222. Who's Job Is It To Spread This?
  223. Hey! Obama's Uniting Two Groups!
  224. CBN Nation of Criminals
  225. GM (Govt Motors) "turnaround" reports rely on "overbuilding", jam-packed dealer lots
  226. If we Dems lose in 2012, a new, painful era of self-reliance
  227. Obama Warns Against Negative Ads While Airing His Own
  228. Congress hears warnings about drones in US skies
  229. Senator says food stamp partnership with Mexico 'pressuring' immigrants to enroll
  230. Want The Good News Or Bad First?
  231. Dying after 2012 not good idea
  232. 43 years ago today, July 20
  233. Disgruntled loner attempts mass murder in Colorado - but is stopped (Flashback)
  234. High-level leftists already using Colo theater murders to demand more "gun control"
  235. The Difference Between a Network Reporter and a Blogger
  236. A deeper reason why sovereign citizens should have the right to keep and bear arms?
  237. The new wave of right wing extremism
  238. American Citizen
  239. White House Suggests President Obama Will Not Push for More Gun Control
  240. The President Actually Said...
  241. Editorial On 'Blaming The Tea Party' For Violence
  242. If you were wondering what a real man was, here's the answer
  243. Brown Ad
  244. House GOP questions legal grounds for changes to welfare work requirements
  245. Obama blasts Republicans on defense cuts in speech to VFW
  246. How many days per year do you spend on political activities?
  247. Economy an important factor in upcoming election?
  248. Wow! Jack Daniels And Where We're Going Via Copywrite Infringement
  249. Bloomberg & Cp Extremists?
  250. Big Deal Or Not?