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  1. Biden: Failed stimulus all GOP’s fault
  2. Liberal Media Ignores Racism From Elected Dem at NAACP Meeting
  3. Tea Parties Are Racist Filled?
  4. The Obama Bumper Sticker Removal Kit
  5. Rev Wright cover up by news media
  6. Official to Resign Over YouTube Clip was the Right Call
  7. Unemployment Is Now A Welfare Benefit
  8. Here is how your opinions and beliefs are decided for you.
  9. Professional courtesy?
  10. NAACP'ers and Teabaggers and racists, oh my...
  11. Rangel charged w/ ethics violations
  12. Reid Abandons Cap & Trade in Face of Bipartisan Opposition
  13. Arizona does not border Mexico????? Seriously????
  14. JournoGate Continued: Pouncing On Palin
  15. Bush tax cuts extended for wealthy?
  16. N. Korea Threatens 'Physical Response' to U.S. Drills
  17. Nobama Clock
  18. Runaway Slave: The Documentary
  19. Illegal aliens flee Arizona ahead of crackdown
  20. Obamacare - The Rationing Begins
  21. Chris Wallace Educates Howard Dean
  22. The Democratic Fisc
  23. Journolist debates making its coordination with Obama explicit
  24. Paul Ryan Takes Chris Matthews To School
  25. Santelli: Tea Party More a 'Philosophy' Than a Party
  26. Dems fear GOP oversight of Obama administration
  27. How smart are we?
  28. Boxer: serving in the military is like being a member of Congress
  29. Now John Kerry Joins The Ranks of Dem Tax Cheats
  30. Obama Snubs Boy Scouts' 100th Anniversary in Favor of 'The View'
  31. Rangel Trying To Make Deal On Ethics Charges
  32. Rendell: Obama Primaried For 2012?
  33. Obama and Racial Divisiveness
  34. The cat is out of the bag: CBO says debt unsustainable, hiking taxes makes it worse
  35. Judge Bolton blocks most of Arizona's SB1070 illegal-alien law
  36. Pork bombs
  37. Felons Should Have Their Votes Counted, Not Those In Military
  38. Do not vote for my dad!
  39. The fall of the Republic - a MUST SEE for EVERY American
  40. Charges Against Rangel
  41. SEIU Video - AZ Law like The Berlin Wall and Japanese Internment Camps
  42. Chris Matthews - Dems Have To Find Ways To Suppress Voter Turnout
  43. Woman Convicted of Drug Fraud Is Used As Exemple To Extend Unemployment Benefits
  44. Flagrant racism at Tea Party event - from pro-illegal counterprotesters
  45. Leahy Denies Senate Inquiry Into New Black Party DOJ Treatment
  46. Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?
  47. 10 Reasons Dems Are Toast
  48. Required Viewing Before The November Election
  49. Ethics cases raise racial questions
  50. Virginia AG: Virginia will enforce Immigration laws
  51. Pete Stark (D) - Federal Government Can Do Anything
  52. Ethics Panel Files Charges Against Rep. Waters
  53. The Tea Party VS The Ant-War Movement
  54. Sgt Schultz Says We will Not Vote In November
  55. The Four D's Of The Democrat Party
  56. The Soak-the-Rich Catch-22
  57. Jane Harman's New Propaganda Machine, Newsweek?
  58. U.K. cuts back in Gov't HealthCare... thinking of Decentralize it.
  59. USA Today poll puts Obama approval at 41%
  60. Question For Pelosi: Did Jesus have a right to life from the moment of conception?
  61. More Pete Stark: Refusing to hire illegals might be unconstitutional
  62. Missouri Voters Reject Obamacare
  63. Fed judge to rule on whether Calif same-sex couples can call their union a "marriage"
  64. Justice Brennan's footnote gave us anchor babies
  65. another apology ???
  66. Black caucus reels from ethics,
  67. Gallup: Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama
  68. Your Tax Dollars At Work
  69. 65 years ago today
  70. privacy? cameras and smart cards in china MADE in the USA
  71. An August Surprise from Obama?
  72. Not Ready For Prime Time Is Right
  73. Senate confirms Kagan as 112th justice
  74. Signs Of Desperation
  75. Lindsey Graham: My vote for Kagan was inspired by Jesus
  76. A Hint Towards November?
  77. Dem Panic Attack Over Economy
  78. Dem Pat Caddell Sees a 'Tidal Wave' Election in November
  79. Economy loses 131,000 Jobs and Dems Ready To Spend More
  80. New NRSC Ad Uses Obama’s Words on “The View” Against Him – Video
  81. Unemployment: Is Barack Obama a Racist?
  82. Dem leadership : Don’t talk about our “accomplishments” on the trail
  83. 'Recovery Summer' vs. 'Mission Accomplished'
  84. Go Arizona!
  85. When is enough enough?
  86. A Rose By Any Other Name....
  87. Why I'm not hiring
  88. The Economic Genius of Barney Frank
  89. Robert Gibbs Attacks Liberals
  90. $26 Billion Bailout to Unions and Government Workers
  91. John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation
  92. Reid - I don't know why any Hispanic would be a Republican
  93. I like this ad
  94. Dems Biting Dems
  95. Everyone a bigot?
  96. Federal Union Buys Radio Ads To Counter Rush Limbaugh
  97. Ben Quayle - Right on the money
  98. What's wrong with this picture?
  99. NH Dem Wishes Sarah Palin Had Died in Plane Crash
  100. So you still think obama is for the little guy
  101. Video: I am willing to take a chance on something different”
  102. Is Rangel Simply Guilty of Business as Usual?
  103. Sen. Schumer: Sour electorate reluctant to give Democrats credit
  104. Even the poor are abandoning Obama
  105. Unemployed Protest For MORE Jobless Benefits
  106. So, what SHOULD we do about the soon-to-be-bankrupt Social Security?
  107. Tax Reform- How We Can Save Our Country
  108. 9th Circus Court of Appeals bans Calif same-sex marriage pending appeal
  109. Asshole of the Month - August 2010
  110. Why I (yes, I) am pissed with Obama
  111. The Death of the United States of America
  112. Now you too can be a professional illiterate: Justice Dept to hire "Ebonics experts"
  113. Happy Cost Of Government Day, 19 Aug 2010
  114. Largest tax hikes in U.S. history coming soon, in "three great waves"
  115. Morgan Stanley: Government defaults are inevitable
  116. The Obama Birth Controversy from America.gov
  117. *BINGO* Ron Paul: Without Hate For Islam Our Aggressive Foreign Policy Couldn’t Conti
  118. "Lives Touched" ?? President's Administration is lead by mentally-challenged.
  119. Obama admin halts prosecution of USS Cole bomber
  120. Fair tax
  121. Why I Feel There's Less Than A Nickel's Difference Between GOP and DNC
  122. Agnapostate Talks to the Everyday Anti-Immigrant
  123. Capital gains income’s tax discount is unjustified
  124. Obama Iraq speech
  125. Obamas NOAA chief pushes for governmental control of New England fisheries
  126. Obama and Iraq withdrawal
  127. Saboto's Crystal Ball
  128. As Earl approaches, NC governor suspends gun rights
  129. Public Policies
  130. I dont get it
  131. DOJ May Be Stepping In It
  132. An Open Letter To Obama
  133. Opponents of Illegal Immigration, Follow the Laws Consistently!
  134. Democrat Bailout Baloney
  135. Psychology of money and taxation
  136. Poll After Poll...
  137. Dims Busted Over Fake Tea Party
  138. Obama proclaims "The buck stops here", but still blames all problems on George W Bush
  139. im not gay
  140. Chicago: Emanuel For Mayor?
  141. Inoculating Prior To Rout?
  142. Sarah Palin needs to exit stage left
  143. Republicans Contract With America 2.0
  144. Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than ALL Presidents Wash-Reagan
  145. Why Is It OK To Burn Bibles, Yet Not The Koran?
  146. Where were the Koran-burning protestors when people here were burning American flags?
  147. Short Term Business Venture (OT)
  148. Terry Jones, the Quran, and Obama
  149. Koran burning cancelled, because Imam Rauf agreed to move Ground Zero mosque
  150. Homebuyer tax credit: 950,000 must repay
  151. Report: Castro says Cuban model doesn't work
  152. Obama's Toxic Agenda
  153. Obama's News conference
  154. I believe .....
  155. He says exactly what im thinking
  156. My point, that you people arent getting
  157. Obama Stands For Freedom For Muslime But Not For Americans
  158. Bush's Best Moment - Bullhorn Speech at Ground Zero
  159. Obamas White House Employees owe IRS over $800,000
  160. Obama Supports Drilling Moratorium But Loans Mexico $1 Billion for Their Oil Drilling
  161. Now Some On The Left Say 9/11 Shouldn't Be Commemorated
  162. Remember In November - 9/12 Rallies Today Across America
  163. Vulnerable Democrats duck public events
  164. Just don't call it a 'stimulus'
  165. Wasteland Today My Friend Is Called Obamaville
  166. Republicans to roll out major agenda items for 2010 elections?
  167. 51% Support Tax Cuts For Everyone
  168. I guess I've figured out my stance on the NYC Mosque...
  169. Dems plan for a future without Pelosi
  170. Yes! DOJ Civil Rights Enforcement Will Be Investigated
  171. This Is How NOT To Win Elections
  172. Classic quote from a classic show, never more appropriate
  173. Dems: We're losing, so everyone must be crazy
  174. He Should Have Burnt An American Flag
  175. Karl Rove and Republican leaders give Delaware candidate O Donell a hard time....
  176. Liberal Crackup
  177. The last refuge of a liberal
  178. President Obama was right
  179. WTF are they SMOKIN???
  180. One day in my living room....
  181. Spinning
  182. Never Say Never, But...
  183. Grace
  184. dems have new logo
  185. Proposal: 2/3 State Legislatures Would Be Able To Repeal Federal Laws
  186. 14% of Americans are "poor"... but how "poor" is that?
  187. common sense politics
  188. Happy Constitution Day
  189. Home Depot founder apologizing for being a monster
  190. Medicare/medi-caid
  191. Hidden No More...
  192. TSA mandate: You must provide info on yourself 72 hours before any airline travel?
  193. UK proposes all paychecks go to the state first
  194. Frankly Mr President.. I'm exhausted of defending you
  195. How Dems Squandered America's Trust
  196. Obama is staying the course
  197. Will There Be An "October Surprise" By The Adminstration? On What Grounds?
  198. What an idiot
  199. GOP rolling out formal agenda
  200. whats your political name and theme song
  201. The Carter-Obama Comparisons Grow
  202. What is more insidious?
  203. Obama: US could absorb another terrorist attack
  204. TEA Party candidates are yokels. Who cares that they're right?
  205. Republican "Pledge to America" introduced
  206. Brewing Up A Movement
  207. Rearranging Chairs On The Titanic
  208. Small Businesses...Really?
  209. Lies, Damned Lies - Obamacare 6 Months Later
  210. Dems To Punt On Tax Cut Debate?
  211. Dems Attack GOP Pledge - Where is the Dems Agenda?
  212. Could Barney Frank Lose in November?
  213. Obama Down to 42%. 8 Point Drop In Three Weeks
  214. Video - The Last Best Hope
  215. Two Minnesota insurers stop selling individual policies
  216. Stimulus didn't save the nation from depression
  217. GM Resumes Political Giving
  218. Kerry: The Public Is Too Stupid To Vote Democrat
  219. Dems Gone Wild: Citizen Assualted While Filming Oregon Gubernatorial Event
  220. I won't vote in 2010
  221. Obama's Policies Drag Down Democratic Governors
  222. Democrats fear Midwestern meltdown
  223. White House Insider: "The President is Losing It"
  224. Poll: Rocky road seen ahead for Obama
  225. Britain's unluckiest bride: Honeymoon cancelled by Nationalized Health Care
  226. Democrats ARE gaining momentum
  227. Pelosi on the ropes???
  228. The Rich Are To Blame For Bad Economy
  229. Biden tells liberal base to “stop whining”
  230. Dem Senate Nominee Wants To Repeal Obamacare - After Supporting It
  231. Democrat desperation off the charts! Obama calls Fox News "destructive" to America
  232. Wrong ass
  233. Hillary orders Pakistan to make the rich pay
  234. 71% of Republicans Are Tea Party Supporters
  235. Alan Grayson's "Taliban Dan" Ad Backfires
  236. Misgivings from a student of history
  237. Americans are fundamentally a conservative populace despite their sometimes odd votes
  238. Astroturf? Thousands Given Free Bus Rides By Unions & NAACP to One Nation Rally
  239. White House: Fox "destructive", but Olbermann, Maddow "provide invaluable service"
  240. Mayors: U.S. worsens Mexican violence by returning criminal aliens to border towns
  241. What's Wrong With This Picture?
  242. Democrats will hold the House and Senate
  243. Wealth Redistribution? White House Science Czar Says: ‘Have a nice day'
  244. Obama: "It took Time To Free The Slaves"
  245. Grayson Gets A Dose Of His OWn Medicine
  246. Union Thug Trumka: "We need to re-establish Popular Control Over Private Corporations
  247. Obama: 'I'd appreciate a little break'
  248. Look on the bright side
  249. Libs Beg Murdoch To Force Pro Amnesty Views On The Air
  250. Schakowsky: Those radical Republicans talk about self-government!