- Poll Which One Is Better? Bush's Recession or Obama's Recovery?
- Obama - I'm a One Termer
- Top Barack Obama donors net government jobs
- Gee, Wonder Why Congress Doesn't 'Work' With Him?
- Carter or Hoover?
- Another great Obama accomplishment - transparency my ass!
- How desperate has the liberal media become?
- Questions for RSR
- Weiner Gets A Job Offer
- The trend in modern liberalism
- Netroot Kooks Looking For More Handouts and Have Turned on Obama
- Florida unemployment rises to 10.6 percent in June
- People Signed Petition To Ban ATM Machines
- Why Aren't You Speaking In English?
- How Miserable? Index Says the Worst in 28 Years
- $5 Raffle Ticket Buys Dinner With Obama
- 6.1 Billion Hours Spent Complying With Federal Tax Code
- We Hated Reagan A memoir of ignorance.
- Romney: Govt disaster relief is immoral and should be privatized. Is he right?
- Ron Paul Wins New Orlean Straw Poll.
- ‘Obama’ Stuns Crowd at Republican Event
- McCain rips Republican candidates for "isolationism"
- More Jacksonian, Not Isolationist
- Senate Repubs: "Short" debt limit hike possible. And if you believe that......
- "Fast and Furious"
- What is Texas Gov Rick Perry's record? What has he DONE?
- Occi College releases Obama transcript... and it shows he got foreign-student grant
- Tsa
- Americans Becoming More Liberatarian In Their Thinking
- A Constitutional Convention Is a Dangerous Idea
- Thomas's ethical problems in the spotlight
- White House Won't Say if War Powers Resolution is Constitutional
- Jeannie Mexico Sues Georgia Over Immigration Law
- Jon Huntsman: Can a Nice Guy Finish First?
- Wisconsin Defies the Left
- Studies cite CEO pay as significant cause of wealth inequality
- After Senate defeats DREAM Act, Obama enacts it anyway by Executive Order
- Obama discusses 10th Mtn Division's CMOH winner with them... and gets it wrong
- Yes, Some Transparency Needed On The Debt Ceiling Talks
- Obamas thank the media for their "support and kindness" during the election
- Geithner: We must hike taxes on small businesses so that government won't shrink
- Is DeMint’s 'Cut, Cap, Balance' Pledge a stunt?
- Harlequin novel, updated 2011 version
- Bachman expected to announce today....
- Obamacare: Govt agents will pose as patients to monitor doctors
- Blago found guilty of 17 charges incl. selling Obama's Senate seat
- The American Police State is the 'New Normal' ?
- Report: Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House, Possibly Violating FEC Laws?
- Only govt agents should be trusted with guns
- July 4, 1776: The original Revolution against the Elite ruling over the people
- Major Corporations To Hide Income Disparity
- Bin Laden Winning
- Ohio Appeals court 3-judge panel rules Obamacare OK
- Planned Parenthood of Indiana Admits to Undercover Callers That Women Don’t Need Them
- Why is European broadband faster and cheaper? Blame the government
- Love: Worse than Murder?
- Where's the anger, liberals?
- Calif tax hikes chase yet another major company out of the state
- White House: No point in discussing Natl Debt with Republicans
- The Unseen War on America's Small Farms
- A classic
- Michele Bachmann/Herman Cain?
- U.S. Vice President: "Don't come to me if you voted Republican, you're on your own"
- Best way to keep turtles away from airport runways
- The Facts About the Coporate Jet Tax Credit
- Dems are discussing whether WH can ignore the debt ceiling
- Does The US Constitution Matter Anymore?
- ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job
- Obama/Cuomo 2012?
- Rush in Joplin, MO
- Not all flash mobs are destructive
- Senate to vote on “Sense of the Senate on Shared Sacrifice”
- Several Calif taxes went DOWN on July 1, 2011. Will sales increase?
- The Zero Blame Game
- Melson Testifies To Committee July 4th
- We’re Going Through a “Growth-less Recovery
- Herman Cain for President?
- Where's the Mojo?
- President to solve nation’s problems in 140 characters or less
- Team Obama's victory plan
- Insider Trading On Release of Strategic Oil Reserves?
- Operation Gunrunner was funded by the 2009 Stimulus Package
- CNBC’s Rick Santelli Goes Bonkers In On-Air Debate Over Debt Ceiling
- Stimulus Waste: $7 million per House on Internet Access
- Look what's happening to the National Debt
- 18,000
- Will Today's News Be 'The Turning Point'?
- UK power bills to soar by 30% in "green" reforms
- Dems: highest 2% of earners,who already pay 50% of all incm taxes, must pay even more
- If debt limit not raised,why would Natl Debt default instead of Socl Sec, govt salari
- Raise taxes or Granny gets it
- Obama: All that money Seniors paid into SS all these years, is gone
- Bachman Recognizes a Palestinian State?
- Democrats going ballistic, trying to pretend Eric Cantor is a bad boy
- Eric Bolling: There were no attacks on American soil during Bush term
- Obama aims to cut deficit in half by 2013
- Head of SS Says Withholding Checks Would be a Political Decision
- Obama Lied About His Mother While Pushing For Obamacare
- TEmp Debt Relief: Stop Paying FED for a YEAR, PAY all SS etc..
- 2% of Network Reports of Debt Increase Mention Public Opposition
- Obama Lies As he Boasts The American People Are Sold
- Republicans go longer without caving, that at any time in living memory
- Big Govt alert: Police in Georgia shut down girls' lemonade stand
- Two never-used Navy ships head to scrapyard
- House turns off light bulb standards by voice vote
- Goldman Sachs Downgrades Obamanomics
- Cut the Spending?
- Alan Grayson To Run For Congress Again
- Tax the Rich!
- 'A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News'
- Obama appeals to middle class on debt talks; GOP touts balanced budget
- Tea Party: What It Is In A Rather Large Nutshell
- E-Verify
- Debt Ceiling Talks Bringing Clarity of Positions
- Too Big To Fail...
- AL CIA-DUH Will Kill us All if the Debt Cieling Isn't Raised!!!!111!!
- Why SHOULDN'T we raise the debt ceiling and borrow more?
- Is Congress going to CUT spending? Or just increase it more slowly than expected?
- 7/18 Gallup Debt Ceiling Poll: America Says, No!
- Media mogul charged with 1 count of being Rupert Murdoch
- Main problem: Natl Debt is too big. Republicans are compromising HUGE on the solution
- Obama U-turn: Will accept "short-term extension" of debt limit. Ummm... what's that?
- Change...
- Stunning CNN Poll: Americans overwhelmingly favor Republicans' "Cut, Cap & Balance"
- $180 Million Per Hour
- Obama loses national lead for first time
- Senate Dems kill last chance to cut Federal spending, rasie Debt Ceiling before Aug.2
- Out of Sync, Out of Touch
- Alabama Still Taking Taxes For Treason Benefits
- Consumer Spending and Unemployment
- How the Right will Re-elect Barack Obama as POTUS
- Can I Ban Synogogues If I Don't Want Kikes in My Neighborhood?
- The Republican Class War Against the Poor
- Will anything happen on August 2, that isn't already happening now?
- Fox Business: Boehner pulls out of talks with Obama
- Rick Perry says gay marriage is a states rights issue
- POGO, TCS Propose $600B in Cuts
- Endangered Species paperwork to cost $206,098,920
- Another example of how much abstinence rocks
- More Liberal Hypocrisy Exposed
- GOP gaining among working-class white voters, youth
- Will the court be providing an interpreter?
- I Thought Reichwingers Insisted they Believe in Liberty
- How Businesses Succeed Thanks to Gov't
- 71 percent oppose GOP handling of budget crisis
- BREAKING:Boehner and Reid agree on two-part plan, bring it to WH... Obama says No
- Our Petulant and Inept President
- Beck compares likens Norway camp victims to "Hitler Youth"
- Toxic Talk
- Tide turning: GOP Rank-and-file rallying behind Boehner Plan
- Where Is Obama's Debt Plan?
- Battleground States Looking Bad For Obama
- New York Times reader kills dozens in Norway
- Dems On Debt In 2006
- Paul Reality Checks the Teabaggers
- Anit-Capitalist Law Would Make it More Expensive to Fly an American Flag
- Fiscal Responsibility and Family Values...
- How NOT To Reach A Deal In The Debt Debate
- Affordable Care Act Anything But Affordable
- ALERT: U.S. Govt misses major semiannual payment into Social Security Trust Fund etc.
- Kudoes to the Republicans who are refusing to raise taxes!
- Ideals VS Realities
- President Dangerfield
- What's the point in compromising on our Debt Crisis?
- Obama raises gas mileage requirements to 54.5 MPG: Trading blood for oil again
- Boehner finally gets passage of compromise bill; Senate Dems kill it without reading
- Congressional Priorities
- As Obama Poll Numbers Sink Liberal Media Bury Numbers
- What Happened To The Obama Recovery?
- Another 500,000 Jobs Bite The Dust Thanks To Obama Policy
- Democrats cling desperately to Tax&borrow&spend, Govt-uber-alles agenda
- Why are the cowardly reichwingers so afraid of facts?
- What a Lousy Deal
- Paul Krugman The Government is Too Frugal Lets Spend More
- Obama's Failed Presidency
- Joe Biden: Landlord to the Secret Service?
- Q: What do we get if House or Senate rejects the deal? A: A balanced budget!
- The Liberal Media and the Tea Party
- House just passed The Deal, 263-157 with 13 left to vote
- The good news: Obama finally creates 1,000 jobs. Bad news: They're in China
- Just How Hateful Is The Left?
- Bill Mayer Invites Americans to Come Out of the Closet
- The Only Bright Spot in the Debt Debate
- Does This Deficit Make Me Look Fat?
- Am I Missing Something?
- Text and partial summary of the Budget Deal, Aug 1, 2011
- Look how fast the Natl Debt is changing today... then look tomorrow
- Obama's Speech Shows Debt Deal Accomplished Nothing
- Mad As Hell
- BREAKING: Moody's places US Credit Rating on "Negative Outlook", 1st time since 1917
- Pivoting In Circles
- So Dems Want To Raise Taxes Then Raise Taxes on Everyone
- Another Reason Why Biden Is A Buffoon.
- Debt limit deal is not “A Tea Party Triumph” as big media reports!
- Continuation On Calling Obama's Bluff(s)
- QUESTION: How can you tell the TEA party is effective?
- This is seriously a BONEHEADED idea.
- So, overall effect of the Debt Ceiling "Deal"?
- Obama As One Of The Founding Fathers
- David Limbaugh - "Obama Is Fresh Out of Ideas"
- You're Going To Pay
- New Yorkers Fleeing State
- Democrat outraged over Obama "Disappoint Mints", gets them pulled from store shelves
- Well, it was nice while it lasted
- -513
- Obama Isn't Working
- Happy Birthday Mr President
- Deepwater oil drilling rigs giving up, leaving Gulf region
- Obama: I didn't say 'change we can believe in tomorrow'
- While DOW Tumbles, Obama Fund Raises
- That 'Change" Thingy
- Pelosi’s 2012 Battle Plan - Attack the Tea Party
- Tea Party Members Could Become Violent
- Food Stamps use reach new high
- Dow falls another 189 points as of noon eastern
- CBS Skips Part Of Own Poll Where Majority This Spending Cuts Were Too Small
- John Kerry Says Censor the Tea Party
- Fannie Mae Wants Another $5 Billion
- County Ups the Ante in Voucher War
- BREAKING: S&P downgrades US credit rating from AAA to AA+, for first time in history
- FEd Reserve "secret" Bail outs =trillions
- Rip constituton
- Deficit committee unlikely to achieve anything remarkable
- IRS: Not enough rich to cover the deficit
- Huffington: "First Major Scandal"
- Dow Jones down another 371 points today
- Finally, we have signs that Obama thinks the economic crash is serious!
- At least one industry is booming under Obama's watch!
- Obama offers waivers to all 50 states from Federals schools testing requirements
- Today's Down Jones Ind Average: The Final Score
- Obama Blames (fill in the blank) For the Economy
- The DOW tanks 600 Points and Obama Will Attend Fundraisers Tonight
- BTW, the Standard&Poors average fell by 6.66% today!
- Back to the mundane for a while.....
- Prime Example of Today's Tea Party Conservative And Their Agenda
- If not for the Tea Party America would have been rated BBB
- America's Credit rating survived the great depression but not two years of Obama
- How Stupid is Obama?
- There May By Hope Yet For Change
- The President Continues to Melt Down
- Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs sentenced to life in prison
- The left wakes up: Obama is not ‘sort of God’
- Obamacare Will Triple the Growth Rate of Net Insurance Costs
- Dems Lose 4 out 6 Recall Elections in WI
- As Dem losses mount, liberal press tries desperately to push class warfare
- Lobsters released by animal-rights whackos, promptly re-caught and marketed
- Weakened Obama Changes GOP Race
- Santelli Rips Guest For Playing Race Card
- Who Rules America?
- Union Thugs On Display