View Full Version : Humor
Pages :
- Anti-terrorist suggestion !
- This Will Make You Laugh
- Ah Yes
- Britain's answer to 'The Onion' ...
- GOP Debate Cold Open
- Funny Ukrainians
- Funny Twitter
- For all of the men, and the ladies...WE NEED TO LAUGH MORE....
- Human Tacos
- I Think My Dogs A Democrat
- Can't. Stop. Laughing
- not sure what this has to do with managing finances but...
- How can you tell when your girlfriend is getting too fat?
- This will get the leftist stirred up...he he he
- Zombies!
- Trump or Clinton?
- how a white guy says 'nigga' to a black man
- Did you hear about the 2 bald guys?
- so you had a bad day
- Proposed Border WALL diaagram
- How To Silence The Internet!
- Raviolis
- Everyone needs to listen, and watch as Gabby tells us her thoughts!
- Are you a Southerner or a redneck?
- Life's Little Mysteries
- US Navy Gets in on the Ground Floor
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain
- Bill and Hillary
- Lolol!!! I can relate to the guy in this video....
- Lmao!
- Comedy Central goes to a Trump Rally
- As FBI Director...
- Bert the Conqueror; Bert the Machine
- Unaired episode of "The Apprentice" with Don and Barry.
- Funny Dem, Lib, Soc, Commie, Denials...eating crow.
- These are hilarious!
- Revenge is sweet (and really funny!)
- Snowflakes
- Hitler Reacts To Hillary's Defeat
- This one is for GABBY...
- Liberal heads exploding
- The Oppression of Christian America
- Dads Texting
- Russians are joking
- Restrictions in Russia.
- Does anyone have 4 minutes to watch Rep. Hank Johnson perform?
- Bout time for some REAL, HONEST Laughter...Enjoy...
- In case some of you missed it...
- Disagree with Obama = you're racist
- And we thought Nancy Pelosi had a bad BOTOX Day???
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (2)
- We all need to have a few minutes of LAUGHTER. This is outrageous..Enjoy
- Politically Incorrect Humor
- Greatest Sign Ever
- Got my hands on the CNN Journalist training manual for FAKE NEWS..enjoy!
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (3)
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (4)
- Posting For Ricky Tavi
- Three strange bedfellows screaming "Monster! Monster!"
- Is it game over?
- "I’m having my period, wanna take a rest."
- Going it alone or taking joint efforts?
- The real target
- Spoiler alert...
- Something every woman will appreciate from Betty White
- Nation Rallies Around Ronald McDonald Statue That Embodies Country's True Heritage
- Trump Vows To Leave A Better Afghanistan For Nation’s Grandchildren To Fight In
- ACLU admits to ‘white supremacy’ after tweeting photo of white baby with U.S. flag
- New Clinton Memoir: ‘We All Made Mistakes But You Made Most Of Them’
- Here's a joke I found from a friend, while Obama was pretending to be President
- Dialogue and negotiations are the only way out
- It would be my honor
- These 4 guys are what's wrong with America
- Just came up with a new Definition of L, G, B, T, Q people.
- A joke my wife found on Facebook.... Enjoy.
- Goal to establish the equilibrium of real force
- What does a woman with no legs and a snail have in common?
- Let's ask Comey to testify again??
- Illustration captures why I got divorced
- Nfl will cut one team...
- Church Ladies With typewriters are at it again!
- You CAN'T Make this Up
- Pocahontas getting sued by Tonto for Imitating his Mother, and free trip to Harvard.
- North Korea trolls Moore on Twitter
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (9)
- Warning: Mad cow disease....look out!
- A GOOD REASON TO SMILE BEFORE CHRISTMAS ARRIVES...Reminders for Liberals everywhere
- Why you shouldn't be vague about gifts
- Best new funnies photo of 2017...Check out the GIRLY-MAN with the Pink Vagina Hat...
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (10)
- Here's a real.....eagles fan.... Enjoy
- You want to laugh? You are welcome! Germans accising Russia.
- not have anything in your mouth, or hand....
- No wonder????
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (9a)
- We all need some real laughs here....WATCH IT ALL.
- Found this today.
- 25 things i've said duiring sex OR teaching my kid to drive
- Oh...there she favorite ...socialist... little Liberal ...found her...!
- Political Satire: The Old Man of the Mountain (11)
- Just for kitty
- Chappaquiddick Redux
- Alex Jones Crying
- How to trigger Europeans.
- Meanwhile, in Canada...
- I heard there is a Holiday coming up...What does it really mean???
- My culture is NOT your prom dress!
- A Marine Confessional
- Barack and Michelle Obama to make TV and films for Netflix
- The Ballad of Tyrone
- 18 Wheel Justice
- HAH! New Documentary Shows Moment Far Left Hack Ben Rhodes Finds Out Hillary Got Shel
- Say What?
- Not Sure if This is Humor, But I Had a Good Laugh
- How do YOU burn 2,000 calories
- I Found High Plains Drifter on TV :)
- Good Compilation: This Week In Pictures
- Another Edition of This Week in Pictures
- This Weeks Funnies
- This is what all of the Millennial, Snowflakes like petey will vote for in November..
- Another Edition of This Week in Pictures
- An Old video on CNN of Donald Trump...DROPS THE MIKE, then Caution..foul words.
- This Weeks Funnies
- Solved! Christine Ford's Real Identity
- Civil War is Upon Us
- Oh my
- Some funny stuff floating around the interwebs this morning...
- For all Maxipad Waters fans....California Loves Her...
- 1/1024
- Gunny Halloween Dummy Sh*t
- Breaking! Acosta arrives back at Whitehouse.
- The problem in America - white men
- "Badass" looking Trump w/ Haircut
- For those who either HATE the "VIEW" or get inspiration from Behar, and Whoopie
- A Millennial Job Interview
- "Buy a double barrel shotgun!......."
- Opinion Rhapsody
- Hiring a Social Justice Warrior
- Liberal Prepper
- Hillary For 2020? Here's Her New Campaign Manager...
- My word is law!
- I'm Sick of Michelle Obama
- The HodgeTwins, Their Rant About Ocasio Cortez, Gut Busting Funny...
- A Wisconsin Poem
- Do You Have Offended Dysfunction Disorder?
- Amazing Diversity Of Animal Life On Planet Earth
- Beautiful Documentary About The Life of President Trump in Washington...
- Yup, that's about right!
- Wonder how Ken looks?
- Catching Mexicans
- The Piano Man Was Clairvoyant
- My sense of humor...
- Lolol
- Funny stuff....and probably true!
- Pictures of AOC
- THE DAY COLLUSION DIED - Parody of American Pie
- This is how Democrats react to TRUTH, and HONESTY
- Satire Warning
- I read the news today...OH BOY!
- This Week's Funnies
- The Horror!
- Here's a good one that should tighten the shorts of every Liberal Hate Monger.
- Something Nearly All of Us Can Agree With
- We can all use a LAUGH....How about Bob Hope?
- Sophy Ridge part-interview w\Boris Johnson ...
- Uncle Joe Biden says the darnedest things.
- A little seasonal humor
- Some days...
- lol
- Also true
- A meme, but the truth nonetheless
- Haha
- An embarrassing mistake in translation (??) ...
- British TV Ads - American actors
- Greta Thunberg Goes Death Metal...
- This Would Be Funny If It Wasn't So Close To The Truth...
- Tundra Comics
- Trump Installs Ejection Seats Throughout Press Briefing Room
- British joke ... does it work here ?
- Posting funnies
- Ltg thread
- Especially for Jim
- For Abbey and other trekkies.
- Aww
- Well, hello there big boy
- Better at it than humans
- Happened to catch a nice older lady at a wedding telling this funny story.
- Hilarious song - by my twin
- Haha
- A funny to cheer us up
- We all need some laughs...Give it a try...STARBUCKS style.
- American History Review in class
- Just found out some news from Michelle Obama's secret Liars Book
- Lol, it does make sense...
- For ONCE, and probably the ONLY TIME....
- Conservative Twins on ACB being a racist
- Let’s laugh. Tired of sadness
- Name that meat
- June 15th or November 7th garage sale?
- Hitler finds out that Trump has lost the election (parody video)
- Hmm never thought of this
- Think different (with a disclaimer)
- 2021 Humor
- 2020 Humor
- 7UP ad - What's he doing with his left hand?
- Which Alligator Would You Like to Turn Into After Your COVID vaccine?
- For the Electricians in the Crowd
- Joe Biden Signing His Executive Orders
- Bidan cabinet PSA
- This is Gross...but some like it...
- Another one for the Electricians in this crowd
- Not for liberals
- Dr. Seuss
- It actually is
- Robot Bartender
- Blonde woman tries to fill up a Tesla Model S with gas
- Got to get my booster shots
- Finally...Joe was caught saying what Nobody was supposed to hear....
- AOC is really mad now. Even the JOLLY GREEN GIANT hates her..
- True this!
- Public Service Announcement from TX Dept of Public Safety
- I found Steve Inman videos
- Go Cali
- Homeschooling with Grandpa
- Special Playlist for Biden
- Time for a few laughs from a School Board Meeting in Virginia
- Hey, why not?
- Oh snap
- Just got this from my Son...Have a laugh for a change.
- Halloween Humor
- What’s for dinner?
- Sunbathing your butthole
- Latest in Home Security
- This is funny
- Let's decorate for Halloween!!
- The "M" Word
- This (Some) You will Understand
- You Can't Make This Sh*t Up
- Getting ready for the Holidays
- Santa has been reading your posts, and ...
- Contains no nuts!
- I heard that a bow legged man...
- My tummy at least
- You will just have to live with it
- expensive
- What really happened to Facebook
- They found the responsible party
- Rally behavior
- 17 Things With A Higher Approval Rating Than Joe Biden
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