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  1. More 'Winning' On The Foreign Policy Scene
  2. An Open Letter to President Obama By Charlie Daniels
  3. A Comparison of 2 Rallies You Decide
  4. Just checkin' in. Did I miss anything
  5. Democrat socialists' "One World" rally leaves DC mall badly trashed... again
  6. Election lawyers: Rahm E. can't be mayor, fails Chicago's 1-year residency requrement
  7. Sharron Angle badmouths Repubs, leftists try to pretend she's bribing TEA party candi
  8. War on Christmas is back: Richmond, VA Christmas Parade renamed "Holiday Parade"
  9. Blacks Still Love Obama - Others Not So Much
  10. Moved up: Obama to leave for India, Asia immediately after midterm elections
  11. Report: More than 250,000 New York jobs exited state over 15 years
  12. Top 20 reasons why I'm voting Democrat this November
  13. 2010 = 1894?
  14. Obama: America voting for Republican majorities will result in "hand-to-hand combat"
  15. We Don't Get Fooled Again !!!
  16. Dozens Fall Ill at Obama Rally in Maryland
  17. O'Donnell interview with Greta
  18. Food For Thought
  19. What Americans really think of government
  20. NOW endorses Brown within hours of “whore” audio release
  21. Reid's Latest Desperate Ad
  22. Remember back when playing with M-80s might cause ONE cop to come to check it out?
  23. Russ Feingold: Tea Party Values?
  24. Obama Continues Attack On Chamber Of Commerce
  25. Anyone Else Been Noticing?
  26. Congressional Staffers and Inside Trading
  27. Obama: "Republicans Messed Up So Bad" That Millions Are Still Out Of Work
  28. President Clinton is coming to town
  29. The Obama exodus.
  30. book thrown at Obama
  31. Obama
  32. Pelosi says, "We're not losing"
  33. Soros: Can't stop Republican Avalanche?
  34. What Is The US Chamber Hiding That The American People Shouldn't See
  35. Dem ad brags about voting republican
  36. Ten years ago today
  37. Ancestry.com: Limbaugh is related to Obama... plus an unintended consequence
  38. Christin O'Donnell actually said & believes these things
  39. Why Local Matters-Especially The Governor's Race
  40. A Study: Tea Parties Not Racist
  41. Michelle Obama Electioneering In Polling Place
  42. democrats have ruined california
  43. Voting discussion
  44. Things the government runs well
  45. did muslims attack us on 9/11, was bill o'reilly right
  46. Rightist Political Psychology
  47. Sharron Angle "mops the floor with" Harry Reid
  48. Political Add Pretty Much Sums Up What's Brewing
  49. Which Party Do The People See As Dominated By Extremists?
  50. Poll shows she’s closing the gap...
  51. A Video Example of Chicago Style Politics
  52. dems: run against Pelosi to survive
  53. Beltway Adventure!
  54. Bill Clinton Out Campaigning For Those That Helped Hillary
  55. Germany's attempt to create a multi-cultural society has failed completely
  56. am i the only guy that thinks he is nuts?
  57. what is it with this self hating jew?
  58. Maurice Hinchey gets physical with a reporter
  59. Soros Takes ATM Card Away From Dems
  60. Anti-Obama billboard comes down, but animosity on rise
  61. Obama is like a Chilean miner, Harry Reid says
  62. Citing health care law, Boeing pares employee plan
  63. Election Predictions
  64. Republicans Kind of Suck … Which Is Why They Will Win Huge in November
  65. Veterans group issues report card for members of Congress
  66. Not making this up: "The Rent is too damn high party" - LOL! *VIDEO*
  67. Is Barney Frank?
  68. What are the practical obstacles to a limited Federal Government?
  69. NPR Fires Juan Williams After Muslim Remarks
  70. 2012? Coming...
  71. Early Voting
  72. Courtesy of the CAGW
  73. GOP candidate not opposed to violent overthrow of government
  74. Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus $ to create 7.76 jobs
  75. 7 Mega-Cartels That Kill the Free Market & Our Sovereignty
  76. Juan Williams, guest-hosting O'Reilly show, YELLING about liberal intolerance!
  77. Military Service Isn't Public Service - according to Dem candidate
  78. No Matter A Week From Tuesday, Tea Parties Did Just Fine
  79. legal non-citizens vote
  80. Biden's $200 Billion Gaffe
  81. Massive FAIL*
  82. CBS: The 99ers
  83. ANTI Sen Boxer ad tooooooooo funny
  84. Pelosi Bemoans Secret Money From God Knows Where
  85. Obama to Hispanics - Get Out There and PUNISH Your ENEMIES
  86. Dem to Obama - President Obama can take endorsement and shove it
  87. Palin Tells Democrats They Gotta Ride In Back
  88. Do even the Dem candidates themselves, believe America wants their far-left agenda?
  89. Gas prices have increased by $1.00/gal since Obama took office
  90. Let The Democrat Fraud Begin
  91. In debt? Traffic tickets? Proposed NYC law would ban you from owning a gun
  92. Voting machines not perfect: NC machine eventually lets voter select Republicans
  93. 9th Circus Court of Appeals throws out Arizona's citizenship requirement to vote
  94. Two Numbers Behind Voters Sour Mood - WSJ
  95. Reid's Ace In The Hole?
  96. Midterm blowout: 50 or more Dem seats set to fall in the election
  97. List examples of machine/election errors favoring Dems, and errors favoring Repubs
  98. Sharron Angle sends flowers to Behar, who responds by calling her a "b*tch" again
  99. Comparing TEA Partiers to Dem-o-crazies
  100. Obama on Jon Stewart
  101. Digging Up Dirt On 2012 GOP Candidates From DOD
  102. "Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin
  103. "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"
  104. Don't Ask, Don't Vote
  105. New York Mosque
  106. Gore The Embarrassment
  107. You just have to believe!!!!!!!!
  108. MediaMatters' Unbelievable Hypocrisy!!!
  109. What the GOP REALLY wants.
  110. Republican turnout burying Democrat in early voting nationwide
  111. Democrats surprised that America doesn't want their agenda or attitude
  112. Republicans, fair warning: Do not let this happen again!
  113. Tancredo as Governor of Colorado?
  114. Our only hope is real change
  115. Poll: Bush a Better President than Obama
  116. Kerry Attacks Voters
  117. Democrats at DEFCON 1: Is Christine O’Donnell now leading in internals?
  118. Pelosi May Retire If Dems Lose House
  119. Sanity Rally A Bit Unhinged
  120. Reporters Caught On Tape Conspiring Against Senate Candidate Joe Miller
  121. The Divider in Chief
  122. Rule Number One: Never insult the jury
  123. Liberal's Election Excuse Thread
  124. Barney Frank's Secret Weapon?
  125. Washington Post Finally Reports The Obvious
  126. Friends
  127. Facing historic rejection, Democrats now want Republicans to "work with them".
  128. Interesting look at realclearpolitics.com Senate polls
  129. The Great American Experiment
  130. Obama preaches to (absent) choir
  131. Who Will Be The Angriest Liberal On TV On Election Night
  132. November 2nd is
  133. A better option - smaller government - return to constitutional values
  134. Vote for Calif's marijuana initiative, just to see state and Fed govts fight
  135. Dem Anger Spills Out In Public
  136. Slate Is Asking The Right Question
  137. Losing the Tingle
  138. Democrats desperately ramping up the excuses: "55 House seats isn't a big backlash"
  139. 10 Reasons To Vote Democrat
  140. GOP wins house Pelosi dead !!!
  141. Pull the plug on MSNBC
  142. Holy Cow!!!! Johnson beats Feingold!
  143. TV Producers in Miller recording are out
  144. Washington Post - It's All The Fault of Fox News
  145. What Will Dems Do Now?
  146. Republicans take the day but now the battle ahead...
  147. Repubs gain 5 in Senate with 3 more races unfinished; 61 in House with 10 unfinished
  148. Q: What saved the Dems in the Senate? A: Two-thirds of it was NOT up for election!
  149. And the media is still wondering..........
  150. Pelosi's new position in the House
  151. Did you vote a straight party ticket?
  152. 2012 Palin-DeMint/DeMint-Palin?
  153. Big Loser Tuesday, Soros?
  154. How To Repeal Health Care
  155. Few Democrats survive healthcare votes
  156. A recoil against liberalism
  157. O'Donnell blames "GOP Cannibalism" for loss
  158. Angle's anti-minority hate campaign backfires in Nevada
  159. Where's the Tea party
  160. Now THIS is a real American hero
  161. Did Americans fire Dems because Dems didn't explain policies the way they wanted?
  162. How Obama Can "Re-Invent" Himself
  163. A New Morning In America
  164. Dubya: Palin not worthy of White House
  165. What will Dems with nothing left to lose, do in coming lame-duck session of Congress?
  166. Tuesday's Biggest Winner? Obama!
  167. Interesting note about Calif election results
  168. Defeated Dems: The people want Repubs and Democrats to "work together"! Really!
  169. The Nature of the Conservative Mind-Set
  170. Are Prosecutors Really the "Good Guys" in Our Criminal Justic System?
  171. SEC Investigating Barney Frank
  172. Teapublicans don't think it goes far enough...Economists don't think it makes sense.
  173. Obama: Dems blown out because "I didn't make an argument people can understand"
  174. Bloomberg is sooooo right.
  175. Ron Paul Set to Lead Federal Reserve Oversight Committee
  176. Some Dems To Oppose Pelosi's Bid For Minority Leader
  177. The end of the love affair for Obama
  178. When Chris Matthews Loved Glenn Beck
  179. Arrogance 101
  180. Maddow : MSNBC Is Not A Political Operation For Dems??????
  181. Pelosi vows to fight for Obamacare, more extreme-left policies
  182. If you're LEFT of Center and your feelings are hurt..get over it
  183. Republicans May Yet Have Upper Hand in Senate
  184. Bush never said that about Palin
  185. The Wreckage of Obamanomics
  186. Did any one watch Conspiracy theories last night?
  187. Would Be Funny
  188. Obamacare waivers for unions?
  189. Tax Reform, a Series: The Estate Tax
  190. One and Done
  191. A lame and spineless duck?
  192. Rangel Used PAC Money for Legal Defense
  193. Tea Parties Giving Some Advice To The GOP
  194. Paul Krugman Proves Sarah Palin Was Right
  195. Dems validate their stupidity
  196. Eliminate State-Sanctioned Marriage
  197. Rights
  198. Great Obama Bumber Sticker
  199. Sen. Rockefeller: FCC should shut down Fox News and MSNBC
  200. Obama's opportunity to be the decider
  201. Two Trillion Tons
  202. Is there no lie to big for Pelosi to tell?
  203. Palin Derangement Syndrome Continues
  204. Stop the Recount! We Found More – Voting Machines?
  205. Rangel's Punishment Will Be A Stern Warning
  206. Dems Out To Control Your Supply Of Food
  207. GOP To White House: Guess Who’s Not Coming To Dinner?
  208. DREAM Act Would Allow Illegals With Criminal Records to Gain Residency, GOP Says
  209. "Revolutionary Do-Over"
  210. Bumper Stickers
  211. "The Liberal Crisis" by John Podhoretz
  212. Newsweek Depicts Obama as God
  213. Top political scientist: U.S. voters are 'pretty damn stupid'
  214. Why does he hate America?
  215. Obama Does It Much Faster Than Bush
  216. Giving thanks for capitalism
  217. The great Thanksgiving hoax
  218. New Congress: Now the Hard Part Starts
  219. And The Administration Is Still Clueless
  220. Just How Clear Was The Nov. 2nd Message?
  221. Arthur Laffer’s flat tax: its pitfalls and oppressive nature!
  222. Guess Who's Taking On Big Business?
  223. The insane ritual of war
  224. Abortion is societally sponsored murder
  225. Tea Parties Are Going Local
  226. Democrat South Gone
  227. Guess Who's Finding Jesus?
  228. ObamaCare - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
  229. Dems want to hand $44 billion to illegals
  230. NY Times - Election Results Show Voters Want Higher Taxes and Bigger Government
  231. Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers’ Children
  232. How The Nanny President Sees Himself - And Us
  233. Watch Those GOP Political Class Representatives
  234. In Defense of "Tax Cuts for the Rich"
  235. The Hits Keep Coming For the Democrats
  236. Desperate Libs Ratchet Up Extremist Label
  237. Confirmed! Obama is intentionally working to make America dependent upon foreign oil!
  238. Democrats applaud Rangel after voting to censure him
  239. House Democrats Vote to Increase Taxes
  240. Why The Left (and some on the Right) Hate Sarah Palin
  241. All The President's Captors
  242. FICA’s our most regressive tax
  243. Movie Fiction Facts
  244. More Ron Paul Stupidity
  245. Obama caves, agrees to give up Democrat tax increases
  246. Sharpton Going To FCC: Limbaugh "Doesn't Have The Right" To Use Public Airwaves
  247. Gallup: Bush’s job approval now higher than Obama’s
  248. And Obama Thinks The Right Is Rough
  249. Obama: On the way to a failed presidency?
  250. In Diversity We Trust? Obama Botches U.S. National Motto