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  1. Will the grown ups take over the GOP leadership?
  2. Earth To Dems - Obamacare Still Unpopular
  3. MSNBC Anchor Reads White House Approved Obamacare Talking Points On The Air
  4. Once Upon A Time, Obama Supported Debate
  5. 1st Qtr: AT&T to Book $1 Billion Cost on Health-Care Reform
  6. Searchlight, Nevada
  7. Remember when we were told he would mend our relationships abroad?
  8. We Good Europeans
  9. CNN up to it's old tricks again - Tea Party rally turnout
  10. "Stop Bashing Our President, Barack Obama"
  11. fight at Obamacare protest
  12. Now that we have Socialized Medicine, what do we need next?
  13. Darwin strikes again: Global Warming activist freezes to death (is this a joke?)
  14. The words of Reagan
  15. Rude for Reid
  16. Liberal Media Has No Time For Real Threats
  17. Reid Supporters Throw Eggs and Make Threats To Tea Party Members
  18. More Voters Than Ever See Obama As Partisan Democrat
  19. Krugman: You can call em death panels but they’ll save us money
  20. 29 years ago today
  21. The Media's Public Enemy No. 1 - Obamacare Opponents
  22. Interior Dept. to decide Alaska offshore drilling
  23. Frosty Wooldridge on Illegal Immigration
  24. You Might Be A Racist if....
  25. political issues
  26. Karl Rove Gets Disrupted By Code Pink At Book Event
  27. MSNBC: Firearms deaths fall as millions obtain permits to carry concealed guns
  28. Getting the Obama Agenda Passed
  29. Sign of the times
  30. Letterman Interviews Tea Party Leader
  31. A Trip Down Memory Lane
  32. Real" Unemployment Could Surge to 25%,
  33. Afraid Of Constituents?
  34. Obama admin mandates trading blood for oil
  35. The grasshoppers and the ants (2010 version)
  36. DNC Has Its Own “Violent” Target Map Like Sarah Palin’s
  37. This Says It All About Obamacare
  38. Numbers don't lie, but liars use numbers - Leftist Attacks Palin w/ "Debt Proof"
  39. On Rationing and then Death
  40. Obama Wants People To Tone It Down
  41. "You Picked a Fine Time to Lead Us, Barack"
  42. Illinois Democrat on O-Care: “I don’t worry about the Constitution on this”
  43. Disrepecting Foreign Allies
  44. Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate
  45. NY Times: ABC, CBS audiences fall to new all-time lows
  46. interesting theory on islam
  47. What Happened To That Bump?
  48. Sgt Schultz - I've Never Sprewed Hate on My Show
  49. Ten Stupid Things Liberals Do to Mess-up Everyone’s Life.
  50. a $6.4 billion clerical error ???
  51. Sometimes its just nice to re-visit the past
  52. Doctor tells Obama supporters: Go elsewhere for health care
  53. Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed'
  54. Obamacare Raises Taxes On Small Business By 25%
  55. Anne Rand
  56. what is the difference between blue dog democrat and libertarian
  57. why is the government involved in marriage and does it have to be?
  58. Interesting, what do you think of this?
  59. 40% Of Tea Party Members Are Dems or Independents
  60. Maxine Waters Outraged That Tea Party Protesters Were Waving American Flags
  61. Liberal Reporters Make Excuses For Lack Of Obama Press Conferences
  62. Investigation reveals numerous bogus claims on Obama resume
  63. Rush VS Chris Matthews - The "Regime" Question
  64. Michelle Obama Admits Kenya is Barack Hussein Obama's "Home Country"
  65. Obama tells the world the US won't use nukes, even if attacked
  66. Today in History, April 6
  67. 2.5 Trillion barrels of Oil Shale Oil
  68. Report from extreme-left MSNBC confirms: More guns = fewer gun deaths
  69. Caption this picture
  70. A tale of two opening-day pitches
  71. A joke to make us laugh instead of cry!
  72. what is obama's theme song?
  73. Black conservative tea party backers take heat
  74. Islamophobia is not real
  75. Really can't understand how such a big-fat-LIAR gets elected - Pres. Fav. Sox players
  76. Flu season is over. Did predictions of 1000s extra deaths from Swine Flu, come true?
  77. Obama admin proposes new National Sales Tax
  78. State No. 6 declares in-state firearms exempt from Federal regulation
  79. The death spiral has begun: The US can longer sustain itself.
  80. should queers be allowed to serve openly in the u.s. military
  81. There are no moderate muslims
  82. McCaskill (D) Missouri
  83. Documents: Bullied teen sought help from school
  84. Amid cuts, Ohio judge tells citizens to carry guns
  85. im coming out of the closet, im ......
  86. Palin On Fire - Brings House Down In New Orleans
  87. Obama should read this
  88. This is how you fix congress!!!!
  89. 66% Say America Is Overtaxed
  90. Actor Jon Voight: A Letter for the American People
  91. UN process in danger unless world agrees on climate change
  92. If I lived in Florida I would vote for Allen West
  93. Here's another veteran running for Congress
  94. Barack Obama has proved to America — beyond reasonable doubt — he is NOT smart.
  95. Harry Reid (D-NV): The next big bill we will pass is Amnesty for illegal aliens
  96. Tea Parties infiltrated??
  97. What is optimum tax rate?
  98. Andy Stern of SEIU to quit?
  99. Obama's Secret Power Grabs
  100. Sheep, Sheepdog or Wolf
  101. Joe vs Jose
  102. Father wages court battle against funeral protests
  103. If TPartiers WERE racist homophobes why do liberals hav to fake it to make em look th
  104. Communist Party USA sues Democrat Party for stealing platform
  105. Arizona Clears Strict Immigration Bill
  106. Obama Says: "Whether We Like it Or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower"
  107. Tea Party Movement Spreads To Military
  108. USS Murtha ???
  109. The Individual Mandate: We're All Amish Now
  110. Anybody go to a TEA Party yesterday (April 15)?
  111. Clinton compares peaceful TEA Partiers to mass-murdering OK City bombers
  112. Marine back on Facebook after fueling debate
  113. Federal Minimum wage?
  114. Wash DC to get a voting Representative in Congress???
  115. feminism = evil
  116. "I'm 63 and I'm Tired"
  117. Weren't The, "Bush Tax Cuts" only for the Wealthy?
  118. Clinton: tea party could incite right wing terrorism
  119. Col. West: Obama Unlike MLK, Jr. in Improving Race Relations
  120. They came, they saw, they failed
  121. How to brainwash a nation.......
  122. Funny thing about this....
  123. Obama to Tea Parties: We're on Your Side
  124. Poll: Americans' distrust of federal government is deepening Read more: http://www.m
  125. Good Riddance!!!
  126. Thank You Mr President
  127. Independent Voters on the Rise?
  128. From the annals of stupidity
  129. Blackout: Police chase reporters away from covering protest outside White House
  130. Arizona bill to require birth certificate from obama for 2012...
  131. LOVE this pic! :)
  132. 2010 PORK report is out
  133. Geico in hot water?!
  134. Shocking statistic from "Idol Gives Back" - and completely avoidable???
  135. Ron Paul on Clinton's Illegal Bombings; Madeline Albright, Osama Bin Laden, etc.
  136. Ed Schultz Flips Out On The Air (Again)
  137. ACORN CEO: Tea Parties a 'Bowel Movement,' Future Will Be Worse Than Segregation
  138. At last, an "Astroturf" demonstration worthy of the name
  139. ACORN CEO: Tea Parties a 'Bowel Movement,'
  140. Proof that Obama's foreign policy IS consistent
  141. Why is Obama blaming Wall St, when Democrats in Govt caused the financial crash?
  142. Al Gore For the Supreme Court?
  143. MSNBC Answer to Tea Party? Stop Covering Them
  144. Blago/Obama
  145. Earth Day Predictions, April 22, 1970
  146. Arizona will go after illegals
  147. Political Coreectness. An excuse not to debate.
  148. Clinton was right: Whines about govt policy ARE leading to violence
  149. Equal Rights For Homosexuals: 82Marine89 v Hogtrash
  150. what are you (politicallly) angry about
  151. troubling questions
  152. ed schultz is a....
  153. New Orleans looses an entreprenuer
  154. Death of the Consent of the Governed
  155. Bring back the "noisy filibuster"
  156. What gives liberals the idea our immigration laws need "reform"?
  157. More Olbermann Hypocrisy
  158. Unlimited Bailout Funds
  159. Texas Gives the Boot to Liberal Social Studies Bias
  160. I really hope this was not real footage.....
  161. The Party of Hate Speaks Out
  162. How Mexico Treats Illegal Aliens
  163. OMB Director Orszag explains how ObamaCare imposes rationing
  164. Texas will go after Illegals
  165. What do you mean, what should "WE" (!) do with US-born kids of illegals???
  166. How Dare Mexico Give Us Grief!!
  167. Are we going to be 51 states effective tomorrow?
  168. On Coming Elections: Will Conservatives Implode?
  169. more states ponder AZ immigration law
  170. Obamanomics - At Some Point You Have Made Enough Money
  171. Actual AP headline: “Illegal immigrants plan to leave over Ariz. law”
  172. SWAT Team Beats Back Tea Party Protesters
  173. Liberals believe their own lies so much, look what they consider "News"
  174. Will illegal aliens marching on May 1-5 remember lessons of past?
  175. Interesting show about the illegal aliens flooding across our borders
  176. Democrats Have Recent History Of Demanding People Show "Their Papers"
  177. Sheriff's deputy shot by illegal alien in Arizona, Fri April 30
  178. Here's the text of the new Arizona Illegal-alien law
  179. Boehner: How does gaining 100 seats in November sound?
  180. Democrats Pushing for Mandatory Paid Sick Leave
  181. Take away the lies, and the libs will have nothing to say about AZ immigr law at all!
  182. Should illegal aliens be allowed to stay, and offered a "Path to Citizenship"?
  183. You've Made Enough Money
  184. A comeback for George Bush?
  185. God is a Democrat????
  186. Gulf Spill Obama's Katrina
  187. It Has Been The Law Since 1940 For Immigrants To Carry Their ID
  188. Bnc
  189. Containing the Gulf oil spill damage
  190. A Sign Of Things To Come
  191. CBS Tries To Link Time Sq Bomb Attempt to Angry Right
  192. One interesting result of illegal alien shooting AZ deputy
  193. Oil rig an accident?
  194. Ed Schultz Asks If We Should Help Those Republican States
  195. Congress Members Bet on Fall in Stocks
  196. It's Cinco De Mayo!!!!
  197. No Fooling Mother Nature
  198. John Stewart sums up Obama's Nuke Policies
  199. Chicago CBS 2 Wont Cover Senate Campaign if GOP Candidate Continues to be Effective
  200. Obey's Retirement More Bad News for Dems
  201. Freddie Mac: We Need Another $10 Billion
  202. I agree with the divorce terms
  203. TN floods
  204. AT&T, Verizon, others, thought about dropping employer-sponsored benefits
  205. Amnesty for illegal Phoenix Suns fans
  206. HS kids sent home for wearing American Flag shirts on Cinco De Mayo... IN AMERICA!
  207. Dow crash caused by one trader typing one wrong key?
  208. Sen. Sanders reads the RIOT ACT to the Fed
  209. my observations about the left
  210. We Are Moving To Mexico!!
  211. Question
  212. Crist Supporters Want Refund
  213. Obama laughing at Arizona
  214. Who says government doesn't listen to you?
  215. i love my white race, my jewish religion and my american country
  216. Obama to nominate Harriet Miers to Supreme Court?
  217. 'They Won't Let My Message Out': BO's Commencement Address
  218. A stranger
  219. Immigration: Federal Law vs Arizona Bill
  220. In senior thesis, Elena Kagan wrote of "socialism's greatness"
  221. What are our rights?
  222. Surprise!!! CBO says ObamaCare will cost $115 billion more than thought
  223. Pelosi Urges Catholic Church to Play 'Major Role' in Immigration Overhaul
  224. Matthews Wants ANY Republican To Attack Rush
  225. Dem Who Voted For Obamacare Loses In Primary
  226. Kagan: Banning Radio and TV Ads and Pamplets Is Constitutional
  227. Obama Defeats FDR (in Spending Other People's Money)
  228. Crossroad(s)?
  229. LA votes to boycott Arizona
  230. Hope and Change Adds $65 Billion To Deficit In March
  231. LA Teacher Call For Mexican Revolt In the US
  232. Mexico is upset about Arizona's immigration laws.
  233. Obama didn't promise no taxes!?!
  234. Group wants equal restroom access for women
  235. What are you doing?
  236. Kerry's Powerless America Act
  237. Holder Admits to Not Reading Arizona's Immigration Law Despite Criticizing It
  238. Chris Christie Slaps Down Reporter
  239. LA Times Ignores Own Poll On Arizona Law
  240. Saw this on Facebook
  241. Palin is cleaning house
  242. am i the only one that notices that liberals dont support israel the way
  243. I hate progressives, communists, and politically correct basterds
  244. The Real Reason the Left Loves Illegals
  245. Immigrant advocates say crackdown on unlicensed drivers unfair
  246. There IS HOPE!!!
  247. Newt Gingrich Discusses Obama's Secular Socialist Machine
  248. Muslims in NYC Planning to Build Second, Smaller Mosque Near Ground Zero
  249. ive been doing some writing this morning
  250. new facebook group