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  1. Black Activists Call Senate Slavery Apology "Useless"
  2. Black Activist: Promote Job Growth by Killing Cap-and-Trade
  3. Liberals protest Christmas show
  4. Explosive: The not-safe-for-school reading list of the safe schools czar; Plus: GLSEN
  5. video-Finger
  6. Dems Say Obamacare Is Good Enough for Us - but NOT Their Staff
  7. A closed meeting on openness
  8. Pelosi Endorses ‘Global’ Tax on Stocks For Another Stimulus Bill
  9. Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery
  10. Liberal Group Puts Bounty on Head of Chamber of Commerce CEO
  11. Obama 47, Palin 46
  12. Climategate: Barack Obama's rule by EPA decree is a coup d'etat against Congress, mad
  13. Taking on Unlikables???
  14. media trying to create a weak scandal for Glenn Beck
  15. 10 Million Could Lose Employer Coverage Under Senate Health Bill, CBO Says
  16. Dems Drop "Public Option"?
  17. Sarah Palin - Political Candidate ???
  18. The depths of Demcare demagoguery
  19. The EPA SHOULD scare you under Obama
  20. Environmentalists/EPA cost America 500 jobs in the war against coal
  21. Chris Matthews - Palin A 'Troglodyte' For Not Buying Global Warming
  22. 44% want George W. Bush back in office as Obama dips below 50%
  23. Reasons Not to Shower
  24. A Nobel for a post-American president
  25. A green, sustainable future................that doesn't work
  26. 61% Oppose Obamacare
  27. Court constricts W.Va. wind farm to protect bats
  28. You must not question the AGW faithful
  29. Regime Change
  30. Savages Not Spics
  31. "Ungovernable America"
  32. Liberals See the VAT Option as a Cure for Deficits
  33. Why are the leftists so riled up about the couple who crashed the WH party?
  34. Whole Foods Republicans
  35. Obama's Numbers Continues to Sink
  36. Obama's first year: The report card
  37. 22 million missing Bush White House e-mails found
  38. Inconvenient Question to Al Gore
  39. Dec. 15: Bill of Rights Day
  40. How low can it go?
  41. GAO to Investigate ACORN
  42. did your state vote for Obama???
  43. Why do they hate the troops?
  44. Dylan Ratigan Yells At Dem Congresswoman, Abruptly Ends Interview
  45. Sunday showdown: The Senate’s Demcare treachery
  46. Obama barges into meet with Chinese Premier
  47. CBO: Real 10-Year Cost of Senate Bill Still $2.5 Trillion
  48. Schumer calls flight attendant "B" word
  49. BARACK ALMIGHTY - An essay distinguishing the power of God from the power of gov't
  50. Suggestion for a 3rd house of Congress
  51. A bill so reckless it has to be rammed through on a partisan vote on Christmas eve
  52. Remind me again which part of the Constitution authorizes the Fed to run Health Care?
  53. PC Magazine Goes PC....egads
  54. Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man's best friend
  55. CLIMATEGATE: Hitler flips out over the CRU hacked emails
  56. Dem jumps sinking ship
  57. Video: Is Rush Limbaugh's consistent reference to Obama as a 'little child' racist?
  58. US voters give Barack Obama an F
  59. Build-A-Climate-Scare: Why You Should Boycott Build-A-Bear
  60. Future Congresses Cannot Repeal Parts of Healthcare Bill
  61. 'Twas the night before Christmas, 2009
  62. Tax increases abound in healthcare reform legislation
  63. Mao & Obama Ornaments Adorn White House Christmas Tree
  64. The Communists Behind Obama’s Health Care Goals
  65. Too Blatant To Ignore
  66. Chris Matthews Calls Saul Alinsky One Of His Heroes
  67. It's Hard Being A Liberal These Days
  68. Does CBO cost-eval matter if Dems intend to completely change Health Care lat
  69. Detroit in Ruins...Crowder on the result of Unions + Socailists
  70. MSNBC Trashes Activism
  71. A Diaper Change You Can Believe In
  72. Was Baucus Drunk On Senate Floor?
  73. BOs real repart card
  74. Instead of banning pillows and blankets in planes, lets terrorist profile
  75. John Ashcroft Is Looking Better
  76. Unhealthy Arrogance
  77. Who should have been Time's Man of the Year? George W. Bush!
  78. 2 men behind airliner attempt were freed from Gitmo
  79. It's A Tough Day When I Find Agreement With Maureen Dowd
  80. Tracking Your Taxes: Defense Bill Pays for Prostate Screenings, Sprinkler System
  81. Among the bad news, some good news... maybe
  82. 13 Republican Attorney Generals Threaten Lawsuit Over Health Care
  83. Anatomy of a Failed Presidency!
  84. .TSA subpoenas bloggers, demands names of sources
  85. Mark Tapscott: What is Barack Obama doing? UPDATED: Why Interpol, Mr. President?
  86. Policies As Well As Elections Have Consequences
  87. Don't Make Threats You Can't or Won't Keep
  88. Judge throws out Blackwater manslaughter charges
  89. How Did Obama Do In '09 - What Will 2010 Bring?
  90. Are The Poor Entitled To Other People's Money?
  91. Sarah Palin To Headline National Tea Party Convention
  92. Alaska is Russia
  93. Bernanke recommends stronger regulation of the fed reserve
  94. Not Proud to be an American
  95. 2009: "The Year of the Hoax"
  96. video-New Animation: "Learn To Speak Tea Bag"
  97. Obama gives INTERPOL immunity to operate at will in the USA
  98. Interesting Article Re Redstate.com
  99. Steve from ‘Blue’s Clues’ Teaches Kids to Hate Sarah Palin
  100. video-America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians
  101. As poll numbers tumble, Democrats shoot the messenger in record numbers
  102. Ron Paul “This Is Not What America Is All About!”
  103. Palin: It’s War, not a Crime Spree
  104. Pelosi tells C-SPAN: 'There has never been a more open process'
  105. Some very good news this morning
  106. The consequences of Obama: Terrorism is back
  107. Chris Matthews Calls Gen. Petraeus "Gen. Betray Us"
  108. Obama says Gitmo created Al Qaeda in Arab peninsula
  109. exit stage left
  110. What the Dems know that we don't: Universal Voter Registration
  111. Count the Lies: Obama Vowed 8x to televise Healthcare
  112. Matthews: All ‘Teabaggers’ White? Maybe Not…
  113. Obama OKs Taxing High-End Health Plans
  114. video-New Ad that is running.Behind Closed Doors
  115. 90% of university faculties are hard-core leftist
  116. At least the Democrats are consistent
  117. Dems Plan To Delay Election Certification To Ensure Vote for Obamacare
  118. Obama's Answer For 10% Unemployment - "Green Jobs"
  119. Sarah Palin gets liar of the year award
  120. Barak Obama passes the buck to..... who else? Bush!
  121. ObamaCare Opponent Removed From Sen. Reid's Town Hall Meeting
  122. Reid Once Called Obama "Light Skinned with no Negro Dialect"
  123. Bill Clinton on Obama - "A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee"
  124. Hawaii can't afford Congressional election
  125. Armed TSA Agents Threaten Travel Journalist
  126. No Amnesty!
  127. CBO Estimates US Budget Deficit of $390 Billion
  128. Obama stimulus funds tagged for fake zip codes
  129. "I'm blacker than Barack Obama."
  130. George Bush Heckled In A Pizza Restaurant (VIDEO)
  131. Hawaii cancels Universal Health Care for children, running out of money
  132. "Obama Man"
  133. Is IT Starting For Reid?
  134. Uh-Oh! CBS Polling
  135. Obama in no rush for State of Union
  136. TN Candidate Bolts The GOP For 'Tea Party'
  137. Rev. Wright blasts health-care plan at Detroit church
  138. massacusits vote Republican??????????
  139. video-"It's The People's Seat."
  140. *Are Elitists Born Or Made?*
  141. Reagan was a peacenik
  142. Lots Of Talk About Cute Republican Women...
  143. Union workers admits being paid by Coakley camp…but he’ll vote for Brown
  144. OMG!! Coakley Can't Spell That State She Is Running In
  145. Coakley Thug Assaults Weekly Standard Reporter
  146. Another one
  147. Seating of new Mass. Senator "could take weeks"
  148. Obama musical set to open in Germany
  149. What defines a "Christian Nation"?
  150. Coakley Campaign Ad Calls Tea Partiers an "Extremist Group"
  151. Stand with the people of Haiti! What the U.S. government isn't telling you
  152. Now Obama Says Stimulus Bill Has "Saved or Created" 2 Million Jobs
  153. Unions strike tentative deal on Cadillac Health Plan Tax
  154. Obama Admits He Hasn't Changed Washington
  155. Obama admin attacks CIA and FBI, but gives Interpol immunity? Why?
  156. Why no damage reports from Dominican Republic, next to Haiti?
  157. Biden holds meeting on Transparency... but the meeting is closed
  158. Brown to Obama : "Stay Away"
  159. Obama’s Favorite For Supreme Court Justice Sunstein Wants To Ban Guns, Free Speech
  160. Donating to Browns campaign
  161. Coakley - Catholics shouldn't work in the ER
  162. OMG Brown Up By 11!!!!!!!!!!
  163. Police Union Endorses Scott Brown
  164. Boston Globe Plays Sexist Card in MA Senate Race
  165. Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine
  166. video ad for Scott Brown-Massachusetts Miracle
  167. Vote Obamacare: We'll Vote You Out of There
  168. Ed Schultz - "I'd Cheat to Keep the Bastards Out"
  169. Another Coakley Gaffe - UPS Threatens Legal Action
  170. Panicky Democrats look at bypassing Senate health care vote altogether
  171. Deregulation the cause for market crash and fraud?
  172. Kennedy Doesn’t Even Know Martha Coakley’s Name
  173. Obama Heckled At Coakley Rally
  174. Obama Can't Fill the Hall at Coakley Rally
  175. On Elections and Fraud
  176. Public Policy Poll: Brown 51% Coakley 46%
  177. the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points
  178. Blood Would Run In The Streets
  179. video-John Kerry explains what Republicans say yes to
  180. Great Video: Massachusetts Miracle
  181. MSNBC Anchor - Have You Lost Your Minds, Massachusetts Voters?!
  182. Brown: If I win, I’ll be in D.C. on Friday
  183. If Coakley were a Republican...
  184. Bookie Pays Off Before MA Election
  185. Daily Kos - Mass. Voters Will Pitch a Hissy Fit Today
  186. Obama's First Year By The Numbers
  187. Early Returns Show Landslide Win For Coakley
  188. If Brown wins, how will that affect other Senate/House votes?
  189. "This doesn't mean we won't have a bill"
  190. Is the Boston senatorial election fixed for Coakley?
  191. Democrats Are Fucking Liars
  192. Democrat pundits must be from another planet
  193. dead man voting
  194. Coakley Concedes, Brown Wins!
  195. The Lefts Excuses For Coakley Loss
  196. The Tsunami Has Started Against The Dems
  197. Kerry Caught Lying About Election Certifying Election Results
  198. How and Why Scott Brown Won
  199. Pelosi determined to commit political murder of The Democrat Party
  200. Scott Brown Acceptance Speech
  201. The fallout: Democrats rethinking health care bill
  202. Chris Matthews admits he analyzes politics from a Marxist perspective
  203. Scott Brown's Daughter was on Season 5 of American Idol
  204. Obama to Senate: Don't 'Jam' Through Health Care Until Brown Seated...
  205. Business As Usual For Dems
  206. So Now MSNBC Rants About Hitler Posters
  207. Obama Will Travel to Nevada for Reid Next Month
  208. Big Obama Supporter Turns On Obama
  209. Senate 2010: More Shocks on the Way
  210. Supreme Court rolls back Campaign Finance "Reform" limits
  211. A fitting end to Teddy Kennedy's "Lifetime legacy"
  212. Meg Whitman: I'm A Huge Fan Of Van Jones
  213. Its time to commit suicide, John
  214. Censorship, Inc.
  215. Obama unloads on high court over campaign finance
  216. Former Ariz. congressman plans run against McCain
  217. We Now Have A Total Gangster Government.
  218. How To Brainwash A Nation.
  219. Sen Specter Adds A Nail To His Political Coffin
  220. Obama Brings TelePrompter to Speak to 6th Grade Class
  221. The Two Promises Obama's Managed to Keep
  222. Obama Administration Steers Lucrative No-Bid Contract for Afghan Work to Dem Donor
  223. “The Big Difference” Between 2010 and 1994 “Is Me,”
  224. Hey, It's Not Our Fault!!!!
  225. Two-Speed Global Recovery On Display At Davos Gathering
  226. The Carter Syndrome
  227. Obama Now Wants A Spending Freeze?
  228. Obama - "I 'would rather be really good one-term President'
  229. 3 Obama Staffers Give 3 Different "Saved/Created" Jobs Numbers
  230. Rahm Emanuel Calls Liberals "F****** Retards" At Meeting
  231. Companies that get too big and go bankrupt might hurt economy?
  232. Calif. voters don't identify with Teabaggers
  233. Man arrested with guns, grenades, NVG, map of military base: No terrorism links
  234. Barack Obama, the Angry Left and the politics of intellectual contempt.
  235. The Queer's Dream Team...
  236. $2,200 Per Day
  237. Stimulus price tag soars as jobless rate rises
  238. 'Obama Girl' now falling out of love
  239. Gibbs: Obama acknowledges he's made mistakes
  240. Libertarian Communist- An Oxymoron
  241. video-Eliseo Medina Speaks on Immigrants for Votes
  242. Barack Bingo
  243. State of the Union Talking Points
  244. The SOTU speech thread
  245. Chris Matthews - "I forgot Obama was black tonight"
  246. Blaming Bush - Again
  247. Embattled Obama declares in speech, 'I don't quit'
  248. President Obama’s Lexicon of Rhetorical Devices
  249. Obama’s State of the Union: How did he do?
  250. Senate permits gov't to borrow an additional $1.9T (That's $1,900,000,000.00)