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  1. The reign of lame falls mainly on mccain
  2. Not one word from Emmett
  3. VIDEO-Obama win causes obsessive supporters to realize how empty their lives are
  4. Obama already being advised by Marx
  5. 'Impeach Obama' groups pop up on Facebook
  6. Post election wandering
  7. This brutha knows his stuff! LOL
  8. Gay threats target Christians over Prop 8
  9. Democrats scale back expectations
  10. With other branches in hand, Dems now turn to the judiciary
  11. Franken demands recount...
  12. There is hope...
  13. Robert Kennedy Jr to head EPA?
  14. Palin didn't know Africa was a continent
  15. Alaska loves its crook
  16. Washington Establishment wins, working middle class looses! Do you agree?
  17. Obama victory is "token of Bush failure"
  18. The Top-10 reasons Obama winning is a good thing.
  19. Obama picks insiders = smart, Bush picks insiders = stupid
  20. PE Obama starts new government website
  21. America Serves
  22. Ashville N.C. School teacher browbeats student over being a McCain supporter
  23. Gun sales
  24. Michelle Obama's victory dress 'a shocker'
  25. What the Republican Party should do
  26. A Progressive Mandate
  27. No hidden white bias seen in presidential race
  28. The Democrats’ Secretary of State Project and ACORN Own the Man in Charge of the Minn
  29. new Marxists website
  30. Palin in big demand by Marxists
  31. Do you feel stupid
  32. Obama's First Press Conference as President Elect
  33. obama's cabinet....
  34. Bottoms up economics
  35. Kyl Issues Warning To Obama On Supreme Court Appointments
  36. Osama's SS invades Chicago
  37. 'Thy kingdom come' through Obama
  38. For McCain Voters
  39. Internet revolution that elected Obama could save Earth: Gore
  40. Big Trouble for Conservatives
  41. Bush administration: Screwing the earth to the very end
  42. Great vid!
  43. Missteps In Dangerous Times
  44. Freaking Weird
  45. Hey Bully! On Those Signing Statements? He's Not In Office Yet
  46. Sarah Palin Blamed By The US Secret Service Over Death Threats Against Barack Obama
  47. Obama favors stem cell research
  48. Obama seen as "gun snatcher"
  49. Obama Positioned To Quickly Reverse Bush Actions
  50. GOP A Dying Breed In New England
  51. Chuck Norris: Obama, now that you work for me ...
  52. Breaking News: Obama Wins Electoral Vote In Nebraska
  53. Bush Administration To Blame For McCain's Failure, Palin Says
  54. CNN: Some of the Palin leakers’ smears are “patently false”
  55. In Anticipation Of President Obama
  56. PE Obama Ready To Rule 1st Day
  57. Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are
  58. Palin allies: She's no diva
  59. Agenda disappears from Obama Web site
  60. To Gabby....
  61. Congressman Warns of Obama Dictatorship
  62. "Yes We Can . . . Ban Guns"--Obama Announces Gun Ban Agenda Before The Final Vote Cou
  63. Greta sits down with Sarah Palin
  64. Democratic legislators ask state Supreme Court to void Prop. 8
  65. McCain Owes Sarah Some Straight Talk
  66. Is Anyone Familiar With Grassfire.org?
  67. Obama's Cabinet: Start With Al Gore
  68. Bush Pissed: Obama aids leak chat details
  69. "Watch out! Obama is another Hitler!"
  70. more change/lies from the almost PE obama
  71. Ingraham on how to fix the GOP
  72. Why seal Obama’s record of Obama’s birth
  73. Buffalo News Supporting Silencing of Righty Radio Talkers
  74. Obama Administration Looking For 8,000 Good People
  75. GOP Stalwarts Regroup During Caribbean Cruise
  76. Freedom - what is it really?
  77. This Should Put "Paid" On Campaign Finance Reform
  78. Obama Planning U.S. Trials for Guantanamo Detainees
  79. Friedman: Put 'Government Master' In Charge of Automakers
  80. AP poll: Public seems willing to wait on tax cuts
  81. Obama Transition Team Examines Congestion Tax
  82. Perfectly Statement Of My Beliefs About Barry
  83. Paulson: Government won't buy troubled bank assets
  84. When Does A President Become "Responsible" Or When Can One Blame The Prior?
  85. My Favorite Lesbian Nails It Again
  86. "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough Fuck you slip, on air.
  87. McCain on Leno
  88. Bailout price tag at $3.5 trillion
  89. Top Intel People To Be Fired Under Obama
  90. Conservatism, Libertarianism, and the Future of Limited Government.
  91. Market Has No Confidence In Obama
  92. Dems Prepare To Investigate Bush Administration
  93. George Bush destroyed the Republican party
  94. Seen Any Buyers Remorse Yet?
  95. Will There Be A Showdown Between Justice Thomas and Obama?
  96. Obama Wants Government Czar For Auto Industry
  97. Did Obama Register With Selective Service?
  98. Applying For Obama Administration Gig
  99. 2008 County by County Map
  100. Bill Ayers: Barack Obama a 'family friend'
  101. Cindy McCain caught cheating!
  102. Sarah Palin Is Becoming The Next Reagan
  103. Osama to lean on Clinton Officials
  104. To Tax or Not to Tax...that is the question
  105. Government; Theocracy; Dictatorship; Monarch
  106. Bush Too Little Too Late on Bailouts?
  107. Hillary For Sec of State?
  108. Michael Steele As Head Of The RNC?
  109. Red Dawn Over America:
  110. Mayors ask feds for bailout money
  111. Time Cover - Obama As FDR
  112. Sharpton & Money Problems-Campaign
  113. Keyes sues to obtain Obama citizenship proof
  114. Vindicating the founders and federalism, our Constitution`s plan!
  115. Obamatrons
  116. Bill O'Reilly on The Daily Show 11-13-08
  117. Change You Can Conceive In
  118. Early signs are Obama has to guard his left
  119. Where the hell is JC Watts?
  120. A Malaise Speech To The World and He's Not President, Yet
  121. Change?
  122. Now That a Black Man Has Been Elected President...
  123. I now know who to blame...
  124. EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration?
  125. What Is Your Nickname For Obama?
  126. video-What is Communism?
  127. Do Libs Still Feel Threatened By Talk Radio
  128. Unions Are the Problem
  129. Conservative blogger: Suck it up
  130. Equal Justice Under Law! End Affirmative Action.
  131. Ed Schultz - Right-Wing Conspiracy Behind Lower Oil Prices
  132. How Obama Got Elected... Interviews With Obama Voters
  133. Obama - Master of Political Stagecraft
  134. Letter to Obama From Cory The Well Driller
  135. Eric Holder For Attorney General
  136. Cheney indicted by Texas grand jury
  137. Mike Huckabee Truly Ignorant of Republican Principles
  138. Stevens loses Alaska senate race
  139. The ObaHillary morph: Recycling you can believe in
  140. Democrats seek to lower expectations for bailout
  141. Supreme court ruling on Obama’s eligibility for presidency
  142. You can ask and you can tell
  143. Bush administration: Most evil ever?
  144. Anti-war group fear hawkish Obama cabinet
  145. "Change" By Appointing Clinton Retreads???
  146. the new Klinton admin
  147. Thomas Sowell: The right to win
  148. Liberal Media Can't Stop Attacking Gov Palin
  149. With Low Gas Prices Come Calls To Raise Gas Tax
  150. Communists call for urgent action on crisis
  151. Obama Advisers To Public: Temper Expectations
  152. President-elect accused of defrauding public
  153. From the Left - First Step to GOP Recovery: Fire Rush Limbaugh
  154. Eric Holder Calls For “Reasonable Restrictions” On Internet Speech (Video)
  155. US embassy Guard Suspended For Criticising Obama
  156. obama is unemployed, right?
  157. Schwarzenegger Wants A Pet Tax
  158. Obama Says He Will Change Earth's Climate
  159. Rahm Emanuel: We Can't Waste This Crisis
  160. Obama's German Connection
  161. Obama's Socialist Plan For America
  162. Who Will pay For Obama's Costly Inauguration?
  163. Socialist heathcare the way to go in U.S.
  164. COBB COUNTY: Ballot Requests Run Into A Glitch
  165. Bush Assails US Congress On Trade Pacts
  166. Will Obama Be Bush's Third Term?
  167. Osama new limo gas guzzler
  168. US officials flunk history
  169. racism: ..................
  170. Ann Coulter's jaw wired shut
  171. MN board rules against Franken
  172. Bailout bill hits $7.7 trillion
  173. Are We All In For A New New Deal?
  174. White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?
  175. Calif. priest tells Obama supporters to confess
  176. Obama haters in last-ditch effort to derail his presidency
  177. Liberal groups feels welcome again in Washington
  178. Libs pissed: Gates stays on
  179. video-Obambam: I am the CHANGE
  180. Chicago Leads the Way on Government...
  181. 2010 PA Senate Run: Specter vs. Matthews?
  182. Foundations of Liberalism
  183. Inauguration Songs For Obama
  184. It's time to end the "war on terror"
  185. It’s beginning to look a lot like Hillmas
  186. Reporter to Obama: Didn't you belittle Hillary's foreign policy experience during the
  187. Small Price to Pay for Unity
  188. Saxby Chambliss
  189. what political issue drives you the most
  190. Bush: 'I Did Not Compromise My Principles'
  191. A win for civility: Georgia voters bury a McCarthyite smear
  192. Harry Reid's 'Smelly Tourists' Comment
  193. CNN: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Trying to Stop Hillary
  194. Is Wal Mart To Big To Fail?
  195. Obama - No Windfall Tax On Oil Companies
  196. Ala. county sets 'Barack Obama Day' as new holiday
  197. How Bambam got elected
  198. NYT - Flip A Coin To Determine Winner in MN Senate Race
  199. Israel Preparing to Strike Iran Without U.S. Consent
  200. Definition of broke
  201. Barney Frank - The Banking Queen
  202. After Breaking His Vow: Obama Gets $745 Million
  203. The militia of the Constitution was to be well organized, well armed and well trained
  204. Worker says 'Joe the Plumber' cover-up was forced upon her
  205. The Senate, Snowe and Dinkytown
  206. Private-Sector Health Care Leads the Way
  207. Government Sets Us Up for the Next Bust
  208. The Fed is a Failure
  209. Republicans Win 2 More House Seats
  210. Time To Feel Sorry For Mexico?
  211. NY Times - Joe The Plumber Is 'A No Good Citizen'
  212. Replacing Senator Clinton
  213. A 'Change' In Inauguration Pomp?
  214. if democrats
  215. pledges and promises
  216. Liberals voice concerns about Obama
  217. This Is A Must Read If You Want Change
  218. McCain's Unaired Ad
  219. Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy Wins Ohio Congressional Race After Counting Of Provisional Ba
  220. Pelosi and Her Taxpayer Airplane
  221. what really is socialism and communism
  222. Obama's End Run around Congress
  223. Inauguration Impatience Syndrome
  224. NY Times - Obama Played Role In Blago's Fall
  225. Ill. governor meeting with Obama today
  226. Advice for Obama: $1T Stimulus Needed to 'Keep Economy from Collapsing'
  227. Obama to take the oath of office using his middle name
  228. Video: Was America Ever a White Nation?
  229. Down the Memory Hole
  230. EPA Drops Rules Easing Controls on Power Plants
  231. Osama offers nuke protection for Israel
  232. Minnesota ballots: Land of 10,000 fakes
  233. I Know Nothing! Nothing!
  234. Slew of Warnings on Nuclear, Biological Terrorism Prompt Worries of Fearmongering
  235. Republicans Bring Socialism To America
  236. John McCain’s Friend Joe Stabs Him in the Back
  237. My Kind of Town, Chicago Is
  238. TONA 2009 (Transparency of Loyalty in Government petition)
  239. Emanuel spoke with Blago “on multiple occasions” about Senate seat
  240. Case Confirms Rezko Is Talking With Prosecutors
  241. Judas Iscariot, Benedict Arnold and Mitch McConnell
  242. Gov. Granholm: voting against Auto bailout is "Un-American"
  243. The Real Obama
  244. IL AG to IL Supreme Court, Remove Blago
  245. Money Gets You Time With Obama
  246. Michelle Obama Is The “Specifically Named Individual” On Page 64 of The Affidavit Sub
  247. Barack Obama: The first Jewish president?
  248. Our presidency, our Supreme Court & the anchor baby myth
  249. Pelosi sees bigger, greener stimulus
  250. Do Auto Workers Really Make More Than $70 Per Hour?