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  1. Speaking of Greek References, A Better Analogy
  2. Military Ballots Tossed In Fairfax, VA
  3. A New Welfare State
  4. Michael Moore: 'Obama vs. Ignorance'
  5. Commie news video-Palin wrong about Obama's experience says CNN
  6. Frank Calls for Major Defense Cuts, 'Eventual' Tax Hike
  7. McCain voted with Bush
  8. 1995 Obama Race Baiting Video Discovered
  9. McCain Volunteer Changes Attack Story
  10. IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll. 10/23/2008 - Obama By 1 Point
  11. A 'Spread the Wealth' Plan for your 401k?
  12. Why Conservatives Have Finally Lost Their Sense Of Solidarity And Purpose
  13. how do you grow an economy and create jobs....
  14. Obama running ads in Texas
  15. Obama is responsible
  16. GOP Incumbents Suddenly In Danger
  17. Bachmann Runs Apology Ad
  18. gotta see video-OBAMA, NO MERCI BEAUCOUP
  19. Voting Strategy for Conservatives and Republicans
  20. Palin Calls Bush A Major Obstacle For Campaign
  21. With The "Presumed" New Government, Perhaps This Will Pass
  22. This Young Man Is Sharp!
  23. Important announcement from the Presidential election commitee
  24. Biden Gets Upset During Interview
  25. Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber
  26. MSNBC/AP "Hockey Player Injury Palin's Fault
  27. Palin stylist earns more than policy adviser
  28. The real McCain -- unfit for command
  29. Democrats headed toward big gains in House, Senate
  30. Impact Of Obama's Tax Hikes On Employment and Business
  31. What Was It Biden Was 'Warning About"?
  32. Obama is no friend of wage earners. Tell me if I`m wrong, and why!
  33. Everyone Will Decide
  34. Obama Belonged To Socialist Party
  35. Obama campaign charging media Election Night fees
  36. 13 Obama Staffers Committed Voter Fraud in Ohio!
  37. Open Letter to Nation's Sportsmen Regarding Obama's
  38. Bush Orders DOJ to Investigate Ohio Voter Registrations
  39. MSM Holds Video Of Barack Obama Attending Jew-Bash & Toasting a Former PLO Operative
  40. GOP 'Goner' List Warns Of House Rout
  41. Alaska's Biggest Paper Endorses...Obama
  42. Obama's National Anthem
  43. How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3 Trillion?
  44. Messiah-deficit disorder
  45. Guess What An Obama Halloween Costume Is? Yep, RACIST!
  46. Judge dismisses Obama birth certificate lawsuit
  47. Asking To Be Tested
  48. A Personal Reason To Vote McCain
  49. VIDEO-Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered
  50. A Personal Reason To Vote Obama
  51. White people shouldn't be allowed to vote
  52. What A Third World Marxist Mentality
  53. A tale of two political rallies
  54. New York Magazine Cover Crowns Obama Before The Election
  55. Obama Audio – “Constitution Reflects Fundamental Flaw In This Country”
  56. Employee Free Choice Act
  57. Exclusive: Former FBI In Charge of Operations – FBI 'Would Not Have Hired' Someone wi
  58. Palin, Dobson make a good couple
  59. Obama found Harvard Law Professors to be racists
  60. Ted Stevens Found Guilty
  61. Unconventional Omens - Of Coffee Cups, Baseball Bats and Sponge Bob's Brats
  62. ATF Stops Obama Assassination Attempt
  63. Osama Birth Certificate sealed
  64. Biden bans ANOTHER local station for tough questions -VIDEO
  65. Sound Like Anyone On The Board?
  67. Like Father, Like Son
  68. IBD/TIPP Polls-not looking good for the little Marxist
  69. Obama Camp Lashes Out at FOX News Over Coverage of 2001 Radio Interview
  70. Redistributor-in-Chief
  71. Biden Upset With ANOTHER Interview
  72. Obama's Stealth Reparations
  73. How Much Will Gasoline Prices Increase If Obama Is Elected
  74. good ad by McCain
  75. Obama Would Toss Limbaugh, Hannity From Radio
  76. Dolphins Owner Wants to Sell Team Before Obama Takes Office
  77. video-Tito The Builder: McCain-Palin All The Way!
  78. Megyn Kelly, Obama spokesman go nuclear over Fox News and the redistribution tape
  79. Joe Biden Will Tax Those Making More Than $150K Now
  80. The Obama/Pelosi Early Agenda
  81. Judge rules Ohio voters may list park benches as addresses
  82. John McCain: Killer?
  83. FOX News to Broadcast API/Michelle Obama Tapes
  84. Tape of Obama Praising Controversial Activist
  85. video-Obama Speaks Of Rev. Wright In This 1995 Interview
  86. Toledo police clerk charged in Joe The Plumber snooping case
  87. Electoral vote calculator
  88. why are the polls closing in favour of mccain
  89. Obama to Worshipers - Forget Work and School on Election Day
  90. Experts affirm: Ayers' wrote Obama's memoir
  91. Obama’s ‘Redistributive Change’ and the Death of Freedom
  92. Indiana Secretary of State requests investigation of ACORN over voter fraud
  93. Murtha: No "GD" Way I'll lose to a "Carpetbagger"
  94. It's just so sad
  95. Obama: Promises You Can't Trust
  96. Q: why was the bra invented????
  97. California's Proposition 4
  98. RED ALERT Tip: Two quotes from the Obama-Khalidi videotape
  99. Top (Bottom?) five Obamedia moments of 2008
  100. video-Marcy Kaptur welcoming remarks-second bill of rights.
  101. Palin Noosed-OK, Obama Noosed-Not OK
  102. Dealing Dollars
  103. Obama's 30 minute ginsu commercials and the fairness doctrine
  104. LA Times had no problems releasing Arnold Smear
  105. Palestinians Call America for Obama...
  106. Ayers' Weathermen planned "re-education", genocide
  107. Running on fear...
  108. Obama Speechwriter chooses McCain
  109. What will Obama do for you?
  110. The young will pay for a President Osama
  111. Tax Breaks for 95% of Working Americans
  112. Obama Believes in "Spreading the Wealth..."
  113. Picture of Obama
  114. Pride Goeth Before The Fall - Republican Hubris and Barack Obama
  115. Sarkozy Finds Obama's Iran Policy ‘Arrogant,’ ‘Utterly Immature’
  116. Obama/Biden - The Number Keeps Changing
  117. CBS - Obama Can't Keep His Promises
  118. A President Who Won't Uphold the Constitution? Never.
  119. Sen Lieberman May be The Wild Card
  120. McCain Trusted More on Taxes and Economy
  121. Osama's Aunt found living in poverty
  122. Obama - "Reverend Wright, He Is A wonderful Man!"
  123. If Obama Wins Stop Tipping
  124. Obama and Socialism: a MUST read
  125. Obama and the Politics of Crowds
  126. Interesting description of a Democrat campaign
  127. Osamabama is a Gay Blade
  128. I Voted For McCain/Palin
  129. McCain calls for Stevens to resign
  130. Interesting anti-Obama ad
  131. Ohio voter fraud almost complete
  132. Confession Of An Obama Blogger
  133. Should Some People Not Vote?
  134. How to make sure there's no fraud with your vote
  135. Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
  136. Palin already looking to 2012
  137. Video: Obama's Palestinian Ties
  138. McCain's connection to Ayers
  139. I voted Libertarian today!
  140. US and Israel or Not?
  141. The market is afraid of Obama’s New, New Deal.
  142. Is Murtha Worried?
  143. AQ backs Lord Obama - Anyone Shocked?
  144. Woman: Barack Obama Will Pay My Mortgage and Fill My Gas Tank
  145. Is Obama’s tax plan is a fraud being perpetrated on working middle class?
  146. Dallas reporter tossed from Obama campaign plane
  147. Three Major Newspapers Endorse McCain
  148. Tito the Builder vs. Colmes
  149. Slogan I just heard...
  150. Obama supporter hails the bringer of all good things
  151. Plundering the Plumber’s Records
  152. Shocking, but funny!
  153. Obama's New Attack on Those Who Don't Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness’
  154. 250K! 200K! 150K! 120K!! Do I hear 50K?!
  155. erica jong predicts civil war
  156. vice president
  157. Those who forget history...
  158. Obama has beaten McCain
  159. Predict the final electoral vote tally
  160. A Very Sharp Young Man
  161. Obama Says He Didn't Know Aunt's Illegal Status
  162. Remember This?
  163. Seattle-area Newpaper Publishes Photos and Addresses of Republicans
  164. Newt Kicks Reporter's Ass
  165. Who will win?
  166. Dave To Barack: We're Going To Have A Problem
  167. Osawatomie: the Weather Underground newspaper
  168. Fred Thompson On American Principles
  169. obama's hitleresque security detail....
  170. 1 More B4 11-4
  171. Update: Little Evidence of Surge in Youth Vote
  172. The Chicago Angle: Pure Selfishness
  173. Early Voting
  174. The 2-D Candidate Would Be a 3-D President
  175. EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO-- Obama Promises to Bankrupt Coal Industry!!
  176. Third parties unlikely to spoil presidential race
  177. Did Barack buy a second half-hour?
  178. Religious left rallies for Democrats
  179. Starbucks Free Coffee If You Vote
  180. obama to bankrupt coal industry
  181. obama's supporters
  182. campaigining at the voting line
  183. twas the night before socialisim
  184. Obama: We must have a civilian security force "as strong as the military"...
  185. Fear Grips Obama Campaign worker
  186. Final Presidential Estimate: Obama 55%, McCain 44%
  187. Jim Crow Survivor Casts First Vote —- For Democrat
  188. Republicans Scrambling To Save Seats In Congress
  189. Cheney Stars In New Obama Campaign Ad
  190. It Would Be Ironic
  191. Poor Barack Always Taken Out of Context
  192. Biggest issue(s) in this year's election?
  193. Honey, Are You Feeling "Mavericky"?
  194. BIG BROTHER Obama's wants Government "Price Signals" "Change Your Behavior"
  195. Marine vet at Russell rally: Murtha a 'fat little bastard'
  196. Did Obama Flip McCain Off?
  197. If McCain wins despite polls, whom will the Democrats blame?
  198. Stick a fork in McCain...
  199. Called from an Obama campaign office.
  200. Obama's grandmother has died
  201. McCain = Wasted Vote
  202. Report clears Palin in Troopergate probe
  203. McCain - With Honor He Fought, By Honor He Is Undone
  204. Jim Moran - "simplistic notion" you keep your money
  205. shocker...hillary cheating
  206. Republican poll monitors thrown out of Philly polls by Dem judge
  207. A harvard trial lawyer for john mccain
  208. Charles Rangel Rallies for Obama
  209. black panthers with nightsticks....
  210. Did the voting thing
  211. Chucky Compares Talk Radio to Pornography
  212. If Obama Wins, What Will You Miss About America?
  213. Here we go again: broken Machines/shortages
  214. In and out in 12 minutes
  215. Who did you vote for?
  216. FBI asked questions on Rezko land deal
  217. Standing On The Cusp of History
  218. Election Night Coverage
  219. A cool day either way
  220. Barring A Miracle, Seems to be Over
  221. As If It Matters
  222. looks like an obamanation
  223. So, Obamanation...
  224. Ok, I Don't Have to Worry About Gasoline or Mortgage Anymore
  225. Massachusetts voters ease marijuana laws, don't repeal income tax
  226. this is an amazing day
  227. Did you vote a straight party ticket?
  228. 44th president
  229. "Sheriff Joe" wins again
  230. the battle for 2012 begins!
  231. Where did McCain go wrong?
  232. obama's acceptance speech...
  233. same sex marriage in california
  234. Congratulations to President Elect Obama
  235. The last sign of whether the apocolypse is coming soon
  236. Gird your loins, conservatives
  237. So what's the plan
  238. Ronald Reagan - A Time for Choosing
  239. The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace
  240. President Obama
  241. Wall St and Main St must rise together
  242. Highlights Of OCA's Election Day
  243. video-Obama's Soviets
  244. Why it happened
  245. Republicans stopped being conservative, and paid the price
  246. San Fran Prop R to name sewage plant after GWB, loses 69-31
  247. Trying to stay positive, but finding it difficult.
  248. rom emanuelle
  249. Oh dear...
  250. What if Berg now proves in the USSC that Obama was born in Kenya?